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1 Splash Screen

2 Section 1: The French Revolution Begins
Chapter Introduction Section 1: The French Revolution Begins Section 2: Radical Revolution and Reaction Section 3: The Age of Napoleon Visual Summary Chapter Menu

3 What makes a nation? The Arc de Triomphe is one of the national symbols of France. It was commissioned by Napoleon in 1806 to commemorate his Grand Army. Can you name some other national symbols of France? In this chapter you will learn how France became a nation. What are some national symbols of the United States? What are the characteristics of a nation? What is nationalism? Chapter Intro

4 Chapter Intro 1

5 Chapter Intro 1

6 The French Revolution Begins
What was the French system of government before the French Revolution? Chapter Intro 1

7 Radical Revolution and Reaction
What internal conflicts in France affected the progress of the French Revolution? Chapter Intro 2

8 The Age of Napoleon Why was Napoleon able to take control of France and become its emperor? Chapter Intro 3

9 Chapter Preview-End

10 The BIG Idea Struggle for Rights Social inequality and economic problems contributed to the French Revolution. Section 1-Main Idea

11 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary estate taille bourgeoisie
sans-culottes Academic Vocabulary consumer exclusion Section 1-Key Terms

12 People and Events Louis XVI Tennis Court Oath
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen Olympe de Gouges Section 1-Key Terms

13 Section 1-Polling Question
Should all people pay taxes regardless of their income level? A. Yes B. No A B Section 1-Polling Question

14 Background to the Revolution
The Third Estate, that vast majority of the French people, was heavily taxed and discontented. Section 1

15 Background to the Revolution (cont.)
French society was divided legally into three status groups or estates. First Estate: clergy Second Estate: nobility Third Estate: everyone else, from peasants to wealthy merchants The Three Estates in Pre-Revolutionary France Section 1

16 Background to the Revolution (cont.)
The First and Second Estates controlled most of the wealth but were exempt from paying the taille, or tax. The Third Estate had to pay taxes to the government. In addition, peasants owed duties to the nobles, such as harvesting their crops. The Three Estates in Pre-Revolutionary France Section 1

17 Background to the Revolution (cont.)
The bourgeoisie, or middle class, was unhappy not to have the same privileges granted to the nobility. The immediate cause of the revolution was a near collapse of the French economy. Section 1

18 Background to the Revolution (cont.)
Causes of the financial crisis: bad harvests slowdown in manufacturing food shortages rising prices of food unemployment Section 1

19 Background to the Revolution (cont.)
Louis XVI and his ministers continued to spend enormous sums of money on wars and court luxuries. When the government invested large sums of money to support the American colonists against the British, the budget went into total crisis. France needed to increase taxes. Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General to discuss the tax increase. Section 1

20 Who was included in the First Estate? A. Peasants and merchants
B. Nobility C. Clergy D. Royalty A B C D Section 1

21 From Estates-General to National Assembly
The Third Estate claimed the right to have its votes count as much as those of the First and Second Estates. Section 1

22 From Estates-General to National Assembly (cont.)
The Estates-General met to discuss the needed tax increase on May 5, 1789. The Third Estate wanted the clergy and nobility to pay taxes too. Under the current system, each estate had one vote, so the Third Estate could easily be outvoted by the First and Second Estates. Section 1

23 From Estates-General to National Assembly (cont.)
The Third Estate wanted each deputy to have a vote to give themselves more power, but the king favored the current system. Challenging the king’s authority, the Third Estate declared that it was the National Assembly and would draft a new constitution. Section 1

24 From Estates-General to National Assembly (cont.)
When the National Assembly was locked out of Versailles and had to meet in an indoor tennis court, they swore that they would continue meeting until they had a constitution. This oath is known as the Tennis Court Oath. Louis XVI prepared to use force against the Third Estate, but on July 14, 1798, Parisians stormed the Bastille. France Section 1

25 From Estates-General to National Assembly (cont.)
Fearing that foreign armies would stop the work of the National Assembly, peasant rebellions sprang up around the country. Section 1

26 Why did peasants attack the Bastille? A. To get ammunitions
B. To release the prisoners C. To kidnap the king D. To get food A B C D Section 1

27 End of the Old Regime The National Assembly affirmed the “rights of man” and set up a limited monarchy in the Constitution of 1791. Section 1

28 End of the Old Regime (cont.)
The National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. All men were free and equal before the law. Appointment to public office should be based on talent. No group should be exempt from taxation. Freedom of speech and press were affirmed. Section 1

29 End of the Old Regime (cont.)
Olympe de Gouges refused to accept the exclusion of women from the declaration and wrote about it. The king did not support the National Assembly’s decrees but was forced by a mob of Parisian women to accept the decrees and return to Paris. Section 1

30 End of the Old Regime (cont.)
The National Assembly tried to reform the Catholic Church. Church lands were sold off. The Church was brought under the control of the state. Church officials would be elected by the people, not appointed by the pope. The state would pay the salaries of bishops and priests. Section 1

31 End of the Old Regime (cont.)
The new Constitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy. There would still be a king, but a Legislative Assembly would make laws. Europeans feared that revolution would spread to other countries, and the rulers of Austria and Prussia wanted to restore Louis XVI to full power. The Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria in 1792. Section 1

32 End of the Old Regime (cont.)
With food shortages and the war going badly, angry citizens wanted more radical changes. They formed the Paris Commune and organized a mob attack to take the king captive. Members of the Paris Commune began calling themselves sans-culottes and wore long trousers to identify themselves as ordinary patriots. Section 1

33 Why did the Catholic Church not support the French Revolution?
A. The Church liked the tradition of the monarchy. B. King Louis XVI was related to the pope. C. The French army provided soldiers to protect the Church. D. The French government took control of the Catholic Church in France. A B C D Section 1

34 Section 1-End

35 The BIG Idea Struggle for Rights Radical groups controlled the revolution, which many people in France and abroad opposed. Section 2-Main Idea

36 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary faction elector coup d’état
domestic external Section 2-Key Terms

37 People and Events Georges Danton Jean-Paul Marat Jacobins
Committee of Public Safety Maximilien Robespierre Reign of Terror Directory Section 2-Key Terms

38 Section 2-Polling Question
A revolution in one country will lead to revolutions in other countries. A. Agree B. Disagree A B Section 2-Polling Question

39 The Move to Radicalism When the new government was faced with many internal crises and external threats, it broke into factions. Section 2

40 The Move to Radicalism (cont.)
In 1792, Georges Danton rallied the sans-culottes to attack the palace. The royal family sought protection from the Legislative Assembly. Violence in the streets increased and an uprising in September left thousands dead. Jean-Paul Marat published a radical journal defending the massacres. Section 2

41 The Move to Radicalism (cont.)
In September of 1792, the newly elected National Convention met and decided to end the monarchy and establish the French Republic. Political factions, such as the Girondins and the Jacobins, had different opinions about the fate of Louis XVI. In 1793, the Jacobins convinced the National Convention to execute King Louis XVI. Section 2

42 The Move to Radicalism (cont.)
On January 21, 1793, the king was beheaded on the guillotine. Neither the Girondins nor Jacobins could agree on a new constitution. A coalition of European powers attacked French armies, and the revolution was in jeopardy. Section 2

43 The Move to Radicalism (cont.)
In 1793, the National Convention gave the Committee of Public Safety broad powers, and the radical Jacobin Maximilien Robespierre came to power. Section 2

44 Which group feared the radicals and wanted to keep the king alive?
A. Girondins B. Jacobins C. the Mountain D. Sans-culottes A B C D Section 2

45 The Reign of Terror While the Committee of Public Safety was in power, thousands were executed. Section 2

46 The Reign of Terror (cont.)
To defend France from domestic threats, the Committee of Public Safety adopted policies known as the Reign of Terror. During the Reign of Terror, almost 40,000 people of all classes were executed. Revolutionary courts prosecuted people accused of being counter revolutionaries and traitors. The Reign of Terror Section 2

47 The Reign of Terror (cont.)
The Committee of Public Safety also attempted to reform French society by: mandating education, abolishing slavery, controlling prices. The Reign of Terror Section 2

48 The Reign of Terror (cont.)
The Committee also attempted to de-Christianize France. The word “saint” was removed from street signs. In Paris, the cathedral of Notre Dame, the center of the Catholic religion in France, was designated a “temple of reason.” The Reign of Terror Section 2

49 The Reign of Terror (cont.)
A new calendar renumbered years from the first day of the French Republic, not from the birth of Christ. Sundays, Sunday worship services, and church holidays were eliminated. Most people did not accept these regulations, and France remained overwhelmingly Catholic. The Reign of Terror Section 2

50 A B C D Which was not an effect of the Republic of Virtue?
A. The title “citizen” replaced “mister.” B. Slavery was abolished in French colonies. C. Women wore long dresses. D. Women were allowed to participate in the military. A B C D Section 2

51 A Nation in Arms A huge revolutionary army defended France against invasion. Section 2

52 A Nation in Arms (cont.) To save the republic from foreign troops, the Committee of Public Safety raised an army of over 1 million soldiers. By 1794, the French had defeated their foreign enemies, and there was less need for the Reign of Terror. However, Robespierre continued to arrest and execute enemies of the revolution. Section 2

53 A Nation in Arms (cont.) In July of 1794, the National Convention voted to have Robespierre executed. Robespierre’s death weakened the Jacobins, and the Reign of Terror ended. Percentages of Victims of the Terror by Class Section 2

54 Why was the French army called the “people’s army”?
A. The army drafted citizens. B. There were no officers, only soldiers. C. It was an army of the French people, not the French king. D. The soldiers had to take commands from the people. A B C D Section 2

55 The Directory The Constitution of 1795 set up a new government, but it was unable to inspire trust or solve economic problems. Section 2

56 The Directory (cont.) After the Reign of Terror, the Committee of Public Safety was weakened and churches were allowed to reopen. The new government had two legislative houses. A lower house, the Council of 500, drafted laws. An upper house of 250, the Council of Elders, accepted or rejected proposed laws. Section 2

57 The Directory (cont.) Members of both houses were chosen by electors, men who owned or rented property of a certain amount. The executive branch was made up of a five-man committee known as the Directory. The new government proved ineffective. In 1799, the popular and successful military commander Napoleon Bonaparte toppled the government in a coup d’état. Section 2

58 Who was eligible to be an elector? A. Any male citizen
B. Any French citizen C. A male citizen who owned or rented property of a certain amount D. A military or government official A B C D Section 2

59 Section 2-End

60 The BIG Idea Self-Determination As Napoleon built his empire across Europe, he also spread the revolutionary idea of nationalism. Section 3-Main Idea

61 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary consulate nationalism capable
liberal Section 3-Key Terms

62 People and Events Napoleon Bonaparte Civil Code
Anne-Louise-Germaine de Staël Duke of Wellington Section 3-Key Terms

63 Section 3-Polling Question
A dictator can be a good leader for the people of a republic. A. Agree B. Disagree A B Section 3-Polling Question

64 The Rise of Napoleon Napoleon, a popular general, overthrew the Directory, set up a new government, and eventually took complete power. Section 3

65 The Rise of Napoleon (cont.)
Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica and came from minor nobility. He went to military school, read philosophy, and studied military campaigns. In 1796, Napoleon led the French army to victories in Italy. His tactics of speed, surprise, and decisiveness earned him the devotion of his troops, and he returned to France as a hero. Section 3

66 The Rise of Napoleon (cont.)
In 1799, Napoleon took part in the coup d´état that overthrew the Directory and set up a new government, the consulate. The consulate was called a republic, but Napoleon had absolute power to appoint officials, control the army, and conduct foreign affairs. In 1802, Napoleon was made consul for life, and in 1804, he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I. Section 3

67 What did Napoleon do when the British defeated the French naval forces in Egypt?
A. He took command of the French naval forces. B. He abandoned his army and returned to Paris. C. He surrendered to the British. D. He defeated the British and conquered Egypt. A B C D Section 3

68 Napoleon’s Domestic Policies
Napoleon brought stability to France and established a single law code that recognized the equality of all citizens before the law. Section 3

69 Napoleon’s Domestic Policies (cont.)
Peace with the Church Napoleon made peace with the Catholic Church by recognizing Catholicism as the religion of a majority of the French people in exchange for not returning confiscated Church lands. Section 3

70 Napoleon’s Domestic Policies (cont.)
Codification of the Laws Napoleon created a single law code for the entire nation. The Civil Code preserved many of the principles the revolutionaries had fought for. The Civil Code was a step back for women, who were now “less equal than men.” Section 3

71 Napoleon’s Domestic Policies (cont.)
A New Bureaucracy Government officials and military officers were promoted on the basis of merit and ability, not birth. A new nobility was created based on civil and military service. Section 3

72 Napoleon’s Domestic Policies (cont.)
Napoleon remained true to the revolutionary ideals by emphasizing equality in his legal and government reforms. Napoleon also destroyed some revolutionary ideals by replacing liberty with despotism. Despite protests by citizens, such as the prominent writer Anne-Louise-Germaine de Staël, Napoleon banned books, shut down newspapers, insisted all manuscripts be subject to government scrutiny, and had mail opened by police. Section 3

73 Which principle was not included in the Civil Code?
A. All citizens were equal before the law. B. Individuals could choose a profession. C. Married women could inherit property. D. Serfdom and feudal obligations were abolished. A B C D Section 3

74 Napoleon’s Empire As Napoleon conquered Europe, he spread nationalist ideas. Inspired by those ideas, conquered peoples resisted Napoleon’s armies and helped bring about the collapse of his empire. Section 3

75 Napoleon’s Empire (cont.)
Napoleon was the military master of Europe. He defeated Austria, Prussia, and Russia in battles from 1805 to 1807. By 1812, his empire included the French Empire, Spain, Holland, Italy, the Swiss Republic, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, and a confederation of German states. Napoleonic Europe, 1799–1812 Section 3

76 Napoleon’s Empire (cont.)
In the conquered regions of Europe, Napoleon attempted to spread the liberal ideals of the French Revolution, such as religious toleration and social equality. Napoleonic Europe, 1799–1812 Section 3

77 Napoleon’s Empire (cont.)
Napoleon’s empire collapsed for two reasons: British Resistance Napoleon was never able to defeat Britain due to their superior naval power. Napoleon tried to weaken the British economically with the Continental System, but allied states resented being told by Napoleon that they could not trade with the British. Section 3

78 Napoleon’s Empire (cont.)
Nationalism Conquered peoples recognized the power and strength of national feeling exemplified by the Grand Army of France. Conquered peoples became united in their hatred of the invaders. Section 3

79 Why was Napoleon unable to conquer the British?
A. Britain had a strong army. B. Britain had a strong navy. C. The French were fighting too many wars in Europe. D. Britain had stronger allies. A B C D Section 3

80 The Fall of Napoleon After major losses in Russia and Austria, Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo. Section 3

81 The Fall of Napoleon (cont.)
Russia refused to comply with the Continental System, and Napoleon was forced to invade. The Russians avoided fighting the French army. As they retreated, they burned their own villages to keep Napoleon’s army from finding food. When the French reached the capital of Moscow, they found it ablaze. Lacking food and supplies, Napoleon retreated to France. Disaster in Russia Section 3

82 The Fall of Napoleon (cont.)
Thousands of soldiers starved and froze during the “Great Retreat” and fewer than 40,000 of the original 600,000 men returned. Other European countries took advantage of the opportunity and attacked France. Paris was captured in 1814, and Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba; off the coast of Italy. King Louis XVIII was put in power by the European states. Section 3

83 The Fall of Napoleon (cont.)
The new king had little support, and Napoleon regained power in Napoleon raised a new army of devoted veterans. In 1815, Napoleon’s French army was defeated by an Allied force under the command of the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo in Belgium. Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena and died in 1821. Section 3

84 Where was Napoleon’s last battle and final defeat? A. Elba B. Moscow
C. St. Helena D. Waterloo A B C D Section 3

85 Section 3-End

86 CAUSES of the French Revolution
France was ruled by absolute monarchy. A rigid social class system existed. The government was bankrupt. The Third Estate had no voice in government. Bad harvests, rising food prices, and unfair taxation caused civil unrest. The political goals of the nobility and middle class challenged the monarchy. VS 1

87 SHORT-TERM EFFECTS of the French Revolution
The end of the monarchy caused initial chaos. France was attacked by foreign countries. The beheading of royals and the Reign of Terror led to internal disorder. Napoleon seized power and became emperor of France. VS 2

88 LONG-TERM EFFECTS of the French Revolution
Napoleon’s army conquered other countries and changed many traditional political and class systems. French armies spread nationalism and Enlightenment ideals to other countries. VS 3

89 VS-End

90 Figure 1

91 Figure 3

92 Figure 4

93 Figure 5

94 Figure 6

95 Figure 7

96 Figure 8

97 Figure 9

98 Figure 10

99 Select a transparency to view.
Chapter Transparencies Menu Chapter Transparency Unit Time Line Transparency Cause-and-Effect Transparency Select a transparency to view. Chapter Trans Menu

100 Chapter Trans

101 Unit Timeline Trans

102 CnE Trans

103 DFS Trans 1

104 DFS Trans 2

105 DFS Trans 3

106 estate one of the three classes into which French society was divided before the revolution: the clergy (First Estate), the nobles (Second Estate), and the towns people (Third Estate); a landed property usually with a large house on it Vocab1

107 taille an annual direct tax, usually on land or property, that provided a regular source of income for the French monarchy Vocab2

108 bourgeoisie the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people Vocab3

109 sans-culottes “without breeches,” members of the Paris Commune who considered themselves ordinary patriots (in other words, they wore long trousers instead of fine knee-length breeches of the nobles) Vocab4

110 consumer relating to one who consumes or uses economic goods Vocab5

111 exclusion barred from inclusion or participation in Vocab6

112 faction a dissenting group Vocab7

113 elector an individual qualified to vote in an election Vocab8

114 coup d’état a sudden overthrow of the government Vocab9

115 domestic relating to or originating within one’s country Vocab10

116 external relating to dealings or relationships with foreign countries

117 consulate government established in France after the overthrow of the Directory in 1799, with Napoleon as first consul in control of the entire government Vocab12

118 nationalism the unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols Vocab13

119 capable having or showing ability Vocab14

120 liberal broad-minded; associated with ideals of the individual, especially economic freedom and greater participation in government Vocab15

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