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Miss Nelson Is Missing by Harry Allard

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1 Miss Nelson Is Missing by Harry Allard
A Program for Ms Dell’s 1st Grade Class Allison Garrett MLIS 7422

2 Program Sequence Greet the children in costume, introducing myself and explaining that I have a story with a mystery for them to solve. Tell the story Miss Nelson is Missing, showing the pictures in the book so the children might look for the clues of Miss Swamp’s identity. Act out the part of Miss Nelson with a sweet voice, and put on the witch nose and speak in a scary voice as Miss Swamp. Display the Miss Nelson/Miss Swamp puppet at the end, and invite the children to make their own!

3 Warm-Up Greet the children dressed as Miss Swamp, and ask them to participate in the story by making rude faces and pretending to be Miss Nelson’s awful class. Give the children a hint that the story will have a mystery for them to solve.

4 The Performance

5 Engage the children in the story by asking them to try and solve the mystery of Miss Swamp’s Identity



8 Craft Time

9 Materials Needed Miss Nelson/Miss Swamp puppet template
Wooden craft stick Crayons Glue Scissors

10 Instructions Children color their Miss Nelson and Miss Swamp puppet
Child may cut out his or her puppet; help those who need it Glue the two sides together, colored sides facing out, with the craft stick in between




14 Sources Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard

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