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Men’s 200M Freestyle Final – Race Analysis

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1 Men’s 200M Freestyle Final – Race Analysis
Connor Mcgillick

2 Overview My analysis will consist of:
Definition slide detailing how race metrics were calculated A recap of the race and an overview of race metrics Race breakdown: Start Analysis 1st 100m 2nd 100m Finish Analysis Analysis on GB: Scott (4th) & Guy (5th) and Haas (2nd) & Sun (1st). Full Analysis of 3rd place was not possible as the swimmer moves out of camera view. Key Points will be given in each section before overall take home messages and recommendations at the end.

3 Analysis Definitions Start time – Time taken to cover first 15m: = Reaction time + Time taken for swimmers head to hit 15m mark (Head used as reference point as swimmers stroke length varies) Velocity (m/s) – How fast was the swimmer travelling (metres per second, m/s): = Distance/Time Stroke Count – The total number of strokes in the race or per split: = Sum of strokes Stroke Rate (SR) – Number of strokes relative to time per race or split (strokes per second): = Stroke frequency/swim time DPS (Distance Per Stroke) – The distance covered per stroke in race or split: = Stroke frequency/Distance covered

4 Analysis Definitions Turn time – Time taken from head to reach 5m mark before turn and reach 5m mark after turn. Turns placed at the start of 50m splits e.g. 1st turn is in 2nd split Underwater swimming (UW) – Time underwater after start: = Time from head submersion to head emersion. For turn: = Head emersion – split time of wall touch Finish Time– time from head to enter final 15m to hand touching wall Analysis produced using: Frame by frame playback & calculations

5 Race Overview Less than 1 second between 1st and 5th place.
Position Swimmer Time Time After Winner (s) Average Velocity (m/s) Overall Race Strokes Average Num of Strokes (per split) Average DPS Average Turn Time (s) Average UW Time (s) 1 Sun 1:44.39 1.916 128 32 1.58 4.72 1.41 2 Haas 1:45.04 0.65 1.904 140 35 1.44 4.64 1.81 3 Krasnykh 1:45.23 0.84 1.901 4 Scott 1:45.27 0.88 1.900 139 34.75 1.45 4.42 2.00 5 Guy 1:45.36 0.97 1.898 137 34.25 1.47 4.66 2.22 Less than 1 second between 1st and 5th place. Haas, Scott & Guy have similar performances in overall strokes, average strokes and average DPS. Sun – Lower number of strokes throughout but higher DPS GB swimmers effective at utilising dolphin kick technique underwater at start & turns

6 Gold Medallist, Sun, emerged from water at the start and on turns sooner than Haas, Scott and Guy throughout the race and still had fewer strokes.

7 Start Analysis Swimmer Reaction Time (s) Overall Start Time(s) UW Swim Time(s) Sun 0.71 6.304 2.22 Haas 0.78 6.314 2.49 Scott 0.73 6.153 2.95 Guy 0.64 5.926 3.03 GB swimmers had successful start Guy – Joint quickest reaction time in race Longer UW swimming by Scott and Guy vs Sun & Haas resulted in higher velocity and faster 15m start times.

8 Split Times Sun - most consistent times in race. Followed by Krasnykh (3rd) Medals lost by GB/Won by other swimmers in 2nd half of race GB Swimmers raced well over the first 100m: Guy – 1st & Scott 3rd However, GB swimmers noticeably slower in 2nd 100m. 100m (s) 200m (s) Difference (s) Sun 51.1 53.29 +2.19 Haas 50.64 54.4 +3.76 Krasnykh 51.28 53.95 +2.67 Scott 51.08 54.19 +3.11 Guy 50.57 54.79 +4.22 Sun 4th-1st Haas 2nd - 2nd Krasnykh – 5th – 3rd Scott – 3rd – 4th Guy – 1st – 5th

9 1st 100m Average Stroke Rate Average DPS Average Velocity Average Turn Time Average Turn Velocity Average UW Swim Time Sun 1.15 1.70 1.958 4.66 2.15 Haas 1.26 1.57 1.978 4.27 2.34 2.01 Scott 1.25 1.960 4.43 2.26 2.23 Guy 1.59 1.980 4.51 2.22 2.37 As stated, key differences in Sun’s stroke rate and DPS to Haas, Scott & Guy Whilst Sun was slower here. A higher DPS may improve efficiency and lower fatigue Vice Versa – the higher strokes and DPS may lead to higher fatigue from higher movements & more DRAG

10 1st 100m continued Whilst performing medal winning splits in the 1st 100m. GB swimmers produced faster turn times compared to Sun. Haas turned faster than Scott & Guy, however, Scott faster average turn time and Guy 0.02 lower average than Haas

11 2nd 100m Average Stroke Rate Average DPS Average Velocity Average Turn Time Average Turn Velocity Average UW Swim Time Sun 1.29 1.45 1.88 4.75 2.11 1.12 Haas 1.40 1.32 1.84 4.82 2.07 1.62 Scott 1.38 1.34 1.85 4.41 2.27 1.76 Guy 1.35 1.36 1.83 4.74 2.06 Reinforcement of stroke rate & DPS – Sun = lower strokes, higher DPS = Higher swim velocity Sun less fatigued? Able to increase his velocity vs his opponents due to higher DPS throughout?

12 2nd 100m continued Sun, Haas & Guy increased in turn time, possibly due to fatigue Scott decreased turn time slightly and by doing so earned moved closer to a medal position.

13 Final 15m Time Stroke Rate DPS Velocity Sun 8.916 1.35 0.42 1.682 Haas
8.933 1.46 0.38 1.679 Scott 8.996 1.56 0.36 1.667 Guy 9.182 1.52 1.634 Team GB swimmers slower than 1st and 2nd place in last 15m Lower stroke rate and higher DPS again signalling higher swim velocity Relationship between final velocity and final position is shown in column chart Sun – 1st Haas - 2nd Scott – 4th Guy – 5th

14 Take Home Messages Strengths: Both GB swimmers – Effective starts (15m), Good use of UW swimming, fast 100m split (1st & 3rd), good average turn times. Weaknesses: Both GB swimmers – Pacing, endurance & consistency in full swimming element of 2nd 100m split Potential weakness: Both GB - Less efficient stroke use compared to winner (tactic/style dependent) Potential training considerations: -Maintenance & improvement of successful starts & turns, UW swimming & 1st 100m swim times. -Improved pacing, endurance & consistency in full swimming part of 2nd 100m -Attempt to reduce stroke rate and increase DPS = may reduce fatigue and help with above point.

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