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Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night!
Sharon Bohlen

2 7th Grade Adjustments
Moving from paper/pencil homework to Studying notes, handouts, on-line textbooks Even if they don’t have a worksheet, they have homework! Goal is INDEPENDENCE – but requires ACCOUNTABILITY is the best way to contact me (all info on website)

3 Reading Workshop Measured academic success is directly related to time spent reading (anything) 25-50% of vocabulary growth is from incidental learning while reading Measurable gains – Easy CBM (benchmark 75%) Writing is meaningful – “Response to Literature” evaluations and analysis of reading (“other” category in Option C).


5 Easy CBM Measurement

6 Reading Assessment Book assignments (test equivalent) Parent signature
Meeting or exceeding required pages read (5/600) Quizzes and tests (rarely) Interactive reading – RAH, response journals, etc. In-class assignments On line assessments, comprehension passages

7 English Grammar – foundation to study all languages and be proficient in English (Voyages in English) Vocabulary Workshop – 2 week cycle. ACT prep Chunk Study – 5 words per night Writing Workshop (done in class, not much goes home) Research Paper

8 Thank you for coming this evening!

9 Religion Focus: Church History and how the Holy Spirit works through the Church Christ Our Life (Loyola Press) YouCat Sacred scripture Social Justice – on-going mission of the Church Grading: Weekly Quiz, Unit Test (4), notebook grade, in class assignments, projects In Control Chastity Education – December

10 My Goal Keep them Catholic – the Mass Keep them close to Jesus
Plant seeds – end of formal faith education for many EUCHARIST and other sacraments Leadership SMILE

11 Sharing with our children
Our FAITH is personal, but NOT private

12 Thank you for coming this evening!

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