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Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design

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1 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design
Do Now •Work with a partner to classify and label your paper color as: “Warm”, “Cool”, or “Neutral” •Think about your paper color and how it makes you feel. •List those adjectives and emotions on your paper.

2 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design
Colors • Fonts • Lines

3 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design
Objectives ID Warm, Cool & Neutral Colors Understand how Colors impact meaning in GD Understand how Fonts impact meaning in GD Understand how Lines impact meaning in GD Create a GD with multiple levels of meaning using Colors, Fonts & Lines

4 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design - Color
Can you identify three warm colors? Warm colors tend to have an exciting effect, but can over-stimulate causing feelings of anger and violence when used alone. Red Orange Yellow

5 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design - Color
Can you identify three cool colors? Cool colors tend to have a calming effect, but can feel cold and impersonal when used alone. Green Blue Purple

6 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design - Color
Can you identify three neutral colors? Neutral colors are good complimentary background colors to warm and cool colors. They are also good for toning down bold colors. Black White Brown

7 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design - Color
Action Adventure Aggressive Blood Danger Drive Energy Excitement Love Passion Strength Vigor Affordable Creativity Enthusiasm Fun Jovial Lighthearted High-Spirited Youthful Caution Cheerful Cowardice Curiosity Happiness Joy Playful Positivity Sunshine Warmth

8 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design - Color
Crisp Environmental Fresh Harmony Health Healing Inexperience Money Nature Renewal Tranquility Authority Calm Confidence Dignity Established Loyalty Power Success Secure Trustworthy Ceremony Expensive Fantasy Justice Mystery Nobility Regal Royalty Sophistication Spirituality

9 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design - Color
Authority Bold Classic Conservative Distinctive Formality Mystery Secrecy Serious Tradition Cleanliness Innocence Peace Purity Refined Sterile Simplicity Surrender Truthfulness Calmness Depth Earth Natural Roughness Richness Simplicity Serious Subtle Utility Woodsy


11 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design - Color
Colors Color Usage – Typically 2-5 Select one dark color, one mid-range, and one bright color. Stick to a temperature range (warm, cool, neutral)

12 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design
Fonts & Lines

13 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design
Fonts Fonts work together with design elements, helping to convey/support the message. Limit Fonts – Typically 2 (no more than 4) First Font (Headings)– Fancy, Artistic for flair, character, personality. Second Font – Very basic font, Easily legible Ouch Band Music that Hurts Swirly Girl Party Celebrating in Style

14 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design
Lines Are they soft and wavy, or hard and sharp? Lines can be used to divide space and direct the viewers eyes. Lines direct the flow of content. Lines can be used to create emphasis on a specific area of your work. Swirly Girl Party Celebrating in Style Swirly Girl Party Celebrating in Style

15 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design
Assignment Use your Colors, Fonts and Lines to design a 6” x 2” Label for each of the following Music CDs: Brookdale Rock Band: Rockin’ the Brook (Rock) Brookdale Symphony Orchestra: BCSuite (Classical) Brook & Dale: Heartfelt (Love Ballads) Include a description of how you used color, fonts, and lines to convey meaning.

16 Levels of Meaning in Graphic Design
References Color Emotion Guide (n.d.) Retrieved May 9, 2015 from

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