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By Alec Sherwood, Billy Myers, Robin Roessner

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1 By Alec Sherwood, Billy Myers, Robin Roessner
SOPA PIPA ACTA CISPA By Alec Sherwood, Billy Myers, Robin Roessner

2 Goals Bring attention to government proposed legislation Talk about:
SOPA PIPA ACTA CISPA Database with information Videos Impact The goal and whole idea behind researching various legislations proposed throughout the United States was to inform individuals and certain groups of people who would be impacted by such laws. We want to inform people of the dangers and loss of privacy behind such legislations. Many would even argue that these are very unconstitutional and give the government much more power over the information – personal and public, that we share with people through social networking and regulatory internet usage. We want to bring attention to not only people in the class but also anybody who is interested about these and wants to be able to go somewhere and find out information about these acts. It is important to understand current laws that are being proposed to stay educated and make sure that no hidden bill is passed without our knowledge which does in fact do things such as go against personal property. We want to create a place where people can obtain all the information about not only SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, CISPA, but also the many more that will follow. Many videos are located on the site to help give clarity to what different acts propose.

3 Accomplishments Online database with information
Factual Images Interesting Facts PowerPoint Presentations Videos to add clarity Removing certain bills from legislations Basically, what we did was create an online database where people can go and look up on different legislations and dates associated with them. This included videos that added extra clarity to different bills.

4 Challenges Finding information Understanding the legislation
Impact on society Dangers in different legislations Keep internet freedom Inform the public Vote against

5 SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act Canceled January 20, 2012
SOPA has many people against it including Google, YouTube and many other big name sites because it could give the government power to shut down their websites. Its supporters and those who influence it are mostly the entertainment industry and the government. It will limit our freedom of speech but this bill was eventually terminated but it shows us who far a bill like this can go and with a few changes it may pass in a different bill like A.C.T.A.

6 PCIPA Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011
Introduced May 25, 2011 Would do almost nothing against child pornography People would purchase goods directly in other ways Monitored by a company and also the government Government would not need a warrant to look into the data of an individual

7 ACTA ACTA is the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
ACTA develops standards for intellectual property Dangers Will limit free speech Disable innovation Hinder creativity and development across the board. Invasion of privacy Crippling to the internet Sites like Twitter and Facebook as well as YouTube would be unable to function Allow for abuse of power by companies and government.

8 CISPA The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection
Proposed law introduced on November 30th Huge expansion of government power allowing ‘spying’ on own population Unprecedented control of the government over the Internet, which has recently demonstrated huge opposition to bills like SOPA, PIPA, and CISPA Lack of privacy controls (any and all information can and will be disclosed to the "authorities" should the bill pass in its current form) No safeguards that the system this bill would create won't be used and abused by those with the authority to use the powers it grants

9 Future Create online forum for discussion User submitted stories
Information about where individuals can go to vote or contact representatives

10 Conclusion Due to the secrecy most non-technical people are opposed to the acts. Some of the acts are unfavored by companies because they infringe on their ability to operate. However, there are some that are for the acts. Individuals with technical knowledge oppose the acts because they find that implementing the changes they enforce would cripple the internet or otherwise prove impractical.

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