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Presentation on theme: "CENTER FOR COORDINATION OF RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES  (IFCU) Continuing of Education for Disadvantaged Adolescents in."— Presentation transcript:

1 CENTER FOR COORDINATION OF RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES  (IFCU) Continuing of Education for Disadvantaged Adolescents in South Asia Project Goal & Objectives, Aim & Objectives of the Empirical Research , Research Question & Specific focus, Expected Outcome of the project and Objectives of the training programme (Day one- PPt no:1) 26 June, 2017 1st REGIONAL TRAINING SESSION June 26th to 28th 2017 Colombo, Sri Lanka Victor Paul, Ph.D Chrit University, Bengaluru, India

2 Aim and objective of the Project

3 Overall Aim and Objective of the Project:
Aim: To ensure that adolescents between the age group of 10 to 19 carry on their education and acquire necessary life skills for improving the quality of their life. Study Title : “Continuing of education for disadvantaged adolescents in south Asia” To study the educational achievement of the adolescents and develop interventions to enhance their educational achievements based on their needs. General objective:

4 Specific objectives of the project
To uncover the extent of school dropouts among disadvantaged adolescents in the different schools in the area. To bring out the reasons for school drop-outs among adolescents. To bring out the gender differentials in the extent and reasons related to school dropouts. To study the needs of adolescents in the area for formal/informal and skill based training. To develop an appropriate intervention to motivate the adolescents in meeting these needs.

5 Objective of Research Study

6 Research Objective Objective : to explore social meanings and social contexts of adolescents and their environments This project envisages launching a strong initiative for empowerment of adolescents through education over the next three years.

7 Research Questions and specific focus

8 Research Questions Why do disadvantaged adolescents not completing their secondary education? What are the reasons leading to deprivations especially in the education sphere among adolescents in disadvantaged situations? Who / what circumstances lead to the decision to interrupt / drop / not to be part of their schooling? Which socio-cultural or school related factors influence that decision? What is the world view of families and adolescents which in many ways hamper their access to quality education.  Which are the development initiatives that can be taken to aid the adolescents to participate meaningfully in the educational systems available?

9 This study therefore will focus at:
Specific Focus This study therefore will focus at: Reaching the disadvantaged populations of the slum with specific reference to adolescents who are out of the educational system. Understanding the lived experiences and exploring social meanings that adolescents and their families attach to their present state of life. Understanding the physical and socio-cultural environment of life and living among the adolescents. To bring about changes in their present educational status and enhance their achievements in this area.

10 Specific Focus Collect data through interviews, and secondary sources to investigate the situation of out of school adolescents. Identify key factors on the present life situations of the disadvantaged adolescent population and identify their short and long term educational needs Designing a model -Provide appropriate educational and life skills opportunities through specific interventions Update and refine the project model based on the experiences Expansion and Continuation- Develop a link between the communities, parents, adolescents and schools/institutes/NGOs for self-reliance and sustainability. Publish reports on the basis of collected data. Produce training modules for further implementation and replication.

11 Expected Outcome of the project

12 Expected Outcome of the project
To produce knowledge that would enhance awareness on the implications of out-of-school adolescents on the society. This can influence policy planners and thinkers to take it forward in designing interventions for out- of-school adolescents.

13 Objective of the training session

14 Objective of the training session:
Presenting the Review of Literature, International and National Perspectives, Concepts-listing and critical analysis and the theoretical and conceptual work carried out so far; Jointly analyse the contribution and the common points of the theoretical-conceptual work presented; Become familiar with the research progress and eventual commonalities; Present the methodological options regarded to be suitable for the joint research; Discuss on the relevance of the different methodological options according to the objectives of the research; Have a hands-on experience of analysing the data; Meet common scientific and administrative agreements on the subsequent phases of the project.


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