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Daily Reporting Paper Asein and Adam.

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1 Daily Reporting Paper Asein and Adam

2 Science News “The growth of certain aggressive brain tumors can be halted by cutting off their access to a signaling molecule produced by the brain's nerve cells, according to a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”

3 Moment in History (Scientific History)
“In 2003, the U.S. NASA Galileo space probe ended its eight-year mission to Jupiter as planned. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California directed the craft into Jupiter's atmosphere to burn up, totally vaporizing its structure. This prevented the possibility of any later uncontrolled fall onto a moon causing contamination with bacterial life from Earth, perhaps carried on the probe since launch.”

4 Weather Reporting Today, September 22nd!
The First day of Autumn, AKA Autumn Equinox 2017. High of 87, Party cloudy with 68% The rest of the week, highs will be in the 80’s with rain expected next friday.

5 Waxing Crescent with only 6% of it illuminated
Night Sky/Moon Log September 22nd Waxing Crescent with only 6% of it illuminated Earth's moon and the planet Jupiter will be close together in the sky tonight and tomorrow, shortly after sunset 244,481 miles from the earth!

6 Moment of Wonder! Why is the ocean salty?

7 Assigned Reading Notes
Chapter 4 ( Learning Science with Understanding. Constructing Science Learning: Learning through a process of constructing knowledge and understanding. Working in group and making thinking visible. Understanding as a giant concept map, or Schema. Instructional strategies Providing students ways to access prior knowledge,promoting the organization of knowledge and establishing communities of inquirers. Scaffold student learning. Set challenging and interesting learning tasks, facilitate student conversation in different settings, justify responses. Alternative conceptions Help student recognize and deal with their incomplete and naive ideas and conceptions. Knowing vs. Understanding : Both are related to learned. But knowing is memorized and understanding in more complex.

8 Sources: Ellis, Ian. “Explore 100 Famous Scientist Quotes Pages.” September 21 - Today in Science History - Scientists Born on September 21st, Died, and Events, ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, Howell, Elizabeth Howell, Celebrate the Autumn Equinox 2017 with Jupiter, Moon Conjunction Contributor ,September 22, 2017. Contant, T., Tweed, A., Bass, J., & Carin, A. (2018). Teaching science through inquiry-based instruction. New York: Pearson.

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