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Session 3 Monday 27th November 2017

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1 Session 3 Monday 27th November 2017
Starting school is an important time for children and families. Families play an important role in supporting children to manage the transition to primary school. With the support of your child’s early childhood educator and school teacher and school community, you can help them to cope with the new challenges by developing their social, emotional and learning skills. Supporting your child’s skills in these areas contributes to their mental health and wellbeing.

2 Acknowledgement of Country
As we gather in prayer today, we acknowledge the Taungurung people who are the Traditional Custodians of this land. We pay respect to the Elders of the Kulin Nation, both past and present, and extend that respect to other Aboriginals present. We acknowledge the owners of this land. The Taungurung people are the first to awaken their talents and to care for others in this place. It is with their permission that we now use this land to celebrate God’s gifts to us.

In gathering here today we mark the beginning of a new journey, a journey made new not only by the beginning of this new journey, but made new by the presence we bring to it, a journey that God has chosen us to share. I welcome you all and pray that you find friendship and warmth.

4 As we gather here, let us be aware of all that unites us
As we gather here, let us be aware of all that unites us. Let us pray that we will support and strengthen each other, as companions on a journey towards a common vision and purpose that will unite us for the good of all God’s people. Mary Our Good Mother… Pray for us Our Lady of the Way…Pray for us And let us always remember to… Pray for one another

To ask for God’s blessing on you and your family To introduce some of our staff To become familiar with Our Lady of the Way Primary School To get to know other parents and families starting school in 2018 Your children will be meeting the 2018 Foundation Teachers, making new friends and learning all about their new school. The children will be ready for us at 10:45 Class groups are not yet confirmed

6 Today’s Focus The structure of a school day Staff at Our Lady of the Way How to prepare for a successful start to school What to expect on day one Fees Uniform Communication – how information is shared Parents and Friends

7 2018 – Classroom Structure 1 Prep Class – approximately 23 students 1 Year One Class – approximately 22 students 1 Multi Age Class – including Prep Children, Year Two children and Year 3 Children, maximum 20 students

8 A TYPICAL DAY Morning Block Morning Prayer Literacy Block – Reading / Writing / Spelling Whole Class – Small Group – Whole Class Teachers supported by non teaching staff during these sessions. Middle Block Numeracy Block Religious Education After Lunch Inquiry Learning

9 SPECIALIST CLASSES 1 Hour Per Week Performing Arts – Half Year (Mrs Annette Moore) Visual Arts – Half Year (Mrs Annette Moore) Language [French] – Whole Year (Mrs Sonia Cook) Physical Education and Health – Whole Year (Mr Terry Cooney)

10 Recess and Lunchtime Morning recess for OLW students in will be at 10:30a.m. Lunchtime all students from both schools will be outside together Staff from both schools will share yard duty supervision The philosophy is that staff will look after the wellbeing of all students regardless of what school they are enrolled in.

11 Mrs Eileen Bugeja – Office Manager
Fees CSEF – Camps / Sports / Excursion Fund Conveyance Allowance

12 SCHOOL FEES School fees are charged to families at the start of the school year for the whole year. The Tuition fee and Capital Fee are charged per family. The Curriculum fee (which consists of the Book Subject & ICT fee) and the Excursion Fee are charged per child. 2018 per Family Fee per Student Fee Tuition Fee $ Curriculum Fee $ Capital Fee $ Excursion Fee $ $ per family $ per student Payment options: Payment upfront in full by 28th February 2018 by direct deposit, direct credit, cheque or cash Set up weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments via direct debit by completing a Direct Debit Request & Authorisation Form.

13 Direct Debit method: assists families to budget for regular payment of their school fees. assists with the regular cash flow of our school. enables the school to utilise these funds and purchase resources which will best benefit your child’s education as it’s required. The Direct Debit Authority will remain in place while your child remains at this school and until all school fees are paid. If you require any changes to your Direct Debit authority you will need to complete a new form. The direct debit amount will vary between families, depending on the number of children in one family.

14 School fees are compulsory.
Direct Debit – Starts Thursday 8th February, Ends Thursday 6th December, 2018. Frequency of Payment 1 child Weekly (44 Weeks) $ 57.61 Fortnightly (22 Fortnights) $115.22 Monthly (10 Months) $253.50 The Direct Debit form needs to be completed and returned to the Office by Monday 11th December, 2017.    School fees are compulsory.

15 CSEF – Camps Sports Excursion Fund
Provided by the Vic Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. To be eligible - on the first day of Term one or on the first day of Term two a parent / legal guardian must; Be an eligible beneficiary of a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card OR Be a temporary foster parent, and; Submit an application to the school by the due date.

16 Annual amount per student - $125 for primary school students.
Annual amount per student - $125 for primary school students. Payment is paid directly to the school Payment is sent to the school & the amount is credited to any Camp, Sport or Excursion fees on your school account. You must provide a copy of your concession card to the school who will ensure that your name and Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) matches the Centrelink database.

17 You are only required to complete an application form once during the time your child attends our school, unless - there has been a change of custody change of name or CRN or a new sibling is commencing at the school. If a student transfers to another Victorian school, any unspent portion of the CSEF should follow to the student’s new school. Application forms are available - online at or printed copies are available at the schools office

A private car allowance can be claimed based on the distance from a student’s residence to the school. An application may be submitted if the student: resides 4.8kms or more from the school by the shortest trafficable route attend their nearest appropriate non-government school (Catholic) Where there is more than one student in a vehicle, there are two rates claimable: ‘furthermost’ and ‘additional.’ The youngest child is considered to be the furthermost traveller and any other students are considered to be ‘additional” travellers.

19 The allowance is paid to the school
The allowance is paid to the school. You can authorise the school to then credit the payment towards your school fees by signing the authorisation on the application form. You only need to fill in an application form once during the time your child attends our school unless you change your address or mode of transport or you need to add another child. Application forms for Private Car Travel are available from the school office.

Eligibility is the same as for Private Car Travel For bus availability information - contact Assumption College on   If there is a position for your child on the bus, you will need to complete a Conveyance Allowance Application for Private Bus Travel which is available from our school office Application forms must be handed in to Our Lady of the Way (not Assumption College) as the application is processed by us The allowance is paid to Our Lady of the Way and we forward payment to Assumption College. Assumption takes the Conveyance Allowance into consideration when setting their bus charges, therefore you do not deduct it from your payment to Assumption College.


22 UNIFORM Uniform Suppliers – PSW Uniform will initially be available through our office. When we increase in size uniforms will be available online and through PSW Outlet in Campbellfield Order forms are available on the website or in the office

Mrs Eileen Bugeja or Phone: Newsletter will be every fortnight accessible online through our Webpage and Facebook link Our Admin will be in the offices between the St Pats Foyer and the Stadium.

24 School Photos School Photos will be on the same day as St Pats, March 13th. We will have individual, Class groups and a whole school photo I will have access to spare Our Lady Uniforms if that is what is required.

25 Developing Self Confidence
Provide opportunities to talk with your children about the world around them and encourage them to offer their own opinions Be positive and praise all their attempts not just their successful ones

26 INDEPENDENCE Encourage your child to look after their own belongings Allow them to pack and carry their own bags Get used to school routines eg eating at a set time and within a time limit, out of bed and ready by a set time etc

27 IMPORTANCE OF PLAY Use pens, textas, crayons, scissors Play with blocks, puzzles, games Read with your child, ask questions and talk about the story Sing songs with your children

28 PREPARE FOR SCHOOL Count to 10 Write their name – focus on pencil grip Recognize and pronounce letter in the alphabet Use the bathroom Be able to open their own lunchbox and any other packaging

29 FIRST DAY School begins at 8:50 Classrooms will be opened at 8:40 photo opportunity at this time Tea and coffee available for parents in the community lounge at 8:45 School concludes at 3:15

30 THE SCHOOL BAG Make sure everything is labelled Bag packed with school hat, sunscreen, drink bottle with water, fruit snack, recess and lunch Spare underwear and socks (just in case)


32 Community involvement
Parent Helpers Classroom helpers in 2018 and beyond Training will be available early next year Assistance will be required this year for book covering etc Parents and Friends It is very important to get this up and running ASAP. We need some passionate vibrant people to assist in the creation of our School and Parish community

33 School Advisory Board Initially we will be part of the St Patrick’s School Advisory Board This is to ensure that we maintain a very close connection with St Patrick’s and Assumption College. As the school grows and develops this may change but at the moment the Advisory Board will be made up of members associated with St Patrick’s and Our Lady of the Way.

34 Interest in Community Involvement
If any of these community groups interest you please your name and contact details to Or


36 IMPORTANT DATES – TERM 1 Monday 29th January – Office Opens Monday 29th – Wednesday 31st January – Staff Days Thursday 1st February – First day of School Wednesday 7th February – Prep Rest Day Tuesday 13th February – Parent Teacher Meetings Wednesday 14th February – Prep Rest Day Wednesday 14th February – Ash Wednesday Liturgy Sunday 18th February – Opening School Our Lady of the Way Wallan, 9:15a.m. Wednesday 21st February – Prep Rest Day

37 Wednesday 21st February – Parent Teacher Meetings
Wednesday 28th February – Prep Rest Day Monday 12th March – Labour Day Holiday Tuesday 13th March – School Photo Day Thursday 15th March – Catholic Ed Week Mass Monday 19th March – St Patrick’s Day Celebration Sunday 25th March – Palm Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Way Wallan, 9:15a.m. Thursday 29th March – Holy Thursday Liturgy Thursday 29th March – Term 1 Ends



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