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Christopher Gerhart, MAC, LADAC, SAP, CADC, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Gerhart, MAC, LADAC, SAP, CADC, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Gerhart, MAC, LADAC, SAP, CADC, etc.
Things that work Christopher Gerhart, MAC, LADAC, SAP, CADC, etc.

2 Throwing open my toolbox

3 Which ones do I get? 1. Decision-Making Tools 2. Group Activities
3. Information on Community-based support groups

4 Decisional Balance worksheet Or, a pro/con list on steroids
Decision making tool #1 Decisional Balance worksheet Or, a pro/con list on steroids

5 Getting the most out of this tool
1 3 4 2

6 Processing this exercise
which were the easiest to complete? Are these true and owned? Acknowledge the challenges in making changes Discuss strategies to cope with challenges

7 “You will catch more flies with honey than you will with spit. “
Gordon jones quote “You will catch more flies with honey than you will with spit. “

8 People, place and thing list
Decision making tool #2 People, place and thing list

9 People, Places and Things
Positive Negative Pay-off People Places Things

10 People, Places and Things
Positive Negative Pay-off People Mom, P.O., Coach, Counselor, Girlfriend Places School, Church, Gym, Dad’s house, Park Things Books, Nintendo, Bicycle, Skateboard, Ipad

11 People, Places and Things
Positive Negative Pay-off People Mom, P.O., Coach, Counselor, Girlfriend Dealer, Homies, Jo-Jo, That Friend, Cousin It Places School, Church, Gym, Dad’s house, Park The Park, Bars, Clubs, Skate Park, Back of Bus Things Books, Nintendo, Bicycle, Skateboard, Ipad Pipes, Papers, lighters, CA$H, cell phone

12 People, Places and Things
Positive Negative Pay-off People Mom, P.O., Coach, Counselor, Girlfriend Dealer, Homies, Jo-Jo, That Friend, Cousin It FUN, excitement, belonging, friendship Places School, Church, Gym, Dad’s house, Park The Park, Bars, Clubs, Skate Park, Back of Bus power, sex, money, control, reputation Things Books, Nintendo, Bicycle, Skateboard, Ipad Pipes, Papers, lighters, CA$H, cell phone glamour, notoriety, “That feeling.”

13 Patterson hood “I have never had a shortage of people trying to warn me of the dangers I pose to myself.”

14 Processing this exercise
Ask which was harder to fill out notice the blanks Discuss ways to fulfil those needs

15 Forced choice with 168 In no particular order, List five things that are most important to you __________

16 For example, a car color Radio Mileage Cost style

17 Then, compare one to the next
Color Radio XX Mileage XXXX Cost XXX Style X

18 And re-write in order of importance
Mileage Cost Radio style color

19 Huh? Now, let’s take a look at what is important in your life? Job, family, school, partner, recovery

20 168

21 168 = 24 x 7

22 What are you doing with your time?
Now that we know what you say is important to you, how does that line up with your actions?

23 Clyde G. “It is more important to have someone see me through than it is to have someone see through me. “

24 Activities

25 rules Safety, physical, mental and social, must always come first Group members can always “opt out”; but, they probably won’t

26 Who likes?

27 Rules and oversight This is great for a group going through some “storming and Forming” where some self-disclosure is normalized. Make sure all participants are physically capable and be ready to cut it short if the game becomes too competitive

28 Line up in a circle

29 Without talking, line up in a circle
-by first name -by mother’s name -by shoe size -by favorite ice cream flavor

30 Process for feedback Was it more important to follow the rules, or get the result? What was one thing that you learned about someone in the group that is similar to you? This can also be used to “shake things up” with seating arrangements, moving participants out of their comfort zones.

31 The alphabet game

32 In a circle Beginning with “A” Proper names Cities, towns, states Drugs, alcohol and recovery

33 Processing after a game
Notice how you are feeling right at this moment, without being intoxicated What limitations do you see with this activity?

34 Community resources, in the little rock area
Alcoholics anonymous (aa) Cocaine anonymous (CA) Narcotics anonymous (NA) Celebrate recovery (CR)

35 Aa for addicts, or those who are questioning
Tradition Three. “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.”

36 Open versus closed meetings
Open meetings are for anyone interested in recovery programs Closed meetings are only for those who have a problem, or think that they might

37 Community service Volunteerism makes a difference in the lives of all people that it touches, especially youth, and us older people too.

38 Final thoughts and further reading
Quicksilver: Adventure Games, Initiative Problems, Trust Activities and a guide to effective leadership New games book Alcoholics anonymous Narcotics anonymous Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change, 3rd Edition

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