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Live at Home Bidder Information Event

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Presentation on theme: "Live at Home Bidder Information Event"— Presentation transcript:

1 Live at Home Bidder Information Event

2 Agenda Background of the LHRL LHRL Key Principles Quality Price
Transition Tender Process Questions and Next Steps

3 Housekeeping

4 Simon Harniess Commissioner

5 Welcome Purpose of Today
Provide an overview of the LHRL and the benefits of becoming a framework provider Outline a few key principles of the framework Outline the technical process of bidding during the annual review to join the Live at Home Framework.

6 Background Live at Home Ranked List (LHRL)
The LHRL went live in February 2017 The framework allows new providers to join on an annual basis Since go live we have seen a significant increase in packages that are sourced via the framework from 48% to 62% We remain committed to the LHRL and the framework providers to further increase the number of packages that are placed within the framework. the LHRL has allowed us to: Successfully support a bulk transfer of packages within the Framework allowing LHRL providers restricted access to these packages Work more strategically with the LHRL providers to help to improve the current service and shape the way Adult Social Care commissions domiciliary care services in the future. For example, a strategic supplier group has been formed which meets with commissioners. launch a pilot for mini-competitions that is designed to further maximise the number of packages that are placed with LHRL providers.

7 Key Principles of the Framework Live at Home Ranked List
The revised ranked list will go live on 8th April 2018 Awarded as a ranked list with up to three years remaining Service providers will be re-ranked on a quarterly basis on their performance against the KPI’s, combined with their annually submitted price. Service Providers will be able to resubmit their price at each annual review. New providers will be permitted to join the list on an annual basis Procured on a lot basis aligned to district boundaries in Essex Services will be care services delivered in the person’s home for: Older People (aged 65+) Adults with Learning Disabilities Adults with Mental Health Needs Adults with Physical and Sensory Impairments Carers Providers will be able to bid for as many districts and specialisms as they wish but only one registered office per organisation will appear on any one ranked list. The framework will not support individuals in Supported Living / extra care services which will be procured separately.

8 Key Principles of the Framework Live at Home Ranked List
ECC reserve the rights to: Alter the Rank List principles defined to ensure that Price & quality meet with Corporate, Legislative or ECC Outcomes. Alter the placement process outlined in Schedule 5 during the term of the agreement at an Annual Review Process Run a mini competition with providers on the ranked list where placements have not been secured within the ranked list via the standard sourcing process Amend or update the Live at Home Framework Model & any elements in accordance to Market Intelligence, Legislative changes, KPI’s or Organisational Intelligence that result in changes necessary to ensure Market stability, ECC Legislative, Statutory duties or affordability within ECC.

9 Key Principles of the Framework Live at Home Ranked List
Enhancement premium The Enhancement Criteria will be applied by ECC if the Individual: Has a complex need that may result additional support required completing a task. Is at risk or there is a concern for their safety Family dynamic may factor into how the task is complete Requires specialist or trained staff for a specific task The Enhancement Premium will be subject to review on a regular basis or if a change in circumstances occurs. If an Individual’s circumstances change and they no longer meet the criteria the Enhancement will be removed. ECC may alter or remove the Enhancement Premium from the Live at Home Framework Model at a Ranked List review point.

10 Key Principles of the Framework Live at Home Ranked List
Target Supply Areas Applied where there are identified supply issues in a specific ward. Predominantly expected these issues are as a result of workforce capacity or demographic issues Nominated wards as TSA’s will attract a premium price chosen by the Service Provider between £0 and £2.80 which will be paid in addition to that provider’s base price. TSA Premium rates where applicable will remain for the life of the package, i.e. until the relevant purchase order expires or is terminated. TSA’s will not be paid for night services or 24 hour services ECC will monitor TSAs to enable areas to be reviewed and set on an annual basis as part of the Annual Review Process TSAs have been set for 18/19, increasing the number of areas that were identified in 17/18

11 Target Supply Areas

12 Sarah Collins Procurement

13 Quality Live at Home Ranked List
The Minimum Quality Criteria has been developed in alignment with the Specification and the Care Act ‘What Does Good Look Like?’/ Provider Quality Framework. If Providers do not meet the Minimum Quality Threshold they are not allowed on the Framework. The 30% quality assessment will allow providers to demonstrate how they will deliver the services. Providers must continue to meet the minimum quality standards once they are on the framework. Failure to do so may result in suspension from the framework. Providers are required to report against 6 KPIs and 10 MI statements on a quarterly basis. The Quarterly Performance Report must be completed online via Essex Insight. The lists are reranked quarterly using the 30% quality score from the quarterly performance report and the 70% pricing score to determine provider’s positions on the ranked lists.

14 Quality Live at Home Ranked List
Each registered office that is identified under the framework will need to pass and maintain the minimum quality threshold to secure a place on any of the ranked lists. This criteria will include: CQC registration and outcome of CQC Inspection Staffing and training level Provider self certification of adherence to aspects of the specification DBS and Safeguarding Information Security including registration with ICO The minimum quality levels and evaluation criteria are all explained in the tender documents.

15 Price Live at Home Ranked List
Price will be made up of three elements: Price will make up 70% of the providers overall score. A score will be allocated to each price on the pricing matrix. These are all listed with the points scored within schedule 4 (Preferred Rates) Price will be applied to all new packages from 8th April Including any package changes. RATE Amount Application Base Rate £ £17.84 (£18.76 in Epping) Chosen by Provider from a predetermined list. Reviewed on an annual basis. Enhancement £1.88 Fixed amount applied by ECC on packages that meet the defined criteria. Rate may be altered or removed from the model at annual review points Target Supply Area £0 - £2.80 Chosen by Provider from a predetermined list. Areas are set on an annual basis and providers able to review their price in each annual review.

16 Pricing Changes Minimum Rates
From 8 April 2018, ECC will apply the following minimum rates for care: All existing packages will remain at their current rate with the exception of packages that are currently below these minimum rates which will be increased to the minimum rates from 8th April. NB Supported Living packages are not in scope for the new minimum rates so will remain unchanged. Type of Care Base point on Pricing Matrix Increase from current minimum rate card Night Sleeping £11.76 No Change 24 Hour live in care All other care covered by LHRL contracts £14.68 2.2%

17 Transition to the Live at Home Ranked List
Existing packages will remain at their current rates with the exception of packages that are currently below £14.68 which will be increased to £14.68 from 8th April 2018. Existing packages will transfer to LHRL terms and conditions Existing packages that change after 8 April 2018, e.g. following an increase or decrease in care a new purchase order will be issued on the Provider’s LHRL rates, including TSA and Enhanced rates where applicable

18 Simon Evans Procurement

19 Main Purpose of today Bidder Guidance
Outline Bidder Documentation that needs to be completed for providers to bid to be join the Live at Home Framework. Answer queries specifically relating to bidding process.

20 Indicative timescales for Annual Review
Date Activity Wednesday 1st November Re-opening of LHRL on Delta e-sourcing Tuesday 7th November Bidder Event Wednesday 29th November Final Date for Clarifications from Providers Wednesday 13th December Submission Deadline on Delta e-sourcing Mid February 2018 ECC Evaluation Friday 23rd February 2018 Confirmation of outcome of tender w/c 5th March 2018 Contracts Issued to successful providers Friday 28th March 2018 Contracts returned to ECC for Sealing Sunday 8th April 2018 Operation of new list commences The Authority will not be bound by this timetable if extensive bid clarification is required during evaluation.

21 Tender Process Outline
Delta e-sourcing Register on Delta Check you have access to Live at Home Tender Download documents Review and complete Tender Documentation Review Contracts and Schedules Fill in all Bidding Documentation Final Submission

22 Tender Process– Step 1 Delta e-sourcing
Register on Delta eSourcing to participate in the tender Access the tender using access code: X3W4NFS8Y8 Tender is broken down into three stages Stage 1 – this section have all the documentation you are required to download and complete Stage 2- this section is where you respond to the questions/upload documents Stage 3 – this is where you submit your response Responses will only be accepted via Delta eSourcing Clarification Questions Please note all clarification questions MUST be asked via the Message Centre within the tender We have produced a Delta eSourcing support document for Bidders responding to Live at Home with useful information on using Delta

23 Tender Process – Step 2 Completing Documents on Delta Section A
Delta Q. Number Question Content Required Action 3 Supplier Information Complete all mandatory questions, Any changes made must be notified to the Authority. 4 Mandatory Exclusion Pass Fail questions completed on Delta eSourcing 5 Discretionary Exclusion 6 Economic and Financial Standing We do not require this information at this time but ECC may ask for it throughout the life of the framework 7 Modern Slavery Act 2015 Self Certify if relevant 8.1 Insurance Confirm Insurance levels and attach copies of certificates

24 Tender Process – Step 2 Completing Documents on Delta Section B
Delta Q. number Question Content Required Action 8.2 Information Handling & Security Confirm ICO registration download complete and attach the questionnaire 9 Declaration A Download, complete and upload. 10.1 Bidder Submission Document specific to the requirement Pass / Fail questions Scoring methodology Table A page 15 of guidance document Download the document from stage 1 save the document on your computer including your bidder name in the title Click “Enable Content” Complete all the red cells in each tab (sections A-F)

25 Tender Process – Step 2 Completing Documents on Delta Section C
Delta Q. Number Question Content Required Action 10.2 Declaration B Download, complete and upload. 11 Score Methodology Table For information only 11.1 Scored Technical Response Accounts for 30% of the overall mark Scoring methodology Table C (page 16 of the bidder guidance) Download the document from stage 1 save the document on your computer including your bidder name in the title Click “Enable Content” Complete and upload this question

26 Tender Process – Step 2 Completing Documents on Delta Section D
Number Question Content Required Action 13.1 Price Matrix Accounts for 70% of the overall mark Scoring is automatically generated in the spreadsheet Download from stage 1 save the document on your computer including your bidder name in the title Click “Enable Content” Complete and upload to this question. 13.2 Legislation compliance. You are required to declare that your chosen price enables you to comply with your legislative requirements as outlined in the question

27 Tender Process – Step 2 Completing Documents on Delta Additional
Delta Q. Number Question Content Required Action 14 Declaration C and D Download attachment from this question, complete and upload. 15.3 DBS Please answer yes or no as appropriate or provide statement outlining your procedures for DBS checks if you do not require Essex County Council to process DBS checks 15.2 Freedom of Information document Please download complete and attach the FOI document if applicable to your response. Bidder feedback on the process This is non-mandatory question, but ECC welcomes feedback and comments from bidders so please use this question to provide any feedback.

28 Tender Process – Step 3 Submitting
Please read the Bidder Guidance Document for full instructions and guidance for submitting your tender. Ensure any documents that require a signature are signed scanned and uploaded All questions are answered and relevant documents are attached to the relevant questions in Delta e-sourcing. All documents attached to Delta eSourcing have your company name in the file name and the relevant title of the document. Tenders must be submitted to the Authority electronically through the Delta eSourcing system no later than 12:00 13th December 2017 Please allow sufficient time to upload your responses to Delta eSourcing to allow you to submit your tender before the deadline.


30 Next Steps

31 Next Steps Check access to documentation via Delta eSourcing – any issues contact Delta Helpdesk Complete the documentation any points of clarification contact us via the Delta eSourcing message centre by 29th November 2017 Clarifications will be issued to all bidders via the message centre Submit your response by 12 noon 13th December 2017 – please allow enough time to upload all the documentation before the closing time / date

32 Thank you

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