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‘Teamability for 10,000 Entrepreneurs’ A crowdfunding campaign by

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1 ‘Teamability for 10,000 Entrepreneurs’ A crowdfunding campaign by
T410K ‘Teamability for 10,000 Entrepreneurs’ A crowdfunding campaign by 1 1

2 About TGI & Teamability
TGI Founded 2001, to commercialize a completely new ‘technology of teaming’ Teamability identifies the different ways that people seek to make meaningful team contributions. Lauched mid Today, 300+ customers on 5 continents Team Analysis: a scientific way to free up human potential, generate positive team chemistry, and consciously design teams for exceptional performance. xxx

3 • Customer Service Team       Vision Former Founder Action Mover
Conductor Explorer Curator Watchdog Start by asking, what’s the mission of this team? Which Roles are best aligned with that mission? And then fill it in with the structural information in Teamability reports. Who is on the team already, in terms of their Roles and Coherence? Do they have the Role partners they need? Is the Coherence level sufficient to deal with ambiguity, time pressure, precision execution, and other stress factors? This one simple diagram tells us what we need to do, from modifying job responsibilities for better Role-fit, or adding different Roles to create Role-pairs or to improve Team-fit. Action Former Communicator Vision Mover TGI Team Target™ & © The Gabriel Institute 3

4 Creating the Package A campaign so nice, we built it twice!
Examine platform options for ‘fit’ Follow the rules (except on Kickstarter) Funding options, pro & con Lunch and Learn All platforms offer abundant information Not all platforms will agree What’s your SWAG Strategy? Most of the early $Million campaigns were really pre-sales of tech products xxx

5 Also,

6 (forbes article) Everything old is new again…

7 (show Forbes or t410k site)
Talk about the concept Near-death by delay! the credit card processing trap Success! $40k in 40 days …but not without sweating bullets! Service after the ‘sale’ execute to your plan, asap! keep the network alive (a vampire western movie I funded in 2012 is in post-production, and just got U.S. distribution

8 Crowdfunding IMHO It’s entertainment – make it fun! Your visuals, your message, your perks, and your passion, are the tickets to success. It’s social – BE social First, fund other people’s campaigns. Know how it feels; gain authenticity. Leverage your connections to the hilt! It’s business – marketing, promotion, PR, pricing, WIFFM, they all apply! xxx

9 1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1040 • Philadelphia, PA 19103 • +1. 215. 825
1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1040 • Philadelphia, PA • Mark Talaba 9 9

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