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[Full name of the organization]

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Presentation on theme: "[Full name of the organization]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [Full name of the organization]
[Name of the event] [Full name of the organization]

2 Mission Statement [Mission statement of your organization. No more than 7 lines.]

3 Basic Event Info Name: [Event name] Date: [Event date]
Time: [Event start time - event end time] Place: [Event venue] Expected Attendance: [Expected Attendance in #] Total Amount Requesting: [Amount of money you are requesting] Cost-Per-Head: [Cost-per- head]

4 Event Details/Logistics
Event Description/Mission: [Event description/mission. No more than 7 lines] Execution of the event: (e.g What will happen, who will serve the food, how will the gifts be handed out)

5 Cost Breakdown - Budget proposal
Total Amount:

6 Cost Breakdown (Actual Quote) - tax and delivery

7 Cost Breakdown (Quote use either generic or actual )
Subtotal: Gratuity: Tax (9%): Total Amount:

8 PR Plan Platform: [Specify the platforms for PR such as Facebook, newsletter, etc.] How: [What you will actually do to promote the event in the channels above] Date: [When you will start promoting the event in the channels above]

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