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Mechanical calculations of the CDS key elements

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1 Mechanical calculations of the CDS key elements
Janusz Skrzypacz Jarosław Poliński Maciej Chorowski Preliminary Design Review Meeting, 20 May 2015, ESS, Lund, Sweden

2 CDS Aim of the project CTL CDL (75 m) 21 High Beta Linac – 174 m
9 Medium Beta Linac – 75 m

3 Codes and standards EN 13480

4 Thermal properties were taken from CryoComp software
Materials Process pipes and their elements: (EN :2004 ); Vacuum jacket and their elements: (EN :2004 ); Thermal shield: aluminum T4 (EN 755-2); Sliding supports of the process pipes: G10 Thermal properties were taken from CryoComp software

5 Pipe parameters EN 10220 EN 13480 e/Do Type of process line
Pipe description Size PS [bar] Tn [K] Do [mm] emin [mm] e [mm] e/Do Main cold process lines MC - He supply line DN65 6 4,5 76,1 0,159 2.6 0.03 MB - VLP line CDS DN200 3 219,1 0,458 2,9 0.013 MB - VLP line CTL DN250 273 0,570 0.011 ME - TS supply line DN50 25 40 60,3 0,521 2.3 0.033 MF - TS return line 50 Branch cold process lines BC - He supply branch line DN10 17,1 0,036 2 0.117 BB - VLP branch line 0,126 BE - TS supply branch line DN8 13,7 0,118 0.146 BF - TS return branch line Side cold process lines SC1 - He supply side line 1 SC 2- He supply side line 2 SB - VLP side line SE - TS supply side line SF1 - TS return side line1 SF2 - TS return side line 2 Vacuum Shield DN550 1.5 293 559 0.292 EN 13480

6 Assumptions of Process Pipe Model
Calculations in accordance with EN 13480; Each process pipe was analysed separately;   The pipe model encompasses only three CDL modules and all CTL line; The jumper connection was created only in one CDL module;.  

7 Parameters of calculations
Flexible elements - Bellows Support distances for process pipes and vacuum shield Order Pipe DN PS [bar] L1max [mm] L2max [mm] Lgmax [mm] 1 DN 8 25 32 112 1100 2 DN 10 6 40 140 2100 3 DN 50 200 700 6800 4 3300 5 DN 65 260 910 8000 DN 200 800 2800 18000 7 DN 250 1000 3500 19000 8 DN600 1.5 2200 7700 >20000 Metal bellows parameters – WITZENMANN catalog DN PN Type 2dn [mm] W [kg] A [mm2] ca [N/mm] [Nm/deg] cl 50 25 ARN 32 2 4500 216 2.8 159 65 6 ARN 72 3,5 6820 111 2.2 39 125 ARN 63 3.6 18600 81 4.2 349 200 ARN 90 9.1 43000 151 18 529 250 ARN 96 12.2 66300 161 30 995 600 2.5 ARN 76 23 319200 205 182 11569

8 Parameters of calculations
Flexible elements – Metal Hoses Applied parameters of metal hoses – WITZENMANN calaog DN PN Type W [kg] rN [mm] ca [N/mm] [Nm/deg]  cl [N/mm]  50 25 RS331S12 1.67 320 1e5/500 9 145 65 6 2.88 460 6.6 540 200 RS430S12 520 60 2200 250 620 90 2500

9 Geometry of the process pipe model
Interface to SPOKE modules Node of the interface

10 Geometry of the process pipe model
Interface to Cryomodule Node of the interface

11 Geometry of the process pipe model
Interface to ColdBox Node of the interface

12 Process Pipes - results of calculations
Criteria of stress acceptance LC1 - The summary of the calculations (operating conditions) No Parameter VLP He supply TS supply TS return 1 DN [mm] 200/250 65 50 2 Design pressure PS [bar] 6 25 3 Temperature [K] 4.5 40 4 Fluid density [kg/m3] 135 Max. sustained stress s1 [MPa] 15.51 10.21 43.3 43.27 7 Max. expansion stress s3 [MPa] 128 86.69 67.84 67.03 8 Max. s4 (s1+s3) [MPa] 134.4 89.32 76.48 75.67 9 Max bellows movement [mm] 24.7 24.2 24.5 fh = min (fc; f) = [MPa] fa = U(1.25fc fh)Eh/Ec = [MPa] fh+a = fh+fa = 341 [MPa] LC2 - The summary of the calculation (pressure test conditions) No Parameter VLP He supply TS supply TS return 1 DN [mm] 200/250 65 50 2 Test pressure PT [bar] 8.58 35.75 3 Temperature [K] 300.5 4 Fluid density [kg/m3] 1.25 6 Max. sustained stress s1 [MPa] 24.19 15.92 61.97 61.66 7 Max. expansion stress s3 [MPa] 8 Max. s4 (s1+s3) [MPa] fh = 0.95Rp1.0 = [MPa]

13 Process Pipes - results of calculations
Maximal loads acting on the fixed support of the process pipes LC 1 operating conditions Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] Mx [Nm] My [Nm] Mz [Nm] 2153 VLP -1796 37498 -505 -194 817 He supp. -251 2025 -108 -42 116 TS supp. -206 6980 -96 97 TS return -203 7028 95 LC 2 pressure test conditions Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] Mx [Nm] My [Nm] Mz [Nm] 2153 VLP 56896 -1367 -565 He supp. 5825 -173 -72 TS supp. 15981 -134 -60 TS return 15893

14 Process Pipes - results of calculations
Loads acting on process pipes interfaces – operating conditions Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] 3120 VLP 2990 He supp. 3058 TS supp. 3081 TS return 3043 Interface to ColdBox Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] 265 VLP 153 45 He supp. 55 15 TS supp. 30 8 TS return 29 7 Interface to CM Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] 40 VLP 25731 54 He supp. 1694 34 TS supp. 6535 -30 TS return Interface to spoke module

15 Process Pipes - results of calculations
Loads acting on process pipes interfaces – pressure test conditions Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] 3120 VLP -333 He supp. -41 TS supp. -33 TS return Interface to ColdBox Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] 40 VLP 36894 -365 He supp. 5833 -35 TS supp. 15873 -16 TS return Interface to spoke module

16 Process Pipes - results of calculations
Sustained stress s1 [MPa] for VLP – operating conditions

17 Process Pipes - results of calculations
Expansion stress s3 [MPa] for VLP – operating conditions

18 New concept of the vacuum jacket model

19 Vacuum Jacket - results of calculations
LC 1 - The summary of the calculation – operating conditions Criteria of stress acceptance No Parameter Outer Jacket 1 DN [mm] 300/550 2 Design pressure PS [bar] -1 3 Temperature [K] 300.5 4 Continuous load [kg/m] 30 6 Max. sustained stress s1 [MPa] 14.34 7 Max. expansion stress s3 [MPa] 8 Max. s4 (s1+s3) [MPa] 9 Max bellows movement [mm] 0.5 fh = min (fc; f) = [MPa] LC 2 - The summary of the calculation – failure conditions No Parameter Outer Jacket 1 DN [mm] 300/550 2 Design pressure PS [bar] 1.5 3 Temperature [K] 173 4 Continuous load kg/m 30 6 Max. sustained stress s1 [MPa] 11.96 7 Max. expansion stress s3 [MPa] 100.2 8 Max. s4 (s1+s3) [MPa] 104.1 9 Max bellows movement [mm] 19.2 fh = min (fc; f) = [MPa] fa = U(1.25fc fh)Eh/Ec = [MPa] fh+a = fh+fa = [MPa]

20 Vacuum Jacket - results of calculations
Loads acting on process pipes interfaces – operating conditions Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] 10 31826 1010 161 1426 206 3120 1553 Maximal loads acting on the fixed support of the vacuum jacket

21 Vacuum Jacket - results of calculations
Sustained stress s1 [MPa] for vacuum jacket – operating conditions

22 Vacuum Jacket - results of calculations
Loads acting on process pipes interfaces – failure conditions Node Fx [N] Fy [N] Fz [N] 10 46477 1022 161 20940 1007 3120 7131 Maximal loads acting on the fixed support of the vacuum jacket

23 Vacuum Jacket - results of calculations
Stress distrybution for vacuum jacket – failure conditions Sustained stress s1 [MPa] Expansion stress s3 [MPa]

24 Vacuum Jacket model verification

25 Vacuum Jacket model verification

26 Internal Fixed Support Calculations

27 Internal Fixed Support Calculations

28 Internal Fixed Support Calculations

29 Internal Fixed Support Calculations
LC1 – thermal calculations; LC2 – normal operating conditions; the forces and the moments values were taken for the most loaded supports: CTL – node 2153, CDL – node 410 (Table 10) and thermal load. LC3 – normal operating conditions with pure mechanical loads; the forces and the moments values were taken for the most loaded supports: CTL – node 2153, CDL – node 410 (Table 10). LC4 – pressure test conditions; the values of the forces and the moments were taken for the most loaded supports – CTL – node 2153, CDL – node 410 (Table 13).

30 Internal Fixed Support Calculations
LC 1 – thermal calculations  CTL VLP He supply TS supply TS return Heat [W] 1.22 0.3 0.1 22.5  CDL VLP He supply TS supply TS return Heat [W] 0.77 0.36 0.13 22.2

31 Internal Fixed Support Calculations
LC 2 – operating conditions

32 Internal Fixed Support Calculations
LC 3 – Mechanical loads only

33 Internal Fixed Support Calculations
LC 4 – Pressure Test Conditions

34 Valve Box Vacuum Barrier Calculations

35 Valve Box Vacuum Barrier Calculations

36 Valve Box Vacuum Barrier Calculations
LC 1 – thermal calculations VLP He supply TS supply TS return Heat [W] 0.1546 0.045 0.0383 0.136

37 Valve Box Vacuum Barrier Calculations
LC 2 – operating conditions

38 Valve Box Vacuum Barrier Calculations
LC 3 – Mechanical loads only

39 Valve Box Vacuum Barrier Calculations
LC 4 – failure conditions

40 Valve Box Vacuum Barrier Calculations
LC 4 – failure conditions

41 Valve Box Vacuum Barrier Calculations
LC 4 – failure conditions

42 Sliding support calculations

43 Sliding support calculations

44 Sliding support calculations

45 Sliding support calculations
LC 1 – thermal calculations

46 Sliding support calculations
LC 2 – only mechanical loads

47 Sliding support calculations
LC 3 – operating conditions

48 Sliding support calculations
LC 3 – operating conditions

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