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Echline Primary Curriculum Evening
Miss Tang
Welcome to P4/5 Talk about yourself in this section
Overview of the year Topics- Wallace and Bruce- Class trip with P5 13th December to Bannockburns Sciences- Inheritance and genetics- survival and extinction of species ICT- Scratch designing a computer game Swimming- 3rd October- Tuesday 5 weeks Pond life workshop- 4th October P4/5 Assembly- Friday 9th March P4,P4/5, P5 Show- w/b 14th May(tbc) P5 Camp – Wednesday 13th – Friday 15th June Talk here about big things that are happening. Annual calendar things, e.g. big topics, sailing, camp, trips assembly, shows etc.
Routines P.E will be on a Monday and Wednesday.
Mrs McLoughlin will teach Art on a Tuesday. We will visit the school library on a Monday afternoon. Homework will be given out on a Monday- Children will have time to discuss what they have done on the Friday Bonus Activity Time- Friday This section is for PE days, other specialists, library days, buddies, homework. New ‘BAT’ (or newly named)
Home learning Home Learning Wall for Maths, Spelling and Reading.
Fun and flexible approach. Children need to be able to talk about the activities they have completed. Some tasks are more active whereas others are best written. A new spelling pattern and words will be issued every Monday, after children have completed a ‘blind test’ for the new words. Children will read in class regularly, will have pages to read at home and should complete a reading task each week. Children can identify an area of Maths they need to work on and complete one or more activities a week. Discuss new format for homework, talk about making children more responsible and independent learners.
Assessment Teacher, Peer and Self assessment.
Verbal feedback is often given and therefore jotters won’t always appear to be marked. Constant, ongoing assessments of children’s learning A lot of observations from discussions with children, their written work and from other ways they have displayed their learning Formative assessment strategies like thumbs up/down, ‘fist to 5’, traffic lights. We give children immediate verbal feedback and written feedback based on learning intentions for each lesson Some more formal assessments - from Literacy programme etc. Explain all types of assessment. Not everything needs to be marked by the teacher, this will be set up as a rotation. Go over marking of spelling etc. Not every error will be marked/changed. Verbal feedback will be given too – ask your child!
Maths and Numeracy P4 SEAL maths programme focuses mainly on mental agility and using number for addition, subtraction, partitioning numbers and making groups Starting to learn times tables Heinemann Active Maths to reinforce learning Both programmes use a variety of techniques – oral repetition, using concrete materials, games, songs and written tasks. Big Maths challenges used to increase speed of recall of number facts P5- Heinemann Active maths Maths topics- Shape, money, angles, time etc will be based on Chilli challenges Groupings will remain fluid and constant assessments will be made. Talk about the setup for Maths and anything relevant for you and your class. Link to home learning section. Regular assessments will dictate groups, this may change termly, weekly or even daily.
Literacy Spelling – new pattern each week, and children will be encouraged to use the Edinburgh Sound Chart to support. Big Writing – children will complete a written piece every week. Writing will be either Teacher, Peer or Self assessed. Writing Skills – VCOP, Grammar. Active approaches, Big Talk Reading – Reading in groups and whole class reading lessons. Focus on a wide range of texts including film, pictures, art, songs etc. Talk about the setup for Literacy and anything relevant for you and your class. Also link to home learning section. Go over marking of spelling etc. Not every error will be marked/changed.
Health and Well being We encourage positive behaviour through house point tokens, table points and dojo points Class Charter has been created and agreed upon by the children. Two hours of P.E every week. Building Resilience- assembly focus Wellbeing Indicators Behaviour, class charter, wider life of the school, PE, Pupil Groups
Thanks and Questions Wrap things up and take questions.
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