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Report of oneM2M MARCOM subcommittee

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Presentation on theme: "Report of oneM2M MARCOM subcommittee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of oneM2M MARCOM subcommittee
Group Name: oneM2M Steering Committee #38 Source: Sharon Oddy, iconectiv (MARCOM chair) Meeting Date: Agenda Items: 3.4 & 7.1 MARCOM Report and Plan

2 Agenda Open Items: Year in Review 2018 Priorities and Planning
Vice Chair Nominations Budget Brochure Update Website Update PPT Update Year in Review 2018 Priorities and Planning Next Steps

3 Open Items Vice Chair Nominations Budget Brochure Update
Chris Meering from HPE (nominated by ATIS) for Marcom Vice Chair -- EMEA Budget Request for approval for increase to PPR budget for 2017 £8000 (existing budget exists to support it) Request for approval for budget to cover brochure redesign USD $1200 (existing budget exists to support it) Brochure Update Website Update PPT Update

4 Year in Review

5 Recent Meetings MARCOM #63 July 2017 (face-to-face)
Chaired by Sharon Oddy, MARCOM chair MARCOM #64 August :00 UTC MARCOM #65 September :00 UTC

6 MARCOM initiatives Increased level of activity as oneM2M becomes even more relevant and steps up activities HPE Webinar took place on Thursday, May 18 at 10am ET. First oneM2M case study produced Omar Elloumi named IoT Evangelist of the Year at IoT World Europe Awards Face-to-face Marcom meeting took place in July (TP30) Promoted first three oneM2M industry days Global Platform webinar planned for Thursday, October 19. Regular weekly calls with Proactive PR

7 MARCOM initiatives oneM2M News list: more than 1,000 subscribers Event partnerships and speaking slots outreach ongoing MWC speaking proposal will be submitted for consideration by GSMA Ongoing press outreach has resulted in numerous bylines/features LPWA white paper is currently being drafted Core materials are being redesigned / improved, including the brochure, website and presentation template A number of analyst and press briefings were arranged at Mobile World Congress Americas

8 Proactive PR Report to Marcom
More than 15 Press Releases drafted and issued since January 2017 (14 issued in 2016). More than 450 analysts and 300 journalists reached with each press release. 487 industry mentions and 5 top tier briefings at MWC 44% increase in media coverage year-over-year Five feature opportunities secured so far this year. 4 top-tier analyst briefings at Mobile World Congress Americas. More than 50 event partnerships – worth an estimated $30K - confirmed for events taking place this year and 15 speaking opportunities – worth an estimated $67K – secured. First oneM2M case study created. Joint HPE webinar attracted 150 viewers

9 Activities: Speaking Slots
Industry 4.0 Summit, Manchester, UK, 4-5 April 2017 Rafael Cepeda, InterDigital Communications, hosted two roundtables IoT World, Santa Clara, May 2017 Rouzbeh Farhoumand, Huawei, taking part in a panel session on smart cities IoT Tech Expo Europe, Berlin, Germany, 1-2 June 2017 Dr. Josef Blanz, Qualcomm, took part in a panel session on the future development of the IoT IoT World Europe, London, UK, June 2017 Alan Carlton, InterDigital, took part in a panel on creating a sustainable framework for the IoT Smart Summit, London, UK, September 2017 Chris Meering, HPE, took part in two smart cities panels Semantics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2017 Dr. Omar Elloumi, Nokia, spoke about semantic interoperability and standardisation

10 Upcoming Speaking Slots
UCAAT 2017, Berlin, Germany, October 2017 Dr Omar Elloumi speaking on the role of interoperability in the IoT Smart Cities Summit, Chicago, U.S., October 2017 Moderator position offered, yet to be filled IoT Security Summit, Washington DC, U.S., October 2017 - Moderator position offered, yet to be filled Telesemana IoT LATAM Summit, online, 1 November 2017 Rafael Cepeda, InterDigital, will speak Berlin 5G Week / Industrial IoT Forum Alan Carlton, Interdigital, will speak Smart Home Summit, Silicon Valley, U.S., November 2017 IoT Tech Expo, Santa Clara, U.S., November 2017 Panel positions offered. Speaker TBC.

11 Activities: Editorial
Interop 4 Event (released 4 May) HPE Webinar PR (released 11 May) Shenzhen Industry Day (released 8 June) IoT World Europe participation (released 12 June) IoT Evangelist of the Year award (released 15 June) Interop 4 (released 19 June) Memphis Industry Day (released 20 June & 24 July) India Developer Event (released 27 July) IEEE Hackathon (released 29 August) MWC Americas (released 5 September) India Industry Day (released 13 September) Call for collaboration (released 18 September) Press Releases issued: Global Platform webinar LPWA white paper IIC liaison ITU liaison Press Releases planned:

12 Activities: Editorial
Feature Media Coverage: A&S International Magazine Northern African Wireless Communications Inter Comms

13 Press Release Coverage Highlights

14 Activities: Webinars Nearly 2,000 followers on oneM2M BrightTalk channel HPE webinar took place on May 18: Global Platform webinar planned for October 19:

15 MARCOM Schedule MARCOM - 2017 Meetings Marcom #66: October 4, 2017
Marcom #67: November 1, 2017 Marcom #68: December 6, 2017

16 steering committee meeting september 2017
2018 marketing planning steering committee meeting september 2017

17 goals for today’s workshop
align marketing objectives with oneM2M priorities understand our audiences articulate and prioritize marketing and marcom objectives globally and regionally and by audience type

18 things to remember We are a global organization. We have members around the world and need to service a diverse set of needs. We are a volunteer-driven organization. We need to be ambitious but also realistic about investment of time and dollars. We may have competing priorities. We need to have consensus on purpose, goals and deliverables. Marketing is a support function. We need to remember that marketing articulates the goals of the initiative but doesn’t define the strategic mission.

19 marketing/marcom edict
have oneM2M be one of the key global IoT standards for all relevant sectors Be specific: at the service layer, in the platform Strategy or goal? promote oneM2M specifications are THE global IoT deployments Provide the standards selected by the sectors to support the implementation of the IoT We are selling a full solution – part of a solution. We are selling an important spec of the full product but our customer may need something else or they won’t buy it from us. What does our real customer look like? goal promote the oneM2M specifications as THE global standards for IoT and m2m applications and platforms by engaging with standard organizations and ecosystem partners globally Add something: why should someone do this?? Avoiding lockin, long term view/futureproof, needed by industry (can’t do it alone). Do we need a different value offer – less telco specific, need standards in support of a long term business goal We are focusing on these aspects…. strategy drive awareness of oneM2M specifications among target audiences/decision makers (regulators, developers, enterprises, members and partners) – enablers who provide in-roads into other sectors accelerate adoption of oneM2M specifications among enterprises by promoting deployments and awareness among key audiences spearhead inclusion of specs in global standards through awareness and education of progress is this a marketing objective? Engage other verticals sectors (get them on board) – so they understand what they need for their business and how it aligns with what we are doing? What is in it for them? objectives

20 What are barriers? What else is needed to get the insight/info needed to drive the strategy/tactics to align with the priorities of the initiative. What are the other sectors (verticals and enablers) – how do they reference oneM2M as the system?

21 marketing priorities stated m2m goal
can marketing meaningfully influence this goal? (yes or no) how? specifically, no generalities drive awareness of oneM2M specifications among target audiences yes Awareness comes from the stories, Need more case studies. i.e. IIC testbed – very influential for all sectors. Ensure reference architecture India specifically: Telecom Engineering Center (TEC) working on smart city infrastructure and apps. Does not benefit app developers in the short terms – shying away from it because TEC has not determined it as the standard. Need to showcase the apps that actually showcase the strength of this common platform. Drive/promote inclusion of specs in global standards Yes – from a promotion perspective Drafting right message to right audience Drive/promote adoption of oneM2M specifications collaborate with IoT industry ecosystem associations Note: During session need feedback on the how, not tactics but the strategy, expected outcomes and associated costs

22 Early pilots Open source – community needs to drive among developers and adopters of this. And open source that meets theneed for a particular purpose Test beds Audience: Service Providers/Operators in NA that there is value in oneM2M – same globally or just NA specifically? Need message to convince them of the value?

23 oneM2M regional priorities
Note: During session need feedback on the how, not tactics but the strategy, expected outcomes and associated costs, priorities key audience business driver how can we influence EMEA We solve the problem for oneM2M implementation globally Value will come from small implemenations Regulators – focus on those who have the most pain w/o interoperability. i.e. manufacturers in Germany and system integrators Americas Service Providers Ecosystem partners APAC India: Standards bodies, Service Providers, Consultants that are influencing the SPs One national focus (China) Manufacturiing (China) They have the biggest influence over the adoption They drive the RFP requirements They influence what technology is used for implementations China: Influence the major players/giants PC124 – local SDO – these orgs represent all manufacturers in China and then we can influence their Highlight our strengths in the market – interoperability. We have very strong testing and certification program. Other standards only create reference architectures – ours is deployable and we have a program for testing and certification (South Korea) Government – work through them to drive adoption of onem2m in gov’t programs Extend certification program for onem2m interoperability – sooner or later than need to think of global implementations – not just local or regional ones. Push a horizontal service layer Awareness so they understand the benefit/value of onem2m Increase awareness of open source progress/projects Global showcases Global Audience Types: Partners Members Regulators Standards Bodies Developers Ecosystem Partners Consultancies/systems integrators Manufacturing Service Providers Global

24 Audience Types: Partners Members Regulators Standards Bodies Developers Ecosystem Partners Consultancies Manufacturing Service Providers Global

25 oneM2M audiences how? Regulators And or policy makers
influencers can marketing meaningfully influence this audience (yes or no) how? Partners Members Regulators And or policy makers Government influcencers Yes APAC – India: RFP influence and Platform drivers. India: Security testing/standardization for all devices. DOT. China: Manufacturing influence – let them know the value that can be provided to support their existing strategy. Gov’t initiative needs to be influenced/made awre. EMEA – thought leadership to let gov’t know that standards are the way NA – deployments influence ie public safety/wireless alerts – they will push standards based so that there is interoperatibility and ubquitity, cost factors, economy of scale. NIST can influence. What is the intend: to inform/awareness – need regional specific tactics Standards Bodies ETSI – right message to right audience. This will help in all audiences. Awareness/understanding and have the members and partners push the message to these other bodies Developers Ecosystem partners Note: During session need feedback on the how, not tactics but the strategy, expected outcomes and associated costs,

26 oneM2M audiences influencers how? Service Providers Consultancies
can marketing meaningfully influence this audience (yes or no) how? Service Providers APAC – SPS can provide onem2m as a service or have their own services. These audiences need to be distinquished. Onem2m has to be considered NA – no NA operator has adopted oneM2M – the are monitoring it but they don’t seem to be leaning toward it – they don’t appear to have business motivation. May take time. They have their own systems Telecom Italia is furthest ahead Missing OTTs (Amazon, et. al.) – they may not need to adopt as they are operating in ways that are desirable to the NA operators. They don’t need to change their business – it’s a long shot. Key constituency is not at the table. Good to show them what others in the ecosystem are doing EMEA – OTTs are trying to connect but they recognize that there is no incentive by the SPS. SPs are now looking for solutions now that would go on top. oneM2m has the solution Get the industry interested in using onem2m in the middle layer – decision makers in SPs are needed to progress this onem2m is the tool – not the strategy for SPs. Standards make life easier for the overall solution. The IoT game is still long and so there isn’t an urgency on the timeframe. The standard makes connectivity and services easier for SPs. Platform provider?? We can’t see the IT deployment – crossing industry/business/sectors. Sepearate the platform fro mthe connection layer in Cihna. China wants to persaude the SPs to move the layer one layer up to use the oneM2M standard. Similar issues in other APAC countries that are trying to influence this direction. Economic benefits will follow later. In APAC, government uses it’s power to influence. Three audeinces: Government, platform provider, end user. Consultancies Systems Integrators Manufacturers Developers Ed – focus on this community. Perhaps do Open Days. We need tomake them aware of onem2m and the capabilities and that means going out and approaching htings in a different way. Bottom up approach. IoT conferences. Developer wants a platform that is readily available and we are not currently operating that. If we had some out there it would help the developers. Do the developers really get to chose the iot platform or is it dictated? Strategy decision makers are chosing the platform. Need to find the decision makers in the more strategic areas and influence them Developers: Academia and start ups – a developer’s kit would help. Events focused on these communities

27 tactical priorities How? Mission Criticality (1-5) Difficulty (1-5)
Time and Budget Investment (1-5) Website Media/Analyst Relations Social Amplification Collateral (brochures, PPT) Speaking Event Contras Industry Collaboration Regulator workshops Developer workshops Partner Advocates Deployment Amplification Other Scale: 5 highest, 1 lowest criticality

28 marketing tactical focus areas
How (Now in Ranked Order) What Needs to be Done Cost Estimate [[we will list the priorities from he previous slide}}

29 next steps?

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