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North American Native Tribes

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1 North American Native Tribes

2 Similarities Among Tribes
Most of the Indian tribes formed settled communities. Hunted and farmed – corn, squash, beans – to create a stable food supply. 3 Sister farming - Grew corn, beans and squash all together Corn grew in a stalk providing a trellis for beans, beans grew up the stalk, squash broad leaves kept the sun off the ground and thus kept the moisture in the soil

3 Similarities Continued
Religions were nature based with many gods that represented natural elements. Land was sacred and was not individually owned. Men and women were involved in government and decision making – women could hold powerful positions within the tribe. As time passed and Europeans started to come to their territory, many tribes developed confederations – alliances to deal with the new inhabitants.

4 5 civilized tribes Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole
Lived in Southeast USA Later be forced to relocate (Oklahoma) Adopted many of the colonists customs – tried to assimilate and keep peace with the Europeans Had pretty good relation with the white settlers Had constitutional government

5 Iroquois Confederation
A group of 5 tribes in New York State Each tribe independent Only meet to discuss matters of war/defense Matrilineal Authority and possessions passed down through FEMALE line They will be important when the colonists come – they will eventually have numerous conflicts.

6 Differences b/w Native Americans & Europeans
Land (ownership) N.A. felt no man owned the land…tribe did Europeans liked private property Spirits/God N.A. felt nature was mixed with many spirits Europeans were Christian and monotheistic Nature N.A. felt nature was sacred Europeans felt nature & land was given to man by God in Genesis to be subdued and put to use Money N.A. had little to no concept or interest in money Europeans loved money….gold

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