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Graphing 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing 2017

2 Let’s look at some graphs
What does it tell you? What questions do you still have after you see it? Does it give a good/fair picture?





7 Lets Talk about the basic types of graphs that we will use this year
Bar Graphs Stacked Bar Graph Line Graph Circle/Pie Graph Lets Talk about the basic types of graphs that we will use this year

8 Bar Graph A bar graph is often used to compare different things
The bars can be vertical (up and down), or horizontal (across)

9 Stacked Bar Graph Can also be stacked to show multiple sets of data
Each color represents a part of the whole.

10 Line Graph A line graph is used to show changes over time (of the same thing); can predict future data, too Can have multiple lines of data on one graph (different items) X-axis = independent variable Y-axis = dependent variable

11 Linear Graph with a Direct Relationship
Linear: Straight line graph Direct relationship: as one variable goes up, the other also goes up. Example: As the amount of time passes, the runner goes a farther distance. (+, +)

12 Linear Graph with a Indirect Relationship
Indirect relationship: as one variable goes up, the other goes down. Example: As the temperature goes up, the number of sweaters worn goes down (+,-)

13 Circle/Pie Graph A circle graph is used to show how parts of a whole are divided up. Often used with percents. A whole circle = 100%

14 Parts of a graph Almost all graphs consist of the same parts including: A descriptive title Two axes (x-axis and y-axis) Labels on the axes Include the Units (cm, days, etc.) Appropriate number scale on axes Should include the lowest and highest numbers in the data Consider starting at 0 unless the first data point is not near A key (if necessary)

15 The Caption 3-5 sentences Format…
1st sentence… “This graph is about…” 2nd what is the trend? 3rd-5th cite some data; range, average, high/low point, or discrepant events The caption allows the viewer to understand the graph.

16 Lets’ Check our Understanding
You are about to see 5 different data tables. What type of graph would you use to display the data. Don’t call out answers; we will use some simple sign language.

17 Bar Graph Which type of graph?
The table shows the number of school days each month during the last school year. Bar Graph

18 Circle Graph Which type of graph?
The table shows the favorite activities of 200 students. What type of graph would be most appropriate to show the data as parts of a whole?

19 Line Graph Which type of graph?
The table shows the yearly average earnings (in thousands of dollars) for men and women. Which type of graph would be most appropriate for the data? Line Graph

20 Bar Graph Which type of graph?
The table shows the number of cars sold in a week. Which type of graph is appropriate for the data? Bar Graph

21 Line Graph Which type of graph?
The table shows the number of students enrolled each year. Which type of graph is appropriate for the data? Line Graph

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