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Vocabulary words Microsoft Word.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary words Microsoft Word."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary words Microsoft Word

2 Cell The intersection of a row and a column

3 Cell Address & Name Box Cell Address: The name of a cell, consisting of a letter representing a column and a number. Name Box:  The location below the ribbon where the active cell address appears

4 Spreadsheet  An electronic version of a worksheet that is made up of a matrix of columns and rows into which data is entered for various purposes

5 Formula Bar The location below the ribbon where the contents of the active cell appear, (fx).

6 Number format The description of the number formatting within a cell such as General, Accounting, currency, etc.

7 Sheet  Short for ‘worksheet’ / the area made up of cells where data and calculations are entered.

8 Workbook  a collection of worksheets

9 Sheet tab  The tabs at the bottom of the screen that display the worksheets that make up the workbook that is displayed.

10 Text wrap  a cell format that changes cell contents from one line to more than one line/ results in a narrower cell

11 Fill handle  a “+” that appears at the bottom, right‐hand corner of a cell that carries a formula or other contents of a cell down or across a range of cells

12 Formula a calculation entered into a cell/ always begins with an =.
Example: =A1+B1

13 Chart(s) A graphical representation of data
Column chart – what was typically referred to as a “bar graph” /consists of vertical bars and is used to compare and contrast data/ contains more than one set of data. Bar chart‐ a chart consisting of horizontal bars/ also used to compare and contrast data/ contains more than one set of data. Pie chart‐ a round chart that typically displays percentages or parts of a whole/ contains one set of data. Line chart‐ a chart displaying data in the form of a line with markers placed at specified intervals/useful in showing trends over time/ contains more than one set of data.

14 Types of Charts

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