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Warm Up: Some people say “war is always justified” meaning that whenever there’s a war, there’s always a good reason for it. Do you agree or disagree?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: Some people say “war is always justified” meaning that whenever there’s a war, there’s always a good reason for it. Do you agree or disagree?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Some people say “war is always justified” meaning that whenever there’s a war, there’s always a good reason for it. Do you agree or disagree? Write 3-5 sentences explaining your opinion.

2 Today’s Questions: What happened during the French and Indian War? How did the French and Indian War change Britain's relationship with the colonies?

3 Agenda: Reading/class discussion: French and Indian War
Introduce Revolutionary War songs

4 Important vocab: Militia: a military force that is raised from the regular population to supplement a regular army in an emergency Treaty: a formal agreement between countries Proclamation: an official announcement Restricting: to put a limit on, keep under control

5 French and Indian War Questions:
Who fought in the French and Indian War? Why were these two countries fighting? Why do you think Native Americans would join the conflict? Why would France and Britain want the Native Americans help? What were the lasting effects of the war?



8 Sides in the French and Indian War
Great Britain France Great Britain and the British Colonies. Iroquois Confederacy: Onondaga, Oneida, Seneca, Tuscarora, Mohawk, Cayuga Nations. Additional Native American participants: Catawba, Cherokee. France and the French Colonies. Native American Nations: Abenaki, Algonquin, Caughnawaga Mohawk, Lenape, Mi'kmaq, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Shawnee, Wyandot.




12 French and Indian War Questions:
Who fought in the French and Indian War? Why were these two countries fighting? Why do you think Native Americans would join the conflict? Why would France and Britain want the Native Americans help? What were the lasting effects of the war?

13 Alexander Hamilton

14 Alexander Hamilton: Title Song
Make a list of events that happened in Hamilton’s life!

15 My Shot Alexander Hamilton Aaron Burr Marquis de Lafayette
John Laurens

16 My Shot What new descriptive words/facts about Hamilton can you add?
What is Hamilton saying about the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain? What do the singers mean by “rise up?”

17 Revolutionary War Biography Project
For this project, you will read a biography of a historical figure from the Revolutionary War. You will work in groups to discuss the book and complete an independent project outside of class. Important Dates: Jan 15/19: Book group meeting #1--Assign books, discuss group roles Jan 20/21: Book group meeting #2—Group discussion on pages 1-20 Jan 28/Feb 2: Book group meeting #3—Group discussion on pages 21-end of book Feb 15/16: Individual project due

18 Group and Individual Work
Group Meetings: Prior to each group meeting, group members should prepare by reading the assigned section, completing the tasks assigned as “everyone’s job,” and completing their individual task. All group members are expected to participate in discussing what they read at the group meetings. Individual Projects: Once group meetings are completed, each group member will begin working on an individual project. The individual project should be completed outside of class. Below are some individual project options:

19 Historical Figures: Sam Adams John Hancock Ben Franklin Paul Revere
Patrick Henry King George III

20 Which 2 European powers fought in the French and Indian War?

21 Why were Britain and France fighting in the French and Indian War?

22 Name 1 effect of the French and Indian War.

23 Which European explorers traded furs and beaver pelts with Native Americans?

24 What Native American tribe controlled upstate New York?

25 What country did Robert de la Salle work for?

26 Which explorer set up the French fur trading center of Quebec?

27 Which European explorer marched 7,000 miles searching for the Seven Cities of Gold?

28 Name 2 motivations of European explorers

29 Who sailed across the Atlantic in 1492?

30 Name 2 areas of cooperation between Native Americans and Europeans

31 What are the names of Columbus’ three boats?

32 Name one way the Spanish interacted with the Native Americans they encountered.

33 Name one obstacle faced by European explorers.

34 Name one way European explorers cooperated with Native Americas.

35 Which explorer claimed the Mississippi River Valley for France?

36 What are the symptoms of scurvy?

37 Which French king did Robert de la Salle name the Mississippi River Valley after?

38 Battle of Monongahela: 1755

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