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Personalized Social Image Recommendation

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Presentation on theme: "Personalized Social Image Recommendation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalized Social Image Recommendation
Jianping Fan Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Charlotte

2 Social Image Sharing, Tagging, Friendship, ….

3 Social Image Sharing, Tagging, Friendship, ….

4 What people may care? Entertainment Tagging Interesting Photos
Making friends by tagging & sharing Knowing hot topics Navigating relevant photos ……

5 Significant Difference with News
Social Images & Tags Information are provided by non-professionals Information filtering and noise reductions are necessary Personalized service is more important

6 1. Motivation Large amount of images are available on Internet is becoming very popular Hard for Query Formulation b. Information Overload

7 1. Motivation Applications Second-Generation Internet Search Engines
Family Photo Organization System Digital Library

8 2. Key Issues to be Addressed
How can we provide a good global overview of large-scale image collections such as Flickr images? How can we capture the users’ query intentions easily and effectively? How can we recommend the most relevant images according to the users’ intentions?

9 Why Flickr is attractive?
Low barrier to enter, low cognitive cost Immediate feedback and comments Individual & community aspects

10 What problems Flickr have?
Low Quality of Tagging: people may make mistakes Homonymy problem: one text term may have different means under different contexts Synonymy problem: many text terms may have same mean Tag redundancy

11 2. Key Issues to be Addressed
Query Recommendation: picture owners may use different text terms for image annotation, and users may not know these text terms Information overload: each text term may relate to many images in Flickr such as Roma

12 What Flickr has done for these?
Tagcloud for query recommendation

13 Problems for Tagcloud Only the frequency of text terms is used to characterized their importance, but the importance of the text terms may also depend on other issues Contexts between the text terms are missed, thus it cannot support effective navigation and exploration Such tagcloud may not be able to represent the users’ image needs effectively

14 Some improvements on tag vis.

15 Some improvements on tag vis.

16 Some improvements on tag vis.

17 Social Network Visualization
How to identify such contexts for social tags?

18 Our Proposed Solutions
Topic Network for providing a good global overview of large-scale image collections; Interactive Visualization for capturing the users’ query intentions easily and effectively; Interestingness Matching for recommending the most relevant images according to the users’ intentions.

19 3. Topic Network Construction
What can topic network represent? Global overview of large-scale image collections; Context among the topics; local contexts + global contexts Good navigation or browsing structure for accessing large-scale image collections.

20 3. Topic Network Construction
Major steps for concept network construction Natural language processing for entity extraction; Word frequency estimation; Keyword extraction; Co-occurrence for context determination.

21 3. Topic Network Construction
Social Tags & Discussions in Texts Social Tag Cleansing Topics & Topic Correlations Topic Network

22 3. Topic Network Construction
Social Tags & Discussions in Texts Social Tag Cleansing Keyword Extraction Correlation Analysis Topics & Topic Correlations

23 3. Topic Network Construction
Social Tags & Discussions in Texts Social Tag Cleansing Spam tags Noisy tags ……….. Topics & Topic Correlations

24 3. Topic Network Construction
Social Tags & Discussions in Texts Keyword Extraction Numbers of images Numbers of discussions Numbers of clicks ………. Topics & Topic Correlations

25 3. Topic Network Construction
Co-Occurrence Probability Semantic Similarity Distribution Similarity

26 3. Topic Network Construction
Context between concepts

27 3. Topic Network Construction

28 3. Topic Network Construction

29 4. Topic Network Visualization
Interestingness of topic self-significance: numbers of images, discussions & clicks Link-significance: numbers of linkages

30 4. Topic Network Visualization
Using interestingness to highlight image topics

31 4. Topic Network Visualization
Constraint-based topic clustering

32 4. Topic Network Visualization
Constraint-based topic clustering

33 4. Topic Network Visualization
Query-Driven Topic Network Visualization

34 4. Topic Network Visualization
Query-Driven Topic Network Visualization

35 4. Topic Network Visualization
Multidimensional Scaling

36 4. Topic Network Visualization

37 4. Topic Network Visualization
Change of Focus

38 4. Topic Network Visualization
Change of Focus---Poincare Mapping

39 4. Topic Network Visualization
Change of Focus---Poincare Mapping

40 5. Interactive Query Specification
Concept Network Navigation

41 5. Interactive Query Specification
Personalized concept network generation

42 5. Interactive Query Specification

43 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Image Content Representation

44 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Image Similarity Characterization Color Histogram Kernel

45 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Image Similarity Characterization Wavelet Filter Bank Kernel

46 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Image Similarity Characterization Interest Point Matching Kernel

47 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Image Similarity Characterization ---- mixture of kernels Multiple kernel learning for determining weighting parameters!

48 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Kernel-Based Image Clustering

49 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Support Vector Machine positive images negative images positive support vectors margin negative support vectors

50 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Representativeness of image

51 6. Most Representative Image Recommendation
Most Representative Image Selection Most representative images come from all these clusters and distribute according their coverage percentages; Images close to decision boundaries; Most frequent accessed images

52 6. Most Representative Image Visualization
Kernel PCA Similarity-Preserving Image Projection

53 6. Most Representative Image Visualization
Hyperbolic Image Visualization

54 6. Most Representative Image Visualization

55 6. Most Representative Image Visualization

56 6. Most Representative Image Visualization

57 7. User-Adaptive Image Recommendation
User Intention Capturing

58 7. User-Adaptive Image Recommendation
Personalized Interestingness of Image

59 7. User-Adaptive Image Recommendation

60 7. User-Adaptive Image Recommendation

61 Collaborative Filtering
Social Rating Information User’s Personal History Potential Changes over time Social Network

62 Multi-Modal Deep Learning

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