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Climate Change Causes.

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1 Climate Change Causes

2 Human causes Burning fossil fuels
Carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels are burnt (CO2 is greenhouse gas). Atmospheric CO2 levels increased from ppm since industrial revolution. whereas they'd been stable for around 10,000 years before that. Deforestation Plants absorb CO2 in the atmosphere and therefore when they are cut down these 'carbon sinks' are lost.  CO2 is released into the atmosphere when trees are chopped or burnt. Farming Nitrogen-based fertilizer increases nitrous oxide emissions. Livestock farms produce a lot of methane. Rice paddies - flooded fields emit methane.

3 Climate Change Impacts
Changes to precipitation patterns. - Wet areas get wetter, precipitation decrease 5-20% in dry areas due to changes to ocean circulation and wind patterns.  Glaciers, sea ice and ice caps would melt - sea level rises % less arctic ice since 1950s. More extreme weather events. - Storms, floods and drought expected to be more severe and happen more regularly. LEDCs would suffer the most. Increase in incidences of disease. - Breathing problems (Smog increase), heat-stroke, malarial mosquitos move to areas where they currently aren't. Conflict over water could increase. - Would become much more valuable resource. Agricultural patterns could change. - Where crops grown, time of year etc. Productivity may alter. Decrease in biodiversity. - Species distribution might change and some species may become extinct due to loss of habitat. 

4 How will global warming impact the UK?
Over to you!! Think……. How will the climate change Sea level Drought Patterns of agriculture habitats

5 Climate Change Impact on Tropical Savanna Climate
Likely to get hotter resulting in higher evapotranspiration and drought. Rainfall likely to increase closer to the equator bringing flooding and water-borne diseases(cholera etc.) but may also mean increased agricultural productivity. Further from the equator the rainfall would decrease leading to drought and likely extinction of species.  Rainfall would become more variable - more storms in wet season. Flooding of low-lying areas, increased coastal erosion, and damage to coral reefs through increased sea temperatures. 

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