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ElasticTree Michael Fruchtman.

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Presentation on theme: "ElasticTree Michael Fruchtman."— Presentation transcript:

1 ElasticTree Michael Fruchtman

2 Background Theory Solving the multi-commodity flow problem
NP-Complete hard G(V,E) and commodities set K With set S as source and set T as sinks Maximize: Maximize the minimal fraction of flow

3 Topologies

4 Question and Hypothesis
Data center network devices are always on Networking devices are near constant power draw Can a data center network be made energy proportional with non-energy proportional components? Heller et al. propose three ways to calculate a network topology subset for the current demand.

5 Current State of Technology
I am HPC oriented Data centers and HPC clusters use the same topology Ubiquitous Fat Tree

6 Data Center Networking
Diurnal Cycle Networking hardware is not energy proportional Can we lower the power on the downcycle? Network traffic is only 8% of power cost

7 Simple Attempts and Modeling
Switch power modeling Constant minimum 3W per port, 1W to turn it on Minimum Spanning Tree Connect all nodes No redundancy No fault tolerance Is there anything in between?

8 Approaches Formal Model Traffic Matrix, assume a data rate
Solve for the minimum number of switches Output: Subset of fat tree topology Results Scales to only 1000 nodes Very slow, O(n3.5) Cannot deal with traffic spikes

9 Approaches Greedy bin packing For each flow move to leftmost switch
Keep moving flow until each switch is full Not all flows will resolve, some arbitrary decisions made Output: Return fat tree subset.

10 Approaches Topology Aware Heuristic Minimize switch number
Compute minimum Ports and switches needed Take total flow up tree and divide by data link rate to find necessary number of ports Do the same for the down flow Assign the minimum number of switches to achieve the required bandwidth. As reliable as minimum spanning tree

11 Results Format model Locality Concerns 48 node fat tree Plateau
No results for topology heuristic was given on power savings. Format model 48 node fat tree Plateau Constant minimum Locality Concerns Performs better when traffic is localized

12 Approach Flaws Long computation time produces cycles
On traffic increase switches get overloaded On traffic decrease too many switches “Following” algorithms One node continually calculates the network What to do if the optimizer goes down?

13 Latency Safety margins can be introduced by layering additional MSTs over the solution

14 Redundancy All solutions are not fault tolerant
Add fault tolerance by adding MSTs over the solution Each MST adds 1% of original network’s power cost Exponential increase in reliability

15 Methodology Flaws Used testbed of routers with network simulators
No large datacenter Largest size of routers with network simulators was 48 hosts, data centers have thousands of nodes No TCP testing TCP protocol has flow control built in Will TCP back off before the optimizer activate more ports and switches? Cannot handle traffic spikes due to multi-minute switch and router boot times Will only reduce power in idle systems

16 Conclusion Might be useful for data centers due to lower utilization
Perfect for diurnal cycle Useless for most HPC clusters Needs physical testing TCP could make this approach useless

17 Questions

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