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SAT Vocabulary Homework & Quiz Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT Vocabulary Homework & Quiz Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT Vocabulary Homework & Quiz Guide

2 Flashcards When we start a new SAT Vocabulary Unit we will make flashcards for each group of 10 words This will be a grade

3 Flashcard Example (front)
SAT Vocabulary Word

4 Flashcard Example (back)
Synonym Definition (in your own words) Drawing to Part of represent the word Speech

5 Homework You will have FOUR homework assignments before the quiz
Write your answers on your own sheet of loose-leaf paper In the upper-left-hand corner write your Name Date Period Your title is “SAT Vocabulary Ch. ___” Your subtitle is the title on the worksheet

6 SAT Vocabulary – 1st Homework Assignment
This homework assignment is sub-titled “Ten Words in Context” On your paper write out: The Vocabulary Word The Letter Answer Choice The answer Remember – these words are not the TRUE definition of the word ALWAYS WRITE OUT THE VOCABULARY WORD. This helps with memorization (do not write A, B, C, etc.) EX. 1. Brusque A. Blunt

7 SAT Vocabulary – 1st Homework Assignment - GRADING
Missing Name, Date, or/and Period = -5 Missing Heading or Subheading = -5 Miss one question = -10 Did not write the answer properly = -10 If only had letter answer choice and written answer EX. A. Blunt Did not write the answer properly = -25 If only had letter answer choice = -25 EX. A. Messy paper, ripped paper, drawings on paper etc. = -10

8 SAT Vocabulary – 2nd Homework Assignment
This homework assignment is titled “Matching Words with Definitions” Match your vocabulary words with the definitions provided On your paper write out the vocabulary word EX. 1. Brusque

9 SAT Vocabulary – 2nd Homework Assignment - GRADING
Missing Name, Date, or/and Period = -5 Missing Heading or Subheading = -5 Miss one question = -10 Did not write the answer properly = -25 If only had letter answer choice = -25 EX. A. Messy paper, ripped paper, drawings on paper etc. = -10

10 SAT Vocabulary – 3rd Homework Assignment
This homework assignment is titled “Sentence Check 1” Read the sentences and use context clues to choose the correct word for the sentence On your paper write out the vocabulary word EX. 1. Brusque Hint: write down a synonym or a short definition next to each vocabulary word and use them in the sentence to help you decide This is a good example of what your quiz will look like

11 SAT Vocabulary – 3rd Homework Assignment - GRADING
Missing Name, Date, or/and Period = -5 Missing Heading or Subheading = -5 Miss one question = -10 Did not write the answer properly = -25 If only had letter answer choice = -25 EX. A. Messy paper, ripped paper, drawings on paper etc. = -10

12 SAT Vocabulary – 4th Homework Assignment
This homework assignment is titled “Sentence Check 2” Read the sentences and use context clues to choose the correct word for the sentence On your paper write out the vocabulary word EX. 1. Brusque Hint: write down a synonym or a short definition next to each vocabulary word and use them in the sentence to help you decide This is a good example of what your quiz will look like

13 SAT Vocabulary – 4th Homework Assignment - GRADING
Missing Name, Date, or/and Period = -5 Missing Heading or Subheading = -5 Miss one question = -10 Did not write the answer properly = -25 If only had letter answer choice = -25 EX. A. Messy paper, ripped paper, drawings on paper etc. = -10

14 Receiving your homework
Once your vocabulary homework has been graded I will pass it back Make corrections to the answers you missed so you can learn the words and definitions correctly I do not give credit for corrections, but it will help you study for the quiz

15 Studying for the vocab quiz
Don’t try to study all in one night Find a study method that works for you Spend at least 10 to 20 minutes each day reviewing your words Try to use your words in your assignments or when answering questions Repetition and understanding is key to learning vocabulary Once the word is natural to you and you can use it – you won’t forget it

16 During The Quiz If you need to write the definitions down for the vocabulary words from memory – do so on the back of your quiz Read each sentence Use context clues and inferences to help you choose the best word for the sentence

17 SAT Vocabulary Ch. 1 - Words
Affinity Proximity Fledgling Sagacious Hackneyed Supplant Incessant Unassailable Opulence Voluminous

18 SAT Vocabulary Ch. 2 - Words
Brusque Morose Dispassionate Nonchalance Effervescent Progeny Indefatigable Stoic Misanthrope Voracious

19 SAT Vocabulary Ch. 3 - Words

20 SAT Vocabulary Ch. 4 - Words

21 SAT Vocabulary Ch. 5 - Words

22 SAT Vocabulary Ch. 6 - Words

23 SAT Vocabulary Ch. 7 - Words

24 SAT Vocabulary Ch. 8 - Words

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