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Chapter 10 Section 2.

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1 Chapter 10 Section 2

2 The Louisiana Purchase
At the beginning of Jefferson’s presidency, the territory of the United States extended only to the Mississippi River. The territory west of that – Louisiana – belonged to Spain. In 1802, Spain transferred the territory to France. Jefferson became worried that the French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, might try to create an empire in America.

3 The Louisiana Purchase -1803
When France offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory for $15 million, the United States quickly accepted the offer. Jefferson worried the purchase might not be legal as the Constitution said nothing about acquiring new territory. The Senate approved the purchase in October 1803. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory doubled the size of the United States.

4 The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Americans knew little about the land west of the Mississippi, and Jefferson wanted to learn about the territory he had just acquired. Jefferson persuaded Congress to sponsor an expedition to gather information on the new land. The expedition would document the territory’s people, plants, and animals. The expedition also hoped to find the fabled Northwest Passage, a water route across North America.

5 Lewis and Clark Jefferson chose Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to head the expedition into the newly acquired Louisiana Territory. Together, Lewis and Clark assembled a crew of expert sailors, gunsmiths, carpenters, scouts, and a cook. Two men served as interpreters. The began their expedition in St. Louis in the spring of 1804.

6 Lewis and Clark / Sacagewea
Along the way, the Lewis and Clark expedition encountered many Native American groups. A Shoshone woman named Sacagewea joined the group as a guide. After 18 months and nearly 4,000 miles, Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific Ocean. They finally made it back east in September of 1806. Their journey inspired many people to move westward. Clip

7 Lewis and Clark Assignment – worth 25 points
Using the worksheet that you have been provided, you need to create an illustrated comic strip of Lewis and Clark’s expedition. Specifically, you need to trace Lewis and Clark’s voyage, and illustrate various events that happened along the way. Some events you may want to include are: the starting point of the voyage, entering the Great Plains, encountering the Natives, employing Sacagawea as a guide, the, and reaching the Pacific Ocean.

8 Pike’s Expedition Lewis and Clark were not the only people Jefferson sent to explore the wilderness. Lieutenant Zebulon Pike led two expeditions west between 1805 and From Pike’s travels, he learned about the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. In Colorado, Pike found a snowcapped mountain that we now call Pike’s Peak.

9 The Burr-Hamilton Duel
The Burr-Hamilton Duel arose from a long- standing animosity between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. Burr and Hamilton had opposing political beliefs, and were fierce rivals. In 1804, Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel. The duel took place in Weehawken, NJ, and it resulted in the death of Alexander Hamilton. Burr was charged with murder, but was never tried. The charges were eventually dropped. Clip

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