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Load Weighting and Priority

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1 Load Weighting and Priority
When designing a Network Load Balancing solution, you must decide how you will distribute the inbound client connections across the hosts.

2 When designing a Network Load Balancing solution, you must decide how you will distribute the inbound client connections across the hosts. When using Multiple hosts filtering mode, you use Load Weight and host priority to determine how the Network Load Balancing cluster will handle the client request load. When you use the Single host filtering mode, the Network Load Balancing driver sets the Handling priority to determine the order each host will handle traffic for an associated port rule. The following table shows the distribution mechanism based on load weight and priority settings.

3 Parameter Action Load Weight Specifies the percentage of load-balanced network traffic that this host should handle for the associated port rule. Allowed values range from 0 (zero) to 100. Equal Load Distribution Specifies that the host accept an equal portion of the load-balanced traffic in Multiple host filtering mode for the associated port rule. Handling Priority Specifies the local host's priority for handling the networking traffic for the associated port rule. The allowed values range from 1, the highest priority, to the maximum number of hosts allowed. This value must be unique for all of the hosts in the cluster.

4 Note: The sum of the load weights for all of the cluster hosts does not have to equal 100 because hosts can dynamically enter or leave the cluster. The actual fraction of traffic handled by each host is computed as the local load percentage value divided by the sum of all of the load weights across the cluster.

5 When making a decision to select Equal, Load weight, or a Handling priority value use the following criteria: Select Equal load weight when you require inbound traffic to be load balanced across a cluster and all of the members provide the same performance. Select Load Weight when you must balance inbound traffic across cluster members with different performance characteristics. Set a priority value when one cluster member will handle all of the inbound traffic, and other members provide fault tolerance.

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