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CMOS Inverter First Glance

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Presentation on theme: "CMOS Inverter First Glance"— Presentation transcript:

1 CMOS Inverter First Glance

2 The CMOS Inverter: A First Glance
out C L DD

3 CMOS Inverter N Well V DD PMOS 2l Contacts Out In Metal 1 Polysilicon

4 Two Inverters Share power and ground Abut cells Connect in Metal

5 CMOS Inverter First-Order DC Analysis
DD V DD Rp VOL = 0 VOH = VDD VM = f(Rn, Rp) Vout Vin = 0 Vin = 1 Vout Rn

6 CMOS Inverter: Transient Response
DD DD t pHL = f(R on .C L ) = 0.69 R C R p V out V out C L C t V out DD R on C L 1 0.5 0.36 L R n V 5 V 5 V in in DD (a) Low-to-high (b) High-to-low

7 CMOS Voltage Transfer Characteristic

8 The CMOS Inverter VTC:

9 PMOS Load Lines S G D D G S V I V = V -V = V +V I = - I V = V -V = V
out I Dn V = V -V in DD SGp = V +V DD GSp D I = - I Dn Dp V = V -V = V +V D out DD SDp DD DSp G S V DSp I Dp GSp =-2.5 =-1 V DSp I Dn in =0 =1.5 V out I Dn in =0 =1.5 V in = V DD +V GSp I Dn = - I Dp V out = V DD +V DSp

10 CMOS Inverter Load Characteristics

11 CMOS Inverter VTC

12 Switching Threshold as a function of Transistor Ratio
10 1 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 M V (V) W p /W n

13 Determining VIH and VIL
OH OL in out M IL IH A simplified approach

14 Inverter Gain

15 Gain as a function of VDD

16 Simulated VTC

17 Impact of Process Variations
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 V in (V) out Good PMOS Bad NMOS Good NMOS Bad PMOS Nominal

18 MOS Capacitances Dynamic Behavior

19 MOS Transistor 3-D perspective

20 Dynamic Behavior of MOS Transistor

21 The Gate Capacitance x L Polysilicon gate Top view Gate-bulk overlap
d L Polysilicon gate Top view Gate-bulk overlap Source n + Drain W t ox n + Cross section L Gate oxide

22 Average Gate Capacitance
Different distributions of gate capacitance for varying operating conditions Most important regions in digital design: saturation and cut-off

23 Gate Capacitance Capacitance as a function of VGS
(with VDS = 0) Capacitance as a function of the degree of saturation

24 Measuring the Gate Cap by Simulation
_ 16 X 10 10 9 V GS 8 I 7 6 Gate Capacitance (F) 5 4 Gate Capacitance (F) 3 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 V (V) GS

25 Diffusion Capacitance
Channel-stop implant N 1 A Side wall Source W N D Bottom x Side wall j Channel L S Substrate N A

26 Junction Capacitance

27 Linearizing the Junction Capacitance
Replace non-linear capacitance by large-signal equivalent linear capacitance which displaces equal charge over voltage swing of interest

28 Cpacitive Device Model

29 Capacitances in 0.25 mm CMOS process

30 Computing the Capacitances

31 CMOS Inverters V DD PMOS 1.2 m m =2l Out In Metal1 Polysilicon NMOS

32 The Miller Effect

33 Computing the Capacitances

34 Propagation Delay

35 CMOS Inverter Propagation Delay Approach 1

36 CMOS Inverter Propagation Delay Approach 2

37 Transient Response ? tp = 0.69 CL (Reqn+Reqp)/2 tpLH tpHL

38 Design for Performance
Keep capacitances small Increase transistor sizes watch out for self-loading! Increase VDD (????)

39 Delay as a function of VDD

40 Device Sizing (for fixed load) Self-loading effect:
Intrinsic capacitances dominate

41 NMOS/PMOS ratio tpLH tpHL tp b = Wp/Wn = 1.9

42 Impact of Rise Time on Delay

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