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Understanding and Reaching

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding and Reaching"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding and Reaching
People of Other Faiths Jn. 4:22-24, Ac. 17: 22-23; Ruth 1:16-17

2 Windows of opportunity
Introduction: Windows of opportunity Missions commitment

3 1. The Growth of Migrant Populations and Multifaith Community
Eg. Australian Census 2006 418,000 Buddhists 340,000 Muslims 148,000 Hindus

4 2. Christian Approaches in Outreach
People of Other Faiths as People People of Other Faiths as Other Religious Systems C. Effective Methods

5 A. People of Other Faiths as People
People of other faiths are human beings with needs and aspirations Avoid stereotypes Love them into the kingdom

6 B. People of other Faiths as Other Religious Systems.
Islam~ Revelational and Supreme 4 Major Objections to Christianity i) The Bible is Corrupted ii) The Trinity vs. Tawhid iii) The Incarnation and Deity of Christ iv) The Death and Resurrection of Christ

7 Bridges Within the Quran
Christ – His titles and His miracles Sacrifice of animals– Atonement Eschatology --Christ’s return

8 C. The Effective Methods
Generic Considerations: Asian Peoples Communal peoples Respect for the elderly Very hospitable Non-confrontational Followership through senior leadership

9 C. The Effective Methods
Approaches to Evangelism: Entry Points-- One on One Friendship Situational Neutral Places Bridge building Superior Gospel Blessings Man of Peace

10 Some Blocks / Roads to Discipleship
Ancestral worship Idols Family Ties--Honour

11 Conclusions Ooi Chin Aik

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