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Michael Keating National Adviser for Equalities and Cohesion IDeA

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Presentation on theme: "Michael Keating National Adviser for Equalities and Cohesion IDeA"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fire and Rescue Service Equality Framework: driving performance improvement
Michael Keating National Adviser for Equalities and Cohesion IDeA 16th March 2010

2 What has happened? Developed by a sector-led working group, CFOA and IDeA and piloted by 9 services Smarter Simplified Proportional Performance framework for compliance Outcome focused across the whole community

3 Principles Unique position of the Fire and Rescue Service in the community Cycle of continuous improvement Understanding the life chances of everyone Links to other internal and external requirements Strengthen partnership working Deliver better outcomes

4 2010 – the landscape Changing nature of society
global / individual relationship socially liberal / conservative politically Changing face of local government partnership, greater localisation and personalisation, community leadership Single Equality Bill ‘new rights’ across all strands public sector and socio-economic duty Huge budget deficit emphasis on effectiveness, efficiency and cuts

5 Employment and training
A driver for improving performance Evaluation and sharing good practice Accountability and equality mapping Use evidence to inform decisions and set priorities Measure outcomes and get regular, ongoing feedback Effective service delivery and community engagement Leadership and promoting inclusion Deliver on priorities Create an effective organisation to deliver services Employment and training

6 Equal life chances Based on fundamental freedoms derived from human rights frameworks Life chances are considered against ten domains Challenge: - inequality of outcome - inequality of process - inequality of autonomy

7 The 10 domains Longevity Physical security Health Education
premature mortality Physical security freedom from violence and physical and sexual abuse Health well-being and quality health care Education access to training and life long learning Standard of living live with independence and security Productive and valued activities access to employment Individual and family life and social life self development, independence and equality in relationships and marriage Participation, influence and voice participation in decision making and democratic life Identity expression and self respect freedom of belief and religion Legal security equal treatment within the criminal system

8 Links to other requirements
Statutory duties and forthcoming Equality Bill Fire and Rescue Service: Equality and diversity strategy Comprehensive area assessment Operational assurance

9 How it works Leadership and promoting inclusion Accountability
Three levels of attainment: Developing, Achieving, Excellent Five performance areas: Leadership and promoting inclusion Accountability Effective service delivery and community engagement Employment and training Evaluation and sharing good practice

10 Leadership and promoting inclusion
Understanding of diversity and tackling inequality at the heart of place Local priorities Strategic leadership to drive improved outcomes Partnership and influence Procurement and commissioning

11 Accountability Scrutiny of performance
Improved use of equality impact assessments Participation in civic and public life Monitoring and addressing bullying and harassment issues Performance management arrangements

12 Effective service delivery and community engagement
Personalised services IRMP taking full account of the diversity of the community Improved structures and processes delivering efficient and effective resource allocation Understanding how and where ‘equality groups’ fit Consultation and feedback

13 Employment and training
Measurement of diversity of the workforce allows appropriate recruitment and progression targets Improvement of performance, equal pay and flexible working Workforce Strategy and equality Learning and development opportunities Individual performance reviews EqIAs of workforce policies and procedures

14 Evaluation and sharing good practice
Practices related to collection of personal staff data and how it is used Learning from others and others learning from FRS

15 Equality mapping Embedded throughout
Use of local and national data to understand the profile of communities and measure inequalities Based on equality strands and other demographics, such as socio-economic, health and education status, availability of transport and whether communities live in a rural or urban setting Data has to be understood and analysed, not just collected

16 How the Framework operates
Describes the characteristics of a service at each level Against these characteristics lists actions against each of the five areas of the performance framework ‘How was this done’: examples of evidence that would demonstrate performance Externally assessed by the Diversity Peer Challenge against the achieving and excellent levels

17 Migration from the Equality Standard
Levels 1 and 2 = Developing Level 3 = Achieving Level 4 = Moving towards excellence (transitional stage) Level 5 = Excellent Migration or assessment status lasts 3 years

18 Self-assessment and peer review
Encourage critical self-assessment and peer challenge The Diversity Peer Challenge has already been developed for the achieving level of the EFLG Those who have successfully undergone a peer challenge will be awarded a recognition kite mark Peer challenge maintains common standards of improvement that are nationally recognised, also performs an essential moderating function

19 Partnership working – a golden thread across the public sector
External drivers: Total Place Efficiency savings Customer satisfaction Developments: Equality Standard for Police – launched December IDeA working with NHS Employers, PCTs and Trusts on development of Equality Framework for NHS Work with ALMOs on social housing Framework – consulting February-March OFSTED developing own equality improvement framework

20 Help with the Equality Framework: Ef:ect
Online data management and referencing tool to: Collect evidence – create an evidence base/library Self-assessment – get an overview of your progress and current status Action plan – compile and report

21 Next steps? ‘Can do’ culture? Ambitious and respected? Driver for public sector improvement? Make a difference?

22 IDeA’s equality work is available from
The Fire and Rescue Service Framework Community of practice

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