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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

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1 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
St. Cadoc’s Primary Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Coffee Morning Thursday 2 February 2017

2 Agenda: Share the school’s current Equality, Diversity and Inclusion practice Feedback/Suggestions

3 Introduction Our children and young people live in a diverse society in 21st century Scotland. St Cadoc’s Primary School is committed to creating an environment for the whole school community that demonstrates shared values of inclusion, equality, fairness and respect.

4 Vision, Values and Aims Our vision is to develop a Catholic ethos that promotes the Gospel values for all within a safe and positive learning environment, where everyone is respected and children strive for excellence. We aim to: Inspire and motivate our pupils to become successful and enthusiastic life-long learners Have high expectations for all pupils to help raise attainment and develop a can do attitude to ensure everyone experiences success Create a safe and respected learning environment and establish positive partnerships with parents and the wider community Celebrate our unique God given talents

5 We value S – Strive for excellence A – All children are challenged and engaged I – Inclusive approach to learning and teaching N – Nurturing children to “have a go” T- Trust and respectfulness C – Creativity and learning in imaginative ways A – Awareness of responsibilities D – Dedication to helping others O –Opportunity to celebrate wider achievement C- Collaboration with parents and wider community S-Supportive and caring learning environment

6 Equality, Inclusion and Diversity – Good Practice
Global Citizenship Rights Respecting School Award Human Rights Day Diversity Day European Day of Languages Climate Change Day Forest School and the John Muir Award Real life links abroad After school clubs House System Pupil Groups

7 Rights Respecting School Award
The school has worked tirelessly on promoting children’s rights, receiving the Recognition of Commitment in 2014. We have, amongst other things, written Class Charters, created posters, written and performed plays, written our own school song We are being assessed for Rights Respecting School Award Level 1 on March 30th.

8 Global Citizenship Taught as a discreet subject across all stages of the school for four years by a specialist Now the responsibility of the class teacher All classes work through a curriculum that includes: UNCRC – Children’s Rights, World Religions, Climate Change and the Environment, Cultures around the World

9 Human Rights Day Each and every class learns about an inspirational figure from around the world, ranging from Nelson Mandela to Rosa Parks and the Dalai Lama Pupils learn about the importance of standing up for what they believe in – taking part in peaceful protests like marching, sit ins and letter zaps This proves another excellent opportunity to focus on the UNCRC The day concludes with a Peace March in the community alongside Crookfur Primary and Isobel Mair School

10 European Day of Languages
Celebrated through learning French songs Euro Talent competition decides the best performers in the upper and lower school Enhances their understanding of European Languages

11 Diversity Day Looking to expand on the success of Human Rights Day we are now looking to use a similar model to celebrate diversity and culture around the world Each stage will learn of a different culture and explore festivals related to each culture Parent Group

12 Climate Change Day What is Climate Change and how does it happen
Impacts of Climate Change: drought, sea levels, storms, temperature Where Climate Change has impacted: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Guatemala, Niger

13 Forest School Connecting with nature Minimising our impact
Giving something back and improving our community Pupils undertaking the John Muir Award: discover, explore and conserve a wild area

14 Real life links and Clubs
Mandarin lessons from P5-7: focused both on Mandarin language and Chinese culture Pupils corresponding with French school in Versailles Spanish and Italian language clubs offered to pupils

15 Curriculum Links Examples show that Equality, Inclusion and Diversity permeates the whole curriculum, including our Religious Education Programme.

16 World Religion Day Part of our Religious Programme (This is our Faith) includes the teaching of other faiths. This year we linked the teaching of other faiths to World Religion Day, an annual event aimed at promoting inter-faith understanding and harmony, occurred on the 18th January. As a school we had a focus on teaching different faiths during the fortnight of 16th to 27th January. We recognise that the teaching of different faiths begin at Primary 3 but the whole school participated in learning about other faiths during this fortnight. Younger children were able to learn about different cultures through our Citizenship programme. Throughout the year we have flexibility to teach and raise awareness about celebrations, feast days, occasions, etc.

17 Pupil Voice Our young people are encouraged to contribute to the life and work of the school and, from the earliest stages, to exercise their responsibilities as members of a community. This includes opportunities to participate responsibly in decision-making, to contribute as leaders and role models, offer support and service to others and play an active part in putting the values of the school community into practice. Pupil Groups Pupil views on Wellbeing Plans Worry boxes Buddy reading Pupil Forums

18 Engaging Families in Learning
Curriculum Evenings/Meet the teacher Parent Evenings Parent Workshops Newsletters Seeking parent feedback – Citizen Space feedback/Questionnaires Friday morning drop in sessions School Website School Twitter account Parent Council and PSA Representatives Educational Visits

19 Evaluations We would welcome feedback on this morning’s event therefore we would appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete our evaluation form. There is also an opportunity for you to share suggestions with us on how we may enhance our current practice. Thank you

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