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2 Weight First Pilot Overview
Endocrine Society partners with primary care organization state chapters Super Trainers PCP Leaders PCPs Members of the task force that developed the Endocrine Society Pharmacological Management of Obesity guidelines drafted the core curriculum and led the training and workshop Primary care leaders from Louisiana participate in inter-professional training and workshop to customize curriculum to present at their state chapter annual meeting Attend trained primary care leaders’ lecture at state chapter annual meetings for CME credit; Access to enduring material and CME credit on Caroline M. Apovian, MD Louisiana was selected for the Weight First pilot because: It is part of the “Obesity Belt,” with adult obesity prevalence greater than 30% Louisiana has highest adult obesity rate in the nation – percent, up from percent in 2000 and from percent in 1990* Only 3%, or 37,559, of Louisiana’s adults with obesity have actually been diagnosed with obesity by a health care provider, as of 2013 Donna H. Ryan, MD 1,604 PCPs LA Christopher D. Still, DO 4 PCP Leaders 3 Super Trainers *Segal LM, Rayburn J, Martin A. The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America, 2016.

3 Weight First Pilot Deliverables
Curriculum Live Meetings Enduring Members of the task force that developed the Endocrine Society Pharmacological Management of Obesity guidelines drafted the core curriculum and led the training and workshop Association leaders from five primary care organizations in Louisiana participated in the workshop and customized the curriculum to present at five state chapter annual meetings was created by the Endocrine Society for enduring materials and resources (CME credit available) INTERPROFESSIONAL TRAINING & WORKSHOP WED, MARCH 30, 9AM-3:30PM WESTIN, BOSTON WATERFRONT HOTEL Family Physicians Internists Region V Core Curriculum Sections: The case for treating weight first Step 1: Talk to patients about obesity Step 2: Manage obesity with a toolbox of options Step 3: Get reimbursed Nurse Practitioners Available Resources Include: Core Weight First Curriculum Slides Recording of Weight First Interprofessional Training & Workshop presentations with AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits available Schedule of 2016 Weight First presentations at state chapter annual meetings Osteopathic Physicians

4 Weight First Pilot Objectives and Results
Pilot exceeded expectations Objective 1 Results Increase knowledge and understanding of the pharmacological management of obesity among each of the specialties (internists (IM), family physicians (FP), osteopaths (DO), nurse practitioners (NP)) PreTest Scores Post Test Scores 51% 96% Objective 2 Results Change behavior among IMs, FPs, DOs and NPs to consider medications as an adjunct to lifestyle change therapy to promote weight loss and maintenance in patients with obesity Survey: “Will you change your practice as a result of this presentation?” Yes: 79% Objective 3 Results Demonstrate the multiplier effect of 4 Grasstops: reach 1,530 PCPs – 450 live meeting attendees and 1,080 enduring viewers 950 PCPs 5 Live Meetings 1,604 │ 105% 4 Trained PCPs Enduring Activity

5 Weight First Interprofessional Training and Workshop at ENDO 2016
The faculty and participating primary care leaders gave the program high ratings overall Has the program changed the way you will manage patients with obesity? Feedback from 3 Super Trainers Feedback from 4 PCP Leaders Overall rating out of James Campbell, MD Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians “I’m a huge advocate…I don’t know how we could do any better” “It will change my approach to pharmacological management of obesity.” Eleanor A. Lisbon, MD, MPH National Medical Association – Region V “The information on the drugs was very empowering.” “The information on weight regain will definitely help me to empower my clients and say you gained back some weight, but it’s ok.” Connie Hale, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC Louisiana Association of Nurse Practitioners “I loved that the faculty were the actual authors of the pharmacological guidelines.” “I think it will because I’ve focused largely on IBT in the past and less on the pharmacological therapies.” Janet Ricks, DO Osteopathic Medical Assn, MS & LA “It was very interactive, which is one of the best ways to learn.” “I am a little bit more comfortable with the medications because of the pharmacologic management content.” Caroline M. Apovian, MD “The presentation developed for the workshop was one of the best I’ve seen” Donna H. Ryan, MD “The primary care participants were eager to make effective presentations” Christopher D. Still, DO “A novel approach to addressing the obesity management knowledge gap”

6 Weight First Pilot Local Association Annual Meeting Presentations Results
Eleanor Lisbon, MD, MPH Janet Ricks, DO James Campbell, MD Connie Hale, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC Total Association National Medical Association, Region V Mississippi Osteopathic Medical Association Louisiana Association of Family Practitioners Louisiana Osteopathic Medical Association Louisiana Association of Nurse Practitioners Location & Date Kansas City, MO Apr 16, 2016 Destin, FL Jun 1, 2016 Jul 7, 2016 New Orleans, LA Aug 19, 2016 Sep 20, 2016 Average Pretest Score 46% 47% 42% 43% 57% 51% Average Posttest Score 100% 89% 98% 95% 96% Will you change your practice as a result of this presentation? Would a mobile app on obesity treatments be a useful tool for you? Comments “Offer more medicine and procedures for patients not successful” “Use medications more often” “Talk more to patients about weight first; will try medications sooner” “I am more comfortable with the obesity meds and may use them more” “I’d tell patients weight loss is not a cosmetic issue, but a health concern” *All attendees received AMA PRA Category 1TM CME credit

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