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Mice and men Themes Nature/Animals.

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1 Mice and men Themes Nature/Animals

2 Importance Of Nature and surrounding
It makes audience in to this story Steinbeck mentioned rabbits which is Lennie’s dream as we see later. Nature is a secret shelter to hide for them ex) George says to Lennie “,,,-if you jus’ happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here and hide in the brush.”

3 Context theme for nature/Animals
American Dream Working hard so that they can keep a farm, animals, and earn money. Animals are bounded to the story and they are part of the context which means animals cannot be separated from the story. Steinbeck used nature both at the beginning and the end of the story, giving opening image at start and closing image at the end Nature as a theme in the novel engages the readers and creates an atmosphere, matching the scenes. Power of men: ex) in a scene of shooting dog but also there is a friendship between animals and men ex) Candy (It was not Candy who made a decision to shoot the dog. It was made by other people)

4 Importance of Animals Description Of Lennie
he walked heavily, dragging his feet like a little, the way a bear drags his paws, : this statement gives an image of big, huge and strong ,snorting into the water like a horse : this statement gives monotonous movement (lazy/slow) Constant reference of animals gives the readers clue that what might happen and confirms that there might be a problem with animals.

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