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KP5 HIPPOS Presentation

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1 KP5 HIPPOS Presentation
By David Berry, David Berry, & last but not least, David Berry

2 “This is a White man’s government”
-Created in 1868 by Thomas Nast -Thomas Nast was a Republican-Party supporter -One of first Presidential elections where former slaves could vote -Made to appeal to African-Americans, amongst others

3 Historical Context Less than 5 years following the American Civil War the presidential election of 1868 pitted the Republican canidate Ulysses S. Grant (#WarHeroInfatuation) against the Democratic nominee Horatio Seymour. Thomas Nst’s political cartoon “This is a White Man’s Government appeared during this campaign, aimed towards gaining appeal from the new electors, African-Americans

4 Historical context #2 1868 was the year of the presidential election following Abraham Lincoln’s term Pitted Ulysses S. Grant against Horatio Seymour First presidential election where African-Americans could vote Thomas Nast sought to gain the support of the minority rising up Also sought to discredit the behavior and life-style of Democratics

5 Intended audience The intended audience are former slaves and citizens of the United States who seek equal rights. More generally, the audience may consist of all voting citizens excluding Irish immigrants, former Confederates, and all Democrats.

6 purpose Thomas Nast is seeking a Republican victory in the election and attempting to gain the votes of three major peoples by ridiculing and stigmatizing Democrats. By painting a picture showing the Democratic party as anti-Black, Nast encourages African-Americans to vote for the Republican party candidate instead. A similar princaple applies to people who wish to implement the Reconstruction Act. Finally, by implying that the Democratic party consists of cheating, racist oxygen thief's, Nast attempts to cause the least amount of people possible to vote for them.

7 Point of View Thomas Nast is a Republican-party support who seeks to elect Ulysses S. Grant as president rather than Horatio Seymour. This political cartoon depicts Democratics in a negative light, persuading viewers of the comic to vote for a Republican president instead.

8 Outside information #2 The comic displays three types of individuals who represent the people who make up the Democratic party. I will now do a lovely verbal description and analysis of the Political Carton


10 Not to say any names or anything….
Synthesis Thomas Nast ridicultes Democrats to paint Republicans in a better way, similar to how politics today run… Not to say any names or anything….


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