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Describe major initiatives of the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B

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1 Describe major initiatives of the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B
Describe major initiatives of the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson Administrations. COS Standard 12

2 Describing Alabama’s role in the space program under the New Frontier Describing major foreign events and issues of the John F. Kennedy Administration, including construction of the Berlin Wall, the Bay of Pigs invasion, and the Cuban missile crisis Chapter 28

3 JFK The election of 1960 was the 1st televised election.
Kennedy versus Nixon Kennedy: Catholic, wealthy, good up- bringing, outgoing, relaxed, young Nixon: Quaker, financially struggling family, stiff, formal, sick Kennedy: Missile gap: behind USSR in weapons Nixon: No we are on track, Democrats fiscal policy would boost inflation JFK narrowly wins

4 JFK and Nixon 1960 election

5 JFK mystic “The torch has been passed to a new generation…”
“ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.” Family Charismatic

6 JFK and family

7 JFK New Frontier: Legislative Agenda
Increase aid to education (didn’t pass) Provide health insurance to the elderly (didn’t pass) Create a Department of Urban Affairs (didn’t pass) Help migrant workers

8 JFK Improve American economy
Deficit spending Invest more money in space exploration and defense Will create jobs Increases business production and efficiency Asked businesses to keep prices low Raised minimum wage Area Redevelopment Act Housing Act

9 JFK and Space Space race: vying for dominance in the skies to enhance their place on Earth. First American in Space: Alan Shepard America puts the first man on the moon: Neil Armstrong Red Stone Arsenal Huntsville Missile and rocket research facility Launched Explorer 1 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Developed rocket engines Rocket engines put first man in space and first man on moon

10 Space Race

11 Space Race

12 JFK and Cuba Fidel Castro become dictator in 1959.
Castro establishes ties with the USSR. Eisenhower authorizes the CIA to train and arm Cuban exiles called La Brigada: supposed to overthrow Castro. When Kennedy becomes president he goes ahead with the mission. On April 17, 1961, over 1,000 Cuban exiles landed on the Bay of Pigs. The Bay of Pigs incident was a disaster. Kennedy cancelled the air support of the Cuban exiles. Almost all of La Brigada were killed or captured. The Bay of Pigs incident exposed the plot to overthrow Cuba’s government.

13 JFK and Cuba A year later, Kennedy televises American spy planes who took photos showing the USSR placing long-range missiles in Cuba. Kennedy sends a blockade so no more missiles will be delivered, demands the dismantle of the missiles and warns against an attack. The construction of the missiles did not stop. A fury of secret talks began. Krushchev asks Kennedy to remove the missiles in Turkey. Kennedy asks the Soviets to remove he missiles in Cuba. This became known as the Cuban Missile Crisis.

14 JFK and the Berlin Wall In 1961, Krushchev wanted the US, Britain and France to leave Berlin, which rested entirely in East Germany. Because they would not leave, Krushchev built a wall in the middle of Berlin called the Berlin Wall. The wall stood for almost 30 years as a symbol to the division between the east and the west.

15 Other JFK info: Warren Court
Earl Warren is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Baker versus Carr Mapp versus Ohio Reynolds versus Sims Gideon versus Wainwright Escobedo versus Illinois Miranda versus Arizona Engel versus Vitale Abington School District versus Schempp Griswold versus Connecticut

16 Other Info on JFK Expanded the special forces: Green Berets
Alliance for Progress: cooperative aid projects with Latin American governments Peace Corps: organization that sent young Americans to perform humanitarian projects in under developed nations

17 JFK: the Death of a President
November 22, 1963 Texas Riding in a motorcade on a series of political appearances Lee Harvey Oswald Jack Ruby Lyndon Baines Johnson is now president.

18 JFK: The Death of a President

19 Eternal Flame

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