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Dr Maya Mendiratta, Careers Consultant for SPA

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Maya Mendiratta, Careers Consultant for SPA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Maya Mendiratta, Careers Consultant for SPA
Professional Skills for Scientists Career session 4 – Speculative Work Experience Applications Dr Maya Mendiratta, Careers Consultant for SPA 11.05 Hello my name is Maya and as a Careers Consultant with the Careers Centre here at QM.

2 Something to add to your degree that differentiates you from your colleagues
Think about what kind of job/further study you might enjoy (problems you like to solve, things you are good at, jobs of past graduates) -1st session Search job and further study opportunities available at the moment Identify skills gaps Plan how you are going to fill those gaps – 2nd session Apply Write and updated CV and cover letter and get feedback on it - 3rd session (assessed) Speculatively apply Write an asking for work experience when there is no opportunity advertised (and get feedback on it) - 4th session lecture/tutorials

3 Speculative applications
What are they? Why might you need to write one? 11.06 After explaining what a speculative application is, ask who has written one and what for, then say why you might need it as an SPA student.

4 Speculative applications
Will the person who you sent a speculative or letter to read it until the end? Or will they treat it as 11.09

5 They are more likely to read it if:
It is polite and formal It is accurate with no spelling mistakes You say why you are writing It shows your interest and knowledge of the work of the reader It shows how you can make a positive contribution to that work 11.10

6 They are more likely to act on it if:
6. Your availability is clear 7. And within their grasp 8. It is clear what they should do next 11.13

7 So here is what you are aiming for:
Poor Acceptable Good Correct level of formality 2 Accuracy, grammar and spelling Clear why you are writing Tailoring Relevant skills, knowledge and experience Details of availability Flexibility Closing paragraph with a “call to action” 11.15

8 Correct level of formality: Dear … and get the title right!
11.17 Who here has chosen scenario A? Don’t put your hands down…Those of you who have identified a person already please keep your hand up, the others can put your hand down. Have you managed to check whether they are a professor or doctor?

9 Politeness and accuracy– how would you rate this?

10 Politeness and accuracy
Introduce yourself Get the name of the person you are writing to correctly Get their title right Get the name of the organization they belong to correctly Get any technical terms correctly And no spelling/grammar mistakes! 11.20

11 Why you are writing How you found the person or organization, your interest, and what you are asking for… 11.22 Who chose scenario B, keep your hands up… now who has identified a company through a produce they are interested in? For scenario A, this is probably where you mention the research papers you have read by the scientist you are approaching.

12 How you can contribute 11.23

13 Your availability 11.24

14 Ending with a call to action

15 Rate the informal enquiry!

16 11.36

17 11.37

18 The tutorial exercise 11.38 – 11.45

19 1. You want to get some more academic research exposure as you are planning to apply for a PhD after you finish your degree. Pre-tutorial preparation: Identify a researcher in another institution that you would like to do some undergraduate-level research with. Come to the tutorial with their name, title (i.e. Dr or Prof.) and the subject of their research. The institution can be anywhere in the world, along as you are confident you could go there if offered an opportunity. If you feel you wouldn’t be able to go to where your preferred researcher is located (note that bursaries to cover travel/living expenses are often available), please choose option 3 instead. To bring to the tutorial: name, position and institution of researcher, and their research topic.

20 2. You want to get some undergraduate work experience in an industrial/business environment. Pre-tutorial preparation: Identify a product or service you admire and/or use quite often – this could be a car, an app, a brand of cosmetics, a TV channel, etc… Find out on the internet the company that creates this product or service, and identify a person or department of that company (from that website) that you could write to. Please note: if this company is based in a place/country you are not prepared to go to (note that most companies would be able to offer you a salary that would cover living expenses and accommodation), please choose option 3 instead. To bring to the tutorial: the product or service, name of the company and person or department you would write to.

21 3. You want to get some undergraduate experience but it needs to be close enough to home that you don’t need to relocate. Pre-tutorial preparation: Identify the radius around your home that you could commute to within less than an hour. Use your local knowledge or internet searches to find one organization you could go and do work experience with. Besides a business, this can also be a school, a charity, retail, etc. To bring to the tutorial: name of one organization in your local area you would write to asking for work experience.

22 QUESTIONS? 11.51

23 Coming up soon… meet employers and explore career options
Next week Doing a PhD in science and engineering Tuesday 21st November 4-6pm Monday 27th 4.30 – 6.30pm Collaboration and Communication skills with Bloomberg 11.46

24 Coming up soon…get work experience

25 QConsult- Spring 2018 Get paid to develop your employability skills working on a business project Students work in teams to conduct a project on behalf of a business or charity. Students are paid London Living Wage for 20 hours project work with additional free training sessions. ‘The experience I got from QConsult was invaluable and it was definitely one of the main factors that helped me secure a graduate scheme with HSBC.’ Stavros Kalfas, QConsultant, Spring 2017 Applications close on 27th November For more information visit our website: or

26 QChallenge London Explore a major challenge for a London organisation with a focus on health, transport, or housing. QMUL is partnering with Common Purpose to offer a programme designed to build your skills, networks and cultural intelligence. You’ll be working with the likes of TFL, the NHS and Cross Rail to help them overcome their business challenges. “I absolutely love this program, it came at the right time in my life when I needed a confidence boost. I feel empowered, equipped and educated enough now to dominate the world! Belema Thomas Key Dates Applications close on 3rd December Programme dates: 5th February – 18th April 2018 For more info and to apply visit our webpage: Do you have a question?

27 More support… 20min confidential chats about career options, work experience, help with CVs, etc… call Twitter Monthly newsletter

28 QUESTIONS? 11.51

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