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Rebuilding the United States after the civil War

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1 Rebuilding the United States after the civil War
Reconstruction Rebuilding the United States after the civil War

2 The Black Codes The restriction of rights for Freedmen
President Johnson opposed any laws that gave former slaves civil rights. Black Codes limited the rights of African Americans in the South. Codes were random and varied from town to town. Many Freedmen opposed these laws.

3 The Radical Republicans
Many wanted to Southern States to change quickly. Felt that African Americans should have rights as citizens. Despised the Black Codes. Wanted the Federal Government to be more involved in Reconstruction. Considered many Southerners to still be loyal to the Confederacy.

4 Civil Rights act of 1866 Provided African Americans with the same rights as whites. Vetoed by President Johnson who rejected the idea of equal rights for the Freedmen. Congress overrode Johnson’s veto.

5 The 14th Amendment Fearing that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 would be overturned, congress proposed the 14th Amendment. Stated that all born or naturalized within the U.S. as citizens in the country (excluded Native Americans). Guaranteed equal protection under the law. Declared states cannot deny any person of life, liberty, or property without due process. Made state laws subject to review by the Federal Courts.

6 The Reconstruction Act
Republicans called for a new Reconstruction after the Congressional elections. Concerned over the results of two riots in the South, leaving many dead. Law divided the South into 5 districts. Placed military would stay in each district until state rejoined the Union. State needed to write a State constitution that agreed to the terms of the 14th Amendment.

7 Johnson Impeached House of Representatives believed Johnson over stepped his authority with the removal of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. The Reconstruction Act made the removal of a cabinet official unlawful without support of the Senate. A two-thirds majority of Senate votes was needed to removed the president. The conviction failed by one vote. The trial destroy any power Johnson had as president.

8 The 1868 Presidential Election
Democrat Horatio Seymour was nominated to be the Democrat candidate. Ulysses S. Grant ran for the Republicans. After Grant nomination, 7 Southern States were readmitted to the Union. AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, NC, SC. Even though the states agreed to let former slaves vote, Southerners used violence to keep African Americans from voting.

9 The 15th Amendment Congress was upset that many Northern states prevented African Americans from voting. Republicans felt that many African Americans would support their policies. The 15th Amendment was proposed in 1869 and was ratified in 1870. Complaints were the Amendment did not guarantee African Americans the right to hold office and did not extend the right to vote to all Americans.

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