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How to Build World Class SDR and BDR Teams

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Presentation on theme: "How to Build World Class SDR and BDR Teams"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Build World Class SDR and BDR Teams
-good morning or afternoon, wherever you may be, today’s edition of Vendasta’s weekly Wednesday Sales Webinar

2 Richard Seaward Team Lead, Sales Development
CONTACT Richard Seaward Team Lead, Sales Development Ext 171 -...introduce myself

3 Todd Roberts Team Lead, Business Development
CONTACT Todd Roberts Team Lead, Business Development Ext 130 -...introduce Todd, unfortunately he was unable to attend today

4 Vendasta Relationships
We’ve grown a lot and learnt even more over the last number of years working closely with our partners. Our platform is now being used by over 500 agency partners and servicing over 400,000 local business, many of whom are working directly with our in-house agents to improve their online reputation.

5 Reputation Management
Vendasta Solutions Platform Products Marketing Automation Snapshot Social Marketing Reputation Management Digital Agency Partner Central Listing Distribution Brand Analytics Presence Builder Recently at Vendasta we broke out our solutions into 2 areas. Our platform helps partners prospect and sell to current or potential customers. While our products are used by businesses to manage and build their online reputation, we also refer to this as a business’s virtual doorway. That being said, any of our partners can utilize our digital agency, no matter how they use or integrate our products and platform! Marketplace Sales & Success Center

6 Product Insider
Also, if you want to keep up to date on all our upcoming features and new products, don’t forget to sign up to the Vendasta product Insider. I find this most helpful as well as I am not always aware of everything that is being developed, I saw recently that we now will send out review notifications immediately after it is found by our system. This is fantastic as it allows your clients to respond to reviews in a more timely fashion. You’ll find the links to register on the side panel of all of our support articles or talk to your account manager and they can sign you up.

7 Are you subscribed to our blog?
Another great place to find valuable information is through our blog. So sign up for our blog for great tips and keeping up to date on leading industry knowledge.

8 The Beta Program Join by turning it on in Partner Central. > Customize > General Product Settings > Switch on “Enroll in Beta Program” If you want to get new releases before anyone else, enrol in our beta program, just contact your account rep and they can help you with this.

9 A new product webinar series!
Every Thursday at 3pm EDT Marketplace Solution Spotlight We have recently added a new webinar series that will focus solely on product updates, so if you want to stay informed please attend.

10 How to Build World Class SDR and BDR Teams
-today we’ll discuss how we have set the stage and continue to build and refine our world class SDR/BDR teams

11 But First a Look Back... -in January 2016, we split our sales team into two groups...Sales Development Representatives or SDR’s and Business Development Representatives or BDR’s -the specialization of each group has allowed for a more focused approach for each team -SDR team focuses on calling their inbound/outbound lead pipeline, qualifying these leads and scheduling presentations with those leads for the BDR team -BDR team focuses on presenting our rebrandable software solution to qualified prospects, reaching out to potential partners who have been presented to and close these prospects but signing them on as a Vendasta partner

12 Sales Development -specific responsibilities include: assessing and qualifying new prospects from inbound/outbound leads generated by marketing; working under a daily call and presentation booked/completed goal and striving to exceed these goals; booking and introducing presentations for our Business Development Reps; build a pipeline of leads and follow up on any missed presentations with the goal to reschedule

13 Business Development -specific responsibilities include: preparing unique presentations for each prospect and delivering world class presentations; preparing and professionally delivering formal presentations to key prospects using our ever evolving script; negotiating and closing all phases of engagements, including review and preparation of channel partner agreements (contracts); diligently following up on pending agreements -cue Rich...question for Todd: Todd you always mention to myself and your team about following the script like “your life depended on it”, why are you such a believer of this statement?

14 Building a SDR/BDR Team...
Skills/Qualifications a SDR/BDR must have: hungry/motivated/upbeat personality able to take direction and is coachable sales experience roll with the punches team player and able to work independently achieve/exceed goals excellent phone, written, organizational and interpersonal skills -what we found is while we’ve specialized the focus of each team...there are a lot of similarities between a SDR and BDR as you can see by this list -the SDR team is the farm when Rich is interviewing possible candidates, it's not only for the SDR team, may also be a potential candidate for BDR team Todd heads up -quite often we will interview a candidate together with the notion that more often than not they will start out as an SDR -when Todd looks to add to his team, he will look at SDR team for any potential candidates to move into BDR role

15 Training/Coaching -if you are a sports fan, specifically a basketball will recognize the coach of San Antonio Spurs Gregg Popovich, 5 time NBA champion and noted for his longevity and consistency with the Spurs being one of the model NBA franchises -training and coaching the SDR and BDR teams is an essential part of our duties and key to the success of our teams -if we are not providing training or coaching moments...we are doing a disservice to our teams but not allowing them the best possible chance to succeed -...Todd and Rich to each provide an example of on the fly coaching moment!

16 SDR/BDR Playbook -part of the coaching and training starts with an idea Todd and I stole from our Director of Digital Agency...SDR and BDR Playbook -this acts as an introduction to Vendasta, new hire onboarding procedures and Standard Operating Procedure to be used for current team members -we have developed a 120 onboard plan for any new hires for the SDR and BDR teams...refer to SDR 120 Day Onboarding to skim over -also within the playbook is SDR/BDR metrics, scripts/collateral both teams use for prospecting and presenting, inbound/outbound lead handling procedures

17 Weekly Sales Training Your Team Lead will invite you to all the Sales specific meetings SDR Daily Standup | Monday-Friday at 7:50am SDR Training | Mondays at 11:00am-12:00pm SDR Call Update | Monday-Thursday at 10:30am, 1:50pm and 4:00pm Friday at 10:30am and 1:50pm Entire Sales Team | Fridays at 3:00pm Review meetings with Team Lead, invites will be sent upon starting One-On-One | Weekly on Tuesday-Thursday Quarterlies | Quarterly (TBA) Company Wide Meetings Company Lunch and All Hands | Fridays at 12:00pm Sprint Bazaar | Every 2nd Friday after All Hands Product Vision Bazaar| Every 2nd Friday after All Hands Add these to your calendar for reference (How to) Away From Office Vendasta Statutory Holidays -using an example from the SDR Playbook (note Todd’s playbook much the same), we have sales training two times/week...on Mondays where each team has dedicated training specific to their everyday duties (listening/dissecting recorded phone calls and presentations, going over scripts, best practices) and on Fridays where the whole sales team plus our Success teams participate on more sales focused items (best practices, celebrating our success, learning about competition) -we encourage feedback and participation...our time is valuable and make the most of it, each member feels a contribution has been made when ideas are shared -cue Todd...question for Rich: Rich, how important is it listening to recorded calls and reviewing them during sales training or 1 on 1?

18 Friday Bazaar -also our development teams hold sprints every Friday where the company gets to learn about new updates to our platform and what is coming on the roadmap...there are two bazaars -Product Vision Bazaar: meeting this will be your insight into where we're planning to take our products in the future. While the Sprint Review Bazaar is a look at what we've just built, this is a look into what we're planning to build -Sprint Bazaar: inspect-adapt point at the end of the Sprint. During the Sprint Review, customers and stakeholders examine what the teams built during the Sprint and discuss changes and new ideas. Together the Teams, Product Owner and users/customers/stakeholders decide the direction of the product -our sales teams can provide feedback to our developers plus gives us something to talk about with our prospects (it’s a great way to add value/agenda for each and every follow up call)

19 One on One/Quarterly -each week we hold a one on one with our staff...reviewing metrics that have been set to meet, the wins for the week, feedback, topic for next one on one -part of our one on one’s also include the BDR/SDR filling out what they can improve on, recent wins, goals for upcoming week, any roadblocks to be addressed -this is crucial...their feedback is important and having them engaged has made our team more invested in their success

20 SDR Metrics -SDR Leaderboard (this photo taken noon on July 12) is which shows daily and monthly metrics we are striving to meet...calls/day at 50; 10 presentations/day for the entire team; 200 booked presentations/month; 35 booked/month each SDR; 20 presentations completed/month; responding to inbound lead within 5 minutes of receiving -the SDR team has four scheduled meetings per day...1 stand up where we review the goals for the day plus offer some coaching and 3 call updates to review these metrics and if team is on pace to meet those -cue Todd...ask Rich question: Rich, I see the guys updating their total booked on the board and you updating the completed presentations, how motivating is this board to the team (hint: accountability/nowhere to hide/want to be better than the next guy)?

21 BDR Metrics -BDR Leaderboard (this photo taken at noon July 12) which shows daily and monthly metrics we are striving to closes/month; total units/month; 25 presentations completed/month; setup fees; talk time/day -the BDR team has four scheduled meetings per day...1 stand up where we review the goals for the day plus offer some coaching and 3 call updates to review these metrics and if team is on pace to meet those -cue Rich...ask Todd question: Todd, what difference has this made to the team having these running totals updated 3 times/day (hint: accountability/nowhere to hide/want to be better than the next guy)?

22 The Win... -its simple...1 ring for SDR when they book a presentation and multi-rings when a BDR closes a new partner -this is what the teams plus Todd and I live for...while we have individual goals to meet, everyone on the floor celebrates when a SDR/BDR rings the bell

23 Final Thoughts -our teams work hard...we wouldn’t be where we are without each member doing their part and their drive gets us so excited (here’s Todd and Myron, BDR team member each on a presentation) -after six months with the specialized teams and a shout to our marketing department who works hard alongside sales to deliver qualified leads...we have developed a winning culture our teams have been breaking records as a result of the hard work we’ve done to align expectations and developing talent, we have reason to celebrate! -...Todd and Rich to cite an example or two (BDR team 36 closes in June, 36 new partners and Craig & Myron their first full month in as BDR’s signing each 3 partners in June; SDR team 202 booked presentations in June and 158 completed in April) -we have built a winning culture and we wouldn’t want it any other’s what keeps us striving everyday to be World Class!

24 Questions? -any questions?

25 Richard Seaward Team Lead, Sales Development
CONTACT Richard Seaward Team Lead, Sales Development Ext 171 -my name is Rich Seaward...have a great day and hope to see you later!

26 Todd Roberts Team Lead, Business Development
CONTACT Todd Roberts Team Lead, Business Development Ext 130

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