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Academic English Vanessa Russell

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1 Academic English Vanessa Russell
Academic Word List Academic English Vanessa Russell Vanessa Russell

2 What is AWL? Averil Coxhead 570 words from 3,500,000 list
From journals, textbooks, course workbooks, lab manuals and course notes. Divided into sub-lists from the most frequent 60/sub-list Sub-list 10 = 30 Vanessa Russell

3 Why learn AWL? Academic words used across disciplines
Used in newspapers, magazines and novels Used in televisions, movies and conversations ESL learners Vanessa Russell

4 Advantages of AWL (Subtechnical) Words
You can improve the level of your writing by choosing words that are clear and specific. Academic Words will help you express increasingly complex thoughts in a precise and interesting way. Increase your vocabulary exponentially by familiarizing yourself with the word forms. Vanessa Russell

5 Examples of Precise Word Choices for the Writer
Non-Academic Words Live Try Academic Words (AWL) Survive Persist Vanessa Russell

6 What differences do academic words add to these sentences?
While hiking alone in Utah, Aron Ralston, of 127 Hours, was hit by a falling boulder which pinned his right arm and trapped him for five days. In order to survive (the hiking accident), he amputated his arm. He is a survivor. His survival is remarkable. In order to live, he amputated his own arm. Vanessa Russell

7 What differences do academic words add to these sentences?
In 2005, Brian O’Driscol, captain of the Irish rugby team, was spear tackled in a game in New Zealand leaving him with a dislocated shoulder. He desperately wanted to be back in shape again to be able to play in the coming World Cup. After the injury, he persisted in training his shoulders with intensity to strengthen the muscles. He was very persistent about strengthening his shoulder muscles. His persistence has made him one of the best rugby players of his time. Since the injury he has tried to train his shoulders with intensity to strengthen the muscles. Vanessa Russell

8 Practice Select 1 word from the following AWL words. Write 3 sentences with this word. -analyze -occur -assume -compatible -define -require Vanessa Russell

9 Word Forms Most academic words can take prefixes and suffixes that alters meaning – that is they can have different meaning with slight change. Example: Analyze (v), analyzable (adj), analyzer (n), analysis (n). Vanessa Russell

10 Word Forms Noun Verb Adverb Adjective Analyzer/analysis Analyze
analyzable Assume Define Occur Compatible Require Vanessa Russell

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