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Palermo meeting 6-12/ Mobility C4 ERASMUS + KA2

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1 Palermo meeting 6-12/05 2016 Mobility C4 ERASMUS + KA2
Lycée Jules FERRY- La Colline MONTPELLIER FRANCE Mobility C4 ERASMUS + KA2 Palermo meeting 6-12/ With Yasmina&Lucas 1ces, Marion 1capr and Juliette 1arcu Accompanied by Mrs Couly, Mr Pons & Mr Baldassin. Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo

Montpellier France Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo

3 «school 21 » award to the lycée Jules Ferry
Thanks to recycling actions our school was awarded the national eco-label “Lycée 21”, coming from “cop 21”(only 65 schools in France). The goal is to promote ecologic actions. Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo

4 Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo
I. Work in progress The canteen: to reduce its wastes there is an as precise as possible counting of daily meals, to limit the wastes.  Compost from the training restaurant: the students separate the vegetal wastes and put it in the composter. It has been built by the students with recycled pallets. Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo

5 Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo
Vermicompost : complementary to the previous system, Vermicomposting, or worm composting, is an environmentally friendly method of valuation of organic waste: kitchen waste, manure, sewage... The principle is simple, the worms eat the wastes which turns out to be a real natural fertilizer. Advantages : It reduces their volume less than 30% and this has several implications: less garbage bags out of the kitchen, no odor and producing natural fertilizer for plants. Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo

6 Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo
Guerilla Gardening: a use of the compost with flower seeds to embellish our school We made seed balls and sent them where we chose. A few months later we’ll find beautiful flowers. Ingredients: -Flower seeds - clay powder -Compost -Water -A bowl Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo

7 Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo
II. Actions to come Organic garden : the composts will be used for our future organic garden. The land is of a very bad soil, so we have to improve its qualities. We will also use adapted seeds to our dry Mediterranean climate and will use African cultivating technics. Trailer from “on behalf of the earth” by P. Rabhi It finishes the cycle of recycling, we use the compost to grow vegetables, we use them for the pedagogic restaurant, and then the wastes go back to compost again. Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo

8 III. Problems and Solutions:
Restricted funds: we do DIY composter and collaborate with 2 other agricultural schools. Sustainability concern: the eco-representatives reflect about ways how to alert all the students to practice the selective- sorting. We raise awareness of our first year students the first day in school by setting up specific actions such as workshops, documentaries and election of the eco-representatives of the year. Mobilité ERASMUS Palermo

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