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CNU: in Retrospect A.Y. 2013-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "CNU: in Retrospect A.Y. 2013-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 CNU: in Retrospect A.Y

2 MFO 1: Higher Education Services

3 Performance Indicator 1: Total number of graduates in mandated and priority programs
Increasing trend in the total no. of graduates in all baccalaureate degree programs (Main, Balamban and Medellin campuses)

4 Performance Indicator 2: total NUMBER OF graduates that are in priority courses

5 Performance Indicator 2: Average percentage passing in licensure exams by SUC graduates/national average % passing in board programs covered by SUC Computed based on the total number of passers in BEEd, BSEd, Nurses Licensure and Psycology Licensure exam over the total number of takers ( first takers and passers only)

6 Licensure examination Performance
Consistent Top Performing School in the Nurses Licensure Examination ( ; 100% passing) Topnotchers in LET, NLE and LEP

7 Performance Indicator 4: NUMBER of programs accredited at Levels 1,2,3,4
One program not accredited yet- BSPE

8 Center of Excellence Teacher Education (2016 2018)
Nursing Education ( )

9 Undergraduate program accreditation
Level of Accreditation UG Program GS Program Level 4 BEEd BSEd BSN EdD MAEd MS Nursing/ MN Level 3 AB English AB Pol. Sci BS Math BS Biology BS Chem- Physics MPA DPA Level 1 AB Communication AB Filipino AB Psychology MA GC MA Literature MLIS DALC Candidate DSCN

10 Performance Indicator 5:Percentage of graduates who finished their academic programs according to the prescribed timeframe 


12 Performance Indicator 1: Total number of graduates

13 Performance Indicator 2: Percentage of graduates who engaged in employment or whose employment status improved within 1 year of graduation


15 Performance Indicator 1: Number of research studies completed

16 Performance Indicator 2: Percentage of projects completed in the last 3 years

17 Performance Indicator 3:NUMBER of research outputs published in a recognized refereed journal or submitted for patenting/patented 

18 Inventions as of 2016 NUMBER Patented or commercialized Utility Model
Utility Model 2 Used in the community 3


20 Performance Indicator 1: Number of persons trained weighted by length of training

21 Performance Indicator 2: Number of person provided with technical advice

22 Performance Indicator 7: Percentage of persons given training or advisory services who rate timeliness of service delivery as good or better.

23 Support to Operations (STO)

24 Performance Indicator: Percentage of faculty and personnel enabled to pursue studies/training

25 List of plantilla faculty members with doctorate degree
YEAR Percentage AY 2015 39.19% (58/ 148) AY 2017 40.69% (59/145)

26 Form SL KRA 4.3a Plantilla Faculty Members with Doctoral Degree in the field of specialization*
Number of Plantilla Faculty Members National University Top 1000 universities based on World Rankings Programs with at least Level III Accreditation Programs with COE or COD Status TOTAL Percentage of Faculty with Doctoral Degree against plantilla SY 131 1 0.76% SY 143 0.70% SY 148 4 2.70% Average % 1.39%

27 General Administration and Support Services (GASS)

28 BUR: Ratio of total obligations to total release

29 BUR: Ratio of total disbursement to total obligations

30 approved Capital outlay projects for the last 3 years
FY 2013 Amount Status Upgrading Facilities, Laboratories- TAC P 18.7M Completed FY 2014 Yolanda Repairs 940,000 S & T Equipment 47 M TAC 2.3M FY 2015 Refurbishment CTE Bldg 20M Completion TAC 57.936M FY 2016 ACAS 6.3M On-going Library Modernization 66.665M Completion CNU Balamban 10M Cnu Balamban construction and perimeter fence 2M

31 Institutional awards CSC Brigada Ahensya (Landscaping) Hall of Fame
CSC Brigada Ahensya ( Repainting and Refurbishment) Outstanding Institution Award ( City Gov of Cebu) Awards from AACCUP


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