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Creative Ways to Communicate with Residents

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1 Creative Ways to Communicate with Residents
Jason D. Grant, CPM

2 Measuring Creativity

3 “One cannot not communicate.”
What is Communication? Content that is created, arranged, articulated and presented strategically for the purpose of informing or positioning your audience to a particular point of view or to take a specific action Once you provide it to the public, it’s out of your hands. Whether s, text messages, reports, summaries, once your discourse is released to the public, you know longer control it. “One cannot not communicate.” Watzlawick, Beavin and Jackson

4 Modes of Communication
Messaging Mass Media Social Media Website Print Publications Video How do we determine whether something is creative?

5 Messaging s Social Media Articles

6 Mass Media Change in business of print media creates opportunity
How we communicate with the media needs to change Mass media is changing. Newspapers are shuttering. Media outlets are scaling back on personnel. There is a greater opportunity to get your message to your audience by creating content that is informative. Gone are the days of press releases and pitching stories. In local communities, if you want your story out to the mass public, then put it out there.

7 Social Media It’s the same communication we’ve always done. It’s just done online now too. Facebook – hear about what other people are doing and have a dialogue with them to share information Twitter – to TELL people about what you’re doing or what you’ve heard (retweet) - you don’t really care about their thoughts on the matter Pinterest – to share with and learn from others who have similar interests as you Flickr – share your family photo albums Instagram – Show people you really are doing what you say you’re doing Vine – give me a quick glimpse into what you’re experiencing YouTube – A little longer glimpse into what you’re experiencing – or give me brief entertainment

8 Websites Mobile Responsiveness Web Applications
Allows us to consider user expectations content based on device Web Applications Allows users to receive information and services anytime, anywhere, on any device

9 Print Publications Infographics Engaging images Unique dimensions
Brand Standards

10 Video Productions High Definition Online Audience Entertaining
Under two minutes Entertaining Quality Graphics & Infographics

11 Key Considerations

12 Where is the Online Space?
The sooner we accept the fact that anything we say or do can become public and put online the better off we are.

13 Web site Provide Information Offer alternative business solutions
Enhance workflow processes Reduce direct customer interactions Your corporate identity and your #1 employee. Will interact with more customers than anyone in your organization. Can provide the customer service needs of your customer anytime, anywhere on any device if developed correctly.

14 Blogs Be consistent Provide links to other relevant sources
Persona Point of View Provide links to other relevant sources Provide links to other blog posts Identify the audience clearly and write to that audience Subject – should be descriptive of the content Salutation – Write to whom you are speaking (if multiple, use “All,” “committee members,” etc.). “Dear” is a matter of style and not required. Mr./Ms. if formality is necessary Professional v. Personal – Avoid explanation marks and emoticons. Don’t abbreviate – it’s not a text message texting rates do not apply and spelling does matter. Stay focused on the business - Assume this will be read by your opposition, your boss and your neighbor Signature – Be professional. Remember, this is an electronic mail – follow rules of good letter-writing. This is not the time to add your favorite quote or personal views. The only quote or textual tag should be that of the organization – mission statement for example. But that should be a decision for the organization.

15 The Public Owns It Have a reason for everything you write
More will be said about your discourse than what you wrote Once it’s released, you can’t get it back Once you provide it to the public, it’s out of your hands. Whether s, text messages, reports, summaries, once your discourse is released to the public, you know longer control it.

16 Discussion

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