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Establishing Inverted & Online Pre-Orientation Programs

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Presentation on theme: "Establishing Inverted & Online Pre-Orientation Programs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Establishing Inverted & Online Pre-Orientation Programs
for New Student Success Presented by Laurel Gilbert, Natalie Meyer & Marcia Smith Miami University (OH)

2 Introductions Laurel Gilbert Natalie Meyer Marcia Smith
Academic Advisor, Regional Student Services Natalie Meyer Academic Advisor, Farmer School of Business Marcia Smith Senior Academic Advisor, Farmer School of Business

3 Introductions

“The flipped [or inverted] classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements are reversed.” -- “7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Classrooms” Educause. Feb. 2012

Inverted Orientations: Provide students with relevant information before arrival Use quizzes to check knowledge Collect information (on majors, plans, etc.) via surveys

As a result of Inverted Orientation: Face to Face time at Orientation can be used to reinforce and delve deeper into content Students experience a greater a sense of belonging at the time of admittance Resources readily available for students after Orientation Cost & time savings for the university & the student

7 “In a flipped advising approach, the student should come better prepared to the advising session. This goal is to diminish the need of the advisor to use the advising session as a means of primarily presenting information to students. Instead, the focus of the session shifts to helping students make meaning of their academic and career planning. Thus precious time is freed to help students with their planning and decision-making.” -G. Steele. “Creating A Flipped Advising Approach.” NACADA Clearinghouse of Resources

8 Overview

9 Introductions: Who are you?
Go to Enter code

10 Past: Why did we see need for change?
Barriers to student success Condensed timeline Few course options Rushed conversations Limited feedback

11 Reflection What barriers to student success do you experience in your current advising & registration model? Share your experience via small group/ pair share.

12 Present: Our gateway to student success

13 Present: An Overview Objective: Academically advise & register students prior to arrival on campus

14 Present: An Overview Outcomes
Access advising materials early & avoid ‘data-dump’ Interact with Advisors & feel connected to the university prior to arrival Become familiarized with LMS Experience enhanced meaningful interactions upon arrival

15 Present: An Overview

16 Present: Processes CCP: 45 minutes online & 2 hours in person T Then
Now CCP 2 hour orientation 1 hour Small Group Registration 45 minutes online 1 hour Small Group, in person Transfer 6 hour New Student Orientation 1 hour online 45 minutes in person International 45 min pre-Advising 30 min group advising Remaining classes 35 minutes online & 30 minute individual remote advising appointments Register w/ others CCP: 45 minutes online & 2 hours in person T

17 Present: FSB Advising & International Site

18 Present: Demo

19 Present: Demo

20 Present: Wins! Student-created video
Utilize existing Tools (Screencasts, Formstack, etc) Technology: WeChat & Screenshares No Gmail? Alternate ! Alternate programming upon arrival and/or shortened orientation

21 Present: Wins!

22 Present: Wins! 91% 94% Year Pre-Arrival Completion Rate
Pre-Arrival Retention Rate 2016 19% 85% 2017 91% 94%

23 Present: Wins! Survey sent to all students who participated in the Pre-Arrival Program 28 total responses (approximately 30% response rate) In general, we found Students preferred communication about program participation June was the best month for participation Most students felt prepared for the registration process Additional topics for exploration during In-Person orientation (August) Academic Expectations Academic Support Services Career & Professional Services Major Exploration

24 Quote “The critical advantage of this approach is to have students complete modules prior to meeting with an advisor, so time in the advising session can be focused on higher order cognitive and affective domain questions derived from the work the student has completed prior to the session.” -G. Steele. “Creating A Flipped Advising Approach.” NACADA Clearinghouse of Resources

25 Present: Wins! Downloadable content for future use
Feedback loop - we know what they know Minimal staffing needed Advising staff time for appointments Orientation leader resources Pizza budget! (Regionals saved $600 in pizza and $1500 in student-worker staffing per summer by replacing Transfer and CCP student Orientations with online modules)

26 Quote “...all aspects of instruction can be rethought to best maximize the scarcest learning resource: time...” -B. Tucker. “The Flipped Classroom: Instruction at Home Frees Class Time for Learning.” Education Next, Retrieved from

27 Future: Back to the future

28 Future: At the Micro Level
Uncouple placement tests from advising & registration Collaborate & communicate with campus partners Student communication Inform all at the same time. Timeline of process (big picture) Consider separate Canvas courses for different sessions Streamline checkout process Clarify Advisor Assignments Increase automation of administrative processes

29 Future: Scaling at the Macro level
Explore needs of all divisions Consider including other pre-orientation opportunities; modules aimed at families; gamification, etc. Challenges: Ongoing Check-ins regarding approach Consult Stakeholders Split audience at Orientation How to automate /minimize touch-points

30 Future: Your Turn! How might your institution develop/enhance inverted advising programs? Identify players & objectives Consider size of institution & relationships with stakeholders and campus partners Start small & set goals

31 Future

32 Future: Goal-Setting Activity
Jump-start implementation for your inverted advising Identify key stakeholders Consider size of institution and relationships with stakeholders & campus partners Start small & set SMART goals Identify players & objectives to avoid excess content

33 Future Identify accountability partners

34 Future

35 Citations Tucker, B. (2012, Winter). The Flipped classroom: Instruction at home frees class time for learning. Education Next, Retrieved from Steele, G. E. (2016). Creating a flipped advising approach. NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources. Retrieved from

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