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3.06 Understand the functions of the Integumentary System

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1 3.06 Understand the functions of the Integumentary System

2 Essential Questions: What are the functions of the integumentary system? How do you relate the integumentary system to the body’s communication systems? 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

3 Functions of the Integumentary System
What are the functions of the skin? Absorption: the skin is able to soak up topical medications Excretion: the skin is able to produce sweat to help cool the body down and oils to help moisturize and protect the skin Production of vitamin D: UV rays help the skin to manufacture vitamin D 1 2 3

4 Functions of the Integumentary System
What are the functions of the skin? Protection: The skin keeps bacteria, helps to stop dehydration, and prevents injury Temperature Regulation: The skin helps by controlling the amount of heat loss 4 5 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

5 Functions of the Integumentary System
What are the functions of the skin? Sensory Perception: Skin is the site of many nerve endings, pain, pressure, hot cold, sweat and oil Storage: Skin is a temporary storage place for glucose, water and nutrients 6 7 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

6 Functions of the Integumentary System
What structures are involved in these functions? Follow the notes on next slides Epidermis Dermis Appendages Glands 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

7 Functions of the Integumentary System
Epidermis Protective outer layer It has a waterproof covering that keeps skin from drying out. 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

8 Functions of the Integumentary System
Epidermis What do melanocytes do? Melanocytes - produce melanin, which protects skin from UV rays 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

9 Functions of the Integumentary System
Epidermis What is a major function of intact skin? Intact skin fights off infections - no way to get into the body 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

10 Functions of the Integumentary System
Epidermis The epidermis is composed of dead and living cells. What in their relevance to health? Skin has new and old cells, old cells flake off, new rise up replacing old or damaged cells 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

11 Functions of the Integumentary System
Epidermis Why are some people dark and others fair? Can that be changed? Number of melanocytes - genetics 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

12 Functions of the Integumentary System
Dermis Is the true layer of skin It is vascular Brings heat to the surface for cooling

13 Functions of the Integumentary System
Dermis: Contains: Connective tissue Collagen tissue bands Elastic fibers Numerous blood vessels Nerve endings Muscles Hair follicles Oil glands Sweat glands Fat cells

14 Functions of the Integumentary System
Subcutaneous layer Hypodermal layer Hypo dermal Hypo - under Dermal - skin 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

15 Functions of the Integumentary System
Subcutaneous layer What are the benefits of the subcutaneous layer of skin? Under dermis Consists of fat cells Contains 50% of body’s fat stores Protects the internal body from injury

16 Functions of the Integumentary System
Hair What is the function of hair? It helps keep the body warm All skin has hair except palms and soles of feet 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

17 Functions of the Integumentary System
Hair What factors influence hair type and color? Genetics from both parents determine hair color and hair type. 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

18 Functions of the Integumentary System
Hair What happens to your hair when you are cold? Why? Goosebumps: Occur when arrector pili muscle is attached to each hair contracts when body is trying to keep warm Can also occur when frightened

19 Functions of the Integumentary System
Nails The nail bed underneath the nail is called the matrix Lunula: half moon at base of nail 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

20 Functions of the Integumentary System
Nails: What does the condition of a person’s nails tell about their general health? White nails - liver disease Half pink/half white - kidney disease Nail bed red - heart condition Yellow and thickening nails - lung disease Pale nail bed - anemia Yellowish with a slight blush at the tip - diabetes Bluish in color - hypoxia

21 Functions of the Integumentary System
Glands: Sudoriferous glands (Sweat Glands) Excrete certain wastes dissolved in perspiration Function is to cool body Excreted sweat is 99% water with only small quantity of salt Why does sweat smell bad? Bacteria on skin cause odors

22 Functions of the Integumentary System
Glands: Sebaceous glands: Protect skin by secreting oily substance known as sebum Sebum lubricates skin and keeps it soft and pliable What causes pimples? Skin pores become blocked with sebum Pimple

23 Functions of the Integumentary System
review What are the 7 functions of the skin? What structures are involved in these functions? 1 5 3 7 4 2 6 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

24 Essential Questions: What are the functions of the integumentary system? How do you relate the integumentary system to the body’s communication systems? 3.06: Understand the functions and disorders of the integumentary system

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