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KCTCS Strategic Plan Update

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1 KCTCS Strategic Plan 2016-2022 Update
Board of Regents September 15, 2017

2 Metric Updates Board of Regents Update Performance Metric
June 2017 Retention Rate (Total) Retention Rate (Underrepresented Minority) September 2017 Transfer Workforce Credit Hour Conversion Student Engagement* December 2017 Affordability Experiential Learning Licensure/Certification March 2018 Graduation Rate (Total) Graduation Rate (Underrepresented Minority) * In odd even years only

3 Measure: Transfer Rate Associate Degree Transfers
Goal #3 Goal: Develop clear pathways through all levels of postsecondary education with an emphasis on experiential learning that lead to successful employment outcomes for KCTCS graduates. Measure: Transfer Rate Metric Definition Baseline Target Objective Associate Degree Transfers Percent of Associate earners in academic year who enrolled at a four-year institution that academic year after the term end date of the term the first Associate was earned or in the next academic year. 37.4% 43.4% Increase transfers by an average of 1.0 percentage points each year. Baseline is the cohort.

4 Transferred – Associate Degrees
CPE Strategic Agenda Transferred – Associate Degrees 38.8% Target The target is based on the BoR target minus one year. Source: CPE Official Data Definition: Percent of first-time, degree-seeking students who earn an associate degree and then transfer to a four-year institution. Rationale for proposed target: Increase by 1.0 percentage point each year (from baseline).


6 All Transfer Institutions
Transfers by State Transfers by Sectors

7 Top Transfer Institutions
College Transfers College Transfers Ranked Over Time

8 Graduate Transfers By Degree

9 NCHEMS (Major) Categories

10 Associate DEGREE Graduates by College

11 Transfers by College and Academic Year

12 Measure: Student Engagement
Goal #4 Goal: Improve student engagement, support, experiences, and success with best-in-class academic and student services. Measure: Student Engagement Metric Definition Baseline Target Objective Student Engagement Average scores on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) benchmarks of effective educational practice. Active Learning (48.5%) Student Effort (50.6%) Academic Challenge (49.1%) Student / Faculty Interaction (52.3%) Support for Learners (51.2%) 50.0% Maintain CCSSE average benchmark scores at or above the national average.

13 Student engagement performance measure
The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) revised their survey instrument in Spring 2017 for the first time in 12 years. Due to this revision, CCSSE has disconnected pre-2017 cohorts from current. KCTCS utilizes a two-year cohort, thus results from spring of 2018 will be needed to provide a complete picture for all 16 colleges. Reporting the CCSSE data in even years rather than odd will also align with the KCTCS Strategic Plan cycle.

14 Student Engagement Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Benchmark Scores - Update 2012 2014 2016 2018 2022 Target Active Learning 48.3 47.2 48.5 TBD 50.0 Student Effort 51.1 50.6 Academic Challenge 50.4 49.1 Student / Faculty Interaction 53.2 52.3 54.1 Support for Learners 51.9 51.2 52.0

15 Measure: Workforce Credit Hour Conversion Credit Hour Conversion
Goal #5 Goal: Align programs and curricula with needs of employers that enhance the employability, job placement, and career development of KCTCS graduates. Measure: Workforce Credit Hour Conversion Metric Definition Baseline Target Objective Credit Hour Conversion Number of credit hours of workforce non-credit courses (clock hour conversion to credit hours). 13,153 15,030 Increase credit hours by 1% in the first year with 2.5% each year thereafter from a baseline of a three year average.

16 Workforce Credit hour Conversion

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