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Welcome! Please find your child’s desk. Read the note from your child.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please find your child’s desk. Read the note from your child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please find your child’s desk. Read the note from your child.
Write a note back. Review the volunteer position descriptions if interested in volunteering this year Conference sign ups will be done online this year at a later date.

2 Welcome to Curriculum Night!
Cougar Ridge Elementary School Mrs. Ackley Third Grade Learning Cottage 3 Explore website

3 Agenda My Background Classroom Guidelines and Consequences
Curriculum Overview Schedules Other Important Information Questions

4 My Background Cougar Ridge Parent of 2 sons. PTSA Board Member
Taught 4th grade at C. R. for 14 years. Taught 3rd grade at C.R. from Oct. to Feb. of last year. Excited to be part of the C.R. community!

5 Be Safe, Be Kind, Do Your Job
The Bobcat Code Be Safe, Be Kind, Do Your Job Matrix that identified expected behavior for common areas such as lunchroom, playground, hallway, restroom Explicitly taught expectations for each area, visual cues all around school Students rewarded with Bobcat Coin when “caught” following the Bobcat Code First school wide goal = 1,000 coins School wide reward

6 Classroom Consequences
1. Warning (I solve the problem.) 2. Conference (We solve it together.) 3. Consequence (The teacher chooses how to solve the problem.)

7 GLAD Guided Language Acquisition Design
Guided Language Acquisition Design Cooperation, active learning, accountability, literacy, academic language Visible Desks in groups Charts on walls Used throughout the year and across all subjects

8 Literacy Reading Grammar Phonics Spelling Literature Listening
Creative Writing The Writing Process Grammar Spelling Listening Speaking Handwriting

9 Making Meaning Reading Strategies including: Schema/Making Connections
Visualizing Wondering/Questioning Making Inferences Determining Important Ideas Understanding Text Structure Summarizing

10 Word Study Vocabulary and Spelling
Spelling and vocabulary embedded in reading, writing, social studies, and science. 5 minutes a day for explicit spelling instruction Research based Spelling assessment targeted instruction GLAD strategies for vocabulary acquisition

11 Writing Units of Study Narrative, Opinion, and Information
Start off with Crafting True Stories Meets the Common Core State Standards Students are assessed on… Overall, lead, transitions, ending, organization, elaboration, craft, spelling, and punctuation Rubric scoring Follows the Writing Process Individualized and Small Group Instruction

12 Eureka Math New adopted math curriculum
Aligns with Common Core Standards Operations and Algebraic Thinking: MULTIPLICATION Number and Operations: Base Ten System Number and Operations: FRACTIONS Measurement & Data Geometry PROBLEM SOLVING AND EXPLANATION

13 Ways To Help With Eureka Math
•Understand that students are learning math in a way that will prepare them for the higher demands of college and careers today & in the future – focused math skills and real-world, challenging problems •Read the Parent Roadmap for your child’s grade level. Can be found on classroom website. •At the beginning of each module, read the Parent Tip Sheet to get an overview of the topics your child will be learning and how you can support this learning at home •Recognize that Eureka Math lessons can be customized by teachers to meet the varying needs of students

14 Social Studies History Northwest Coast Native Americans (Fall/Winter)
Pioneers (Spring) Civics and Economics Citizenship, American Symbols Differing Points of View (Fall)

15 Science Life Science: Animal Life Cycles (Salmon), Variations of Inherited Characteristics (Salmon) Fall Earth and Space Science: Water and Weather (Salmon, Weather) Winter Physical Science: Properties of Matter (Rocks and Minerals), Energy (Salmon) Spring

16 Health Making good choices with nutrition, health and safety.
Literacy based Class discussion Water Safety and Swimming

17 Technology Basic Operations and Concepts Ethics Research Keyboarding
30 minutes per week of computer lab

18 Assessment Fountas and Pinnell Reading Eureka Common Assessment
Smarter Balanced Assessment in English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math (Spring) Report Cards (trimester)

19 Our Daily Schedule M, T, Th, F
Time 8:30 8:50 10:15 10:35 11:25 12:05 1:20 1:55 2:55 What do we do? Warm Up/Cursive Math Recess Writing/Word Study Lunch/Recess Science/Social Studies Specialists Reading Dismissal

20 Our Daily Schedule Wednesday
Time 8:30 8:50 9:50 10:00 11:25 12:05 12:45 What do we do? Warm Up/Cursive Math Reading/Writing Recess Lunch/Recess Science/Social Studies Dismissal

21 Specialist Schedule Day Specialist Monday Music Tuesday PE Wednesday
None Thursday Music and Library Friday

22 Homework District K – 5 Homework Guidelines for Parents: The length of time a child should spend on homework, including reading, and projects is minutes in grades K-2, and 30 – 45 in grades 3 – 5. If your child regularly requires a great deal more time than this to complete assignments, you should contact your child’s teacher. If your child does not have homework or finishes early, it is always a good idea to spend time reading or reviewing math facts.

23 Miscellaneous Time for Kids magazine ($)
Salmon Hatchery Field Trip ($) coming up in October. (More info will be sent home) No cash or check, please pay online from the link on the school website. NOT READY YET  Please provide a healthy, nut-free snack every day. This should be quick & easy to eat. Water bottles Birthday policy Volunteer info Scholastic Book Orders Classroom website for reminders/updates/homework

24 Paying for Fees – ONLINE ONLY
Website: There is also a link to this website on the home page of our school website under “Pay Online.” (There is no extra fee for this online service). User name: the same as the parent’s Family Access user name Password: the Parent’s last name (it is case sensitive so probably is “Smith” instead of “smith). When logged in: Click on your child’s name Box will say “Attention: Child’s Name has $XX.XX of unpaid fines/fees Click on box at the end of that phrase that says “pay” Continue with payment. Please contact Margie in the Cougar Ridge office with any questions or problems at or Financial Assistance or Donations: If you need financial assistance for your child to attend this event or purchase this item, there is a scholarship form that needs to be filled out to determine eligibility for this. Please call the school office ( ) to request a form. This will be kept confidential. If you would like to donate to the PTSA Student Financial Assistance fund, please make a separate check out to “Cougar Ridge PTSA” and turn it in to the office. This will go into the general PTSA Student Financial Assistance fund, (cannot be designated for a specific student). Found on Class Website

25 We also appreciate that our volunteers…
Parent Volunteers We appreciate our volunteers! We also appreciate that our volunteers… Sign in the office, grab a badge and place it visibly on their body Stay within the classroom/area in which they are volunteering Use a Level 1 voice when volunteering Step out of the building when using cell phones When using the staff workroom, enter through one of the direct workroom doors (in hallway), and not walk through the office Refrain from entering the staff lounge Keep siblings and all children out of the workroom


27 WHAT is the Issaquah Schools Foundation?
29 year-old, community powered nonprofit. Helps students build academic foundations, explore opportunities and launch successfully into their future. Has channeled more than $10 million dollars into our schools to benefit students. Raises over $1.5 million annually with the help of 4,000 plus families. Benefits all students … every school, every grade, every year.

28 How do we fuel success for your student?
Reading and Science Curriculum Adoptions Writing Instruction Professional Development for teachers Healthy Youth Initiative supporting  anti-bullying  and basic student needs like food, dental care and school supplies Elementary Coding Pilots at three schools VOICE Mentoring Highly Capable (SAGE and MERLIN) funding Pre-K Summer School Science-Tech Magnet Support Special Services Funding

29 How do we raise money? All in for Kids Annual Fund Campaign August through November 17 Nourish Every Mind Luncheon April 28th, & Breakfast May 5th, 2016 Employee Giving Campaigns Microsoft, Boeing, United Way Grants and Corporate Support

30 The Foundation relies on parents for over 80% of its revenue…

31 The Foundation helps ALL students. They need support from ALL parents.
But only 1of 5 families donate with 26.6% Cougar Ridge families donating last year The Foundation helps ALL students. They need support from ALL parents.

32 Every gift matters every year
For those who already donate … Continue to donate (average family donates $373) Tell your friends about the Foundation . For the 80% who haven’t donated, please join us! We Need Everyone to Go All in for Kids!

33 Questions?

34 THANKS! It’s going to be a GREAT year!

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