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Gareth Conyard and Hong Nguyen Teaching Profession Unit

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1 Gareth Conyard and Hong Nguyen Teaching Profession Unit
Consultation: Strengthening QTS and supporting teacher career progression Gareth Conyard and Hong Nguyen Teaching Profession Unit

2 Over the course of this presentation…
We will… Provide you with some context and an update on the our work with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) Share with you our approach and work so far to help strengthen QTS and career progression for teachers Provide you with an opportunity to shape policy thinking on CPD for teachers at the early stages of their careers

3 As part of this work, we are…
Speaking to a range of individuals and organisations across the education sector Understanding what best practice looks like Exploring options for what strengthened QTS could look like Asking open questions to help inform and shape policy development Looking at the ways that the system can better support teachers at the start and duration of their careers

4 QTS Excellence Everywhere White Paper (March, 2016)
Secretary of State commits to strengthening QTS (February, 2017) Justine Greening becomes Secretary of State for Education (July, 2016) Policy development to strengthen QTS and improve teacher career progression begins… (March, 2017 onwards…)

5 Keeping and strengthening QTS is vital.
I believe that teachers should have the highest quality qualification and what I want to see is a QTS so well regarded, so strong that school leaders will naturally want all their teaching staff to have it. Secretary of State for Education February 2017

6 How does teaching compare to other professions?
Size of UK workforce Professional Body Regulator Length of training Accountancy 342,000 6 professional bodies Financial Reporting Council (FRC) 5 years for school leavers and approx. 3-4 years for graduates Law (Solicitors) 139,000 Law Society Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) 2-3 years for graduates Law (Barristers) 15,900 Bar Council Bar Standards Board (BSB) Architecture 33,184 Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Architects Registration Board (ARB) 4 years post graduation Medicine 280,785 British Medical Association (BMA) and other specialist bodies General Medical Council (GMC) 5 year medical degree & 4-8 years depending on specialism Nursing 618,000 Royal College of Nursing Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 3-4 year degree and registration dependent on continued CPD

7 International Comparisons
Country Length of Training CPD Mentoring & Support England 1 year PG training or 3-4 years for UG NQT induction in first year of teaching. NQTs receive induction tutor to provide guidance and support Finland 5 year degree and a 1-2 year course to qualify at masters level in relevant subject In-service training every year. Municipalities required to fund three days of mandatory professional development No central regulations for induction or mentoring. Decided at school level. Germany Qualification at masters level required and two state examinations Required to participate in state organised training and development Induction recommended for first 1-3 years. Mentoring also recommended. Singapore 16 months PG in addition to 4 year undergraduate degree Required to serve a three year teaching bond Teachers participate in additional training and mentoring. They are observed for first 3 years. USA 4 year undergraduate degree as well as a 1-2 masters degree 2 years of professional development including additional training and meetings with a leadership coach In addition to support from a leadership coach, the support varies from state to state Australia Undergraduate degree and masters required CPD mandatory for all teachers Mentoring, conferences and workshops provided to teachers

8 A teacher’s career journey
Initial Teaching Training (ITT) Statutory Induction C Teach National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) ???

9 CPD Discussions: Current Gaps
What are the skills or knowledge gaps for teachers at the end of ITT? What skills and topics should CPD for teachers at the early stages of their careers focus on? What examples of great CPD have you experienced or been a part of? Are there any examples of best practice that you have observed in ITT or at schools that you’ve worked with?

10 CPD Discussion: Quality
What are the hallmarks of ‘high quality’ CPD? What examples of great CPD have you experienced or been a part of? Are there any examples of best practice that you have observed in ITT or at schools that you’ve worked with?

11 Questions?...

12 For more information Contact us
By Visit the website

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