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ATHLETICS 2013-2014.

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2 Available Sports Fall Winter Spring Light-Weight Football
Girl’s Volleyball Boy’s Soccer Field Hockey 1st day of school-11/15 Open-Weight Football Girl’s Tennis Girl’s Soccer Cheerleading Winter Girl’s Basketball Wrestling Varies Cheerleading Boy’s Basketball Spring Boy’s Tennis Baseball Softball Girl’s Track & Field Girl’s Lacrosse 3/15-5/31 Boy’s Lacrosse Boy’s Track & Field

3 The Code of Conduct It is the belief of the School District of Hatboro-Horsham that participation in any extra-curricular activity is a privilege, not a right. Students that volunteer to participate in these programs are expected to accept the responsibilities associated with this privilege. These students, as well as their parents/guardians, must also realize that because of their choice to participate in these activities, they have a lesser expectation of privacy than other students. Participants are representatives of the student body as well as the school. Therefore, participants are expected to represent themselves, their activity, their school, their parents, and their community favorably at all times. *When in doubt, look to the student/parent handbook

4 The Code of Conduct Academic Eligibility Student-Athlete
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Final List Pulled for this week; Students and Coaches Told Warning List Pulled for next week; ed to Coaches Any grade below a 60 (“F”) will deem a student ineligible Two week buffer at beginning of marking period, unless previous marking period had a grade of “F” Students failing will be ineligible for the entire week, regardless of how quickly they pull their grade up Report Cards = A failure on this will result in ineligibility for 15 days! (PIAA)

5 The Code of Conduct T-Together E-Everyone A-Achieves M-More
Attendance Requirements/Commitment Policy See previous slide-SCHOOL COMES FIRST! Of course there will be exceptions If you are unfortunate enough to get injured during the course of the season, it does not mean you are off the team. Even your presence can provide emotional support and help your team succeed. T-Together E-Everyone A-Achieves M-More **It is the student’s responsibility to consult their teacher regarding work that is missed. This is part of the commitment that the student-athlete makes when joining a team.**

6 The Code of Conduct Misconduct Bottom Line:
Refer to the student/parent handbook Case by case basis Bottom Line: “Participants are expected to represent themselves, their activity, their school, their parents, and their community favorably at all times.”

7 “Keeping Hatters Healthy”
The Athletic Trainer We are fortunate enough to have a trainer available from 3-5:20 for all practices and home sporting events. The trainer oversees the physical process, as well as the return to play procedures, and any other health related issues occurring during KV sports “Keeping Hatters Healthy”

8 PIAA Physical Form 6 pages All signature lines must be signed!
Please have doctor stamp near their signature Dated AFTER June 1, 2013! Must be turned in to try out or practice NO EXCEPTIONS!! MAKE A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS!

9 Concussion Management
Plan used throughout middle and high school Allows for proper follow-up and clearance Evaluation & Clearance must be done by: Neurologist Physician trained in the management of concussion Progression for return to play Stepwise progression Must be symptom-free!!!!

10 Return to Play All injuries occurring at KV sports can be evaluated from 3:00-5:15 If getting doctor treatment, please trainer, athletic director, and school nurse to let them know Doctor note of clearance NEEDED to return to play Daily to PE teachers, nurses, guidance counselors and coaches notifying of status

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