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Cursing and Profanity.

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Presentation on theme: "Cursing and Profanity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cursing and Profanity

2 Cursing and Profanity The world in which we live is filled with obscene language, foul gestures and dirty jokes. Many Christians are easily caught up in profane talk also. We need to understand how God expects us to speak…

3 Cursing and Profanity Some Simple Facts…
Foul language appears in many different areas of our lives. Many in the world use curse words as regular vocabulary. Most don’t know they are disregarding God’s words about our speech.

4 Cursing and Profanity Does It Really Matter What I Say?
Your speech determines whether you are evil or good (Matthew 12:34-35) . We will give account for every word that we speak (Matthew 12:36-37).

5 Cursing and Profanity Does It Really Matter What I Say?
Christians are to put away profane language (Eph. 4:29; Peter 2:1-3). It is the ungodly that use such inappropriate talk (Ps. 10:4, 7).

6 Cursing and Profanity Does It Really Matter What I Say?
The same mouth should not speak blessing and cursing (James 3:8-12; Colossians 4:6). Jokes or foolish talking that are filthy must be avoided by saints (Ephesians 5:3-4).

7 Cursing and Profanity How Can I Control My Tongue?
I must know when to close my mouth to avoid sins of the tongue (Psalm 39:1-4). I must remember that I am seeking things above (Col. 3:1-8).

8 Cursing and Profanity How Can I Control My Tongue?
I need to purify my heart and be willing to put away perverse lips (Prov. 4:23-24). I can control my heart by meditating on pure things (Phil. 4:8-9).

9 Cursing and Profanity How Can I Control My Tongue?
My goals and personal decisions must place spiritual things first (Acts 24:16). May we pray that our lives be free of all offenses (Phil. 1:9-11).

10 Cursing and Profanity While our mouths can be used to glorify God and edify others, it is obvious that by our words we can be condemned. Let us determine to bless others and give thanks and praise to God all the days of our lives.

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