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As students enter the room, have the question displayed on the board and allow them to talk quietly in pairs.

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Presentation on theme: "As students enter the room, have the question displayed on the board and allow them to talk quietly in pairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 As students enter the room, have the question displayed on the board and allow them to talk quietly in pairs.

2 Don’t look down on me Play the video about dwarfism: ‘Don’t look down on me’ (hyperlink in full screen) Link: Once you have watched the video ask the class for feedback: Why did people treat Jonathan differently in the video? How did Jonathan feel about the way people spoke to him/behaved? Star question: Were you surprised by people’s reactions towards Jonathan?

3 Go through the learning objectives with the class and explain how the previous video relates to these objectives and what they will be learning/discussing in class today.

4 Give each pair of students a piece of A4 paper and get them to fold it in half.

5 Ask students think about all the ways that people might be different
Ask students think about all the ways that people might be different. Encourage them to reflect on the video and the learning objectives if they ask for guidance. 3 minutes only. Pause the activity and ask for feedback from anyone you have seen write an invisible difference like autism or dyslexia. Prompt the class to think about what difficulties people might have that make it harder to learn. Allow them to discuss again in pairs and get them to write their ideas on the right hand side of the page. 30 seconds. Get students to feedback as a whole class activity, and add new suggestions to their list (on the right side). Write all the suggestions from students on the board – try to elicit SEND terms such as ADHD, ASD etc (also accept student friendly language). Write all the suggestions relating to SEND in red. Any other suggestions can be written in blue. Explain to students that all the differences in red are called special educational needs and they affect the way some people learn. Tell the students that we are now going to look at autism and some of the difficulties associated with it.

6 What it’s like to walk down a street when you have autism or Asperger syndrome
Watch the video: ‘What it's like to walk down a street when you have autism or an ASD’ (hyperlink in full screen) link: NB: Asperger syndrome is now referred to by medical practitioners as high functioning autism but this term is still used as many people have this identified as their diagnosis.

7 Drawing on the video on the previous slide, discuss the questions as a whole class.
NB: Asperger syndrome is now referred to by medical practitioners as high functioning autism but this term is still used as many people have this identified as their diagnosis.

8 At this point, refer to your school’s anti-bullying policy and procedures. Discuss who is an appropriate person to talk to and give information about any peer support schemes in your school. You may also want to give examples of the best way students can communicate with adults about bullying, and the most appropriate times they can do this.

9 Know more about special educational needs and disabilities in school?
Understand the types of bullying some young people might face? Refer back to the learning objectives and go over the main points of the lesson. Know what to do if you or one of your friends is being bullied?

10 Kidscape has a number of other teaching resources. Go to This presentation is also available for KS2

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