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By Andrea Gomez November 18th 2014

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1 By Andrea Gomez November 18th 2014
ANDY WARHOL By Andrea Gomez November 18th 2014

2 ANDY WARHOL leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art Born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States February 22, 1987 at age 58 in New York City, New York, United States Known for Printmaking, painting, cinema, photography

3 Themes Commercial products and signs - examples would include his famous Campbell's Soup cans, Coca Cola bottles and Brillopad boxes Celebrities - his pictures of Marilyn Monroe are perhaps the best known in this theme, but also images of everyone from Jacqueline Kennedy to Jimmy Cagney Death sites - several related themes here, really, one series focusing on car crashes, another dealing with electric chairs. There was also a series featuring grouped images of weapons like guns and knives Reproductions of cartoon images - everything from Dick Tracy to Mickey Mouse Self portraits and images of friends - this included not only painting but also film - he asked friends who visited his studio to do "screen tests" which involved them being filmed as they sat and talked.

4 Stuggles The central theme of his life become a struggle to express himself Warhol led an illustrious life, crossing many social boundaries in the changing society struggling with civil rights and war Andy struggled with his first-year classes in the Department of Painting and Design at Carnegie Mellon University

5 Inspirations Warhol was inspired by the people and thing he painted: Marilyn Monroe, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Campbell's soup, Brillo, etc. In terms of artistic influences you would certainly have to count the influence of Duchamp’s ready-mades. As for the people he surrounded himself with they included an eclectic mix of musicians, artists, writer and other creative and intellectuals. Some people of note that frequented the factory include: Truman Capote, Nico, Lou Reed, (and the rest of The Velvet Underground), David Bowie, Grace Jones, and Mick Jagger to name a few.

6 Best Artwork Eight Elvises is a 1963 silkscreen painting. In 2008 it was sold for $100 million to a private buyer, making the painting the most valuable work by Andy Warhol at the time. Camouflage Self-Portrait is a 1986 work The portrait is in a camouflage -patterned foreground with a black background.

7 Homage/Tribute Art

8 Reflection www.
I choose to do my power point on Andy Warhol because of the type of artwork he is known for, Pop Art. His art gives a more modern type of feeling and its different than the artwork done by other artist. His artwork really catches ones attentions with the many different layers of colors he uses. He also interested me because of the way he incorporates celebrities into his art as well as comics and more common seen objects www.

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